Silk Road Class 11 Questions And Answers PDF

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Silk Road Class 11 Questions And Answers

Silk Road NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers

Silk Road Understanding the text

I. Give the reasons for the following statements :
1. The article has been titled “Silk Road.”
2. Tibetan mastiffs were popular in China’s imperial courts.
3. The author’s experience at Hor was in stark contrast to earlier accounts of the place.
4. The author was disappointed with Darchen.
5. The author thought that his positive thinking strategy worked well after all.
1. The article has been titled ‘Silk Road’ as the writer goes for doing his ‘kora’ after traveling on the ‘Silk Road’. Most of his journey occurs on this road.

2. Tibetan mastiffs were very strong, sturdy, and alert animals. They were popular in China’s imperial courts as hunting dogs.

3. The author had come there for academic purposes actually. So he was not emotionally swayed as his earlier pilgrims the Swede or Japanese monks who were moved by the sanctity of the water of Mansarovar Lake.

4. Darchen was a very dusty place. Heaps of garbage lay scattered here. Moreover, life here was very unhurried and relaxed which didn’t appeal to the author at all. The feeling of relaxation was a significant drawback according to the author. Moreover, the author had come a bit earlier to the season of pilgrimage. Hence there were no pilgrims. He didn’t want to do his ‘kora’ alone. For that he had to wait so he was disappointed after reaching.

5. The author had very limited consideration. After coming to Darchen, he felt lonely. Just then he met Norbu, though ill-equipped for the pilgrimage, still Norbu gave useful suggestions like, they should hire yaks to carry their luggage and he won’t like to prostrate to do ‘kora’. At this, the author felt that his positive thinking strategy was working well.

II. Briefly comment on :

1. The purpose of the author’s journey to Mount Kailash.
2. The author’s physical condition in Darchen.
3. The author’s meeting with Norbu.
4. Tsetan’s support to the author during the journey.
5. “As a Buddhist, he told me, he knew that it didn’t really matter if I passed away, but he thought it would be bad for business.”
1. He had come to do “kora’ for academic purposes. Possibly he wanted to write some academic papers about it and its importance in the lives of pilgrims.

2. The author suffered severely from a cold. He felt disturbed while sleeping as one of his nostrils was blocked. He felt his chest heavy. As he breathed in through his mouth he felt strange. As he lay down to sleep, he felt he would never be able to wake up. So he spent his first night while remaining awake.

4. The author was feeling very disappointed in Darchen while Tseten had left, he had none to talk to (in English). As he was having his coffee and pondering over his limited consideration, Norbu entered. He sought permission to sit at the rickety table opposite the author. He had seen the novel in the writer’s hand and asked ‘English’? Soon after they struck in conversation.

Tsetan was the driver of the author’s vehicle. It seemed that he had undertaken a journey to Mount Kailash many times. He knew how to tackle the frozen tracks. He guided the author to have lunch breaths, tea, and put up for the night. When the author spent a sleepless night at Darchen, he took him to medical-college treatment. However he was quite professional, as he sensed that something untoward could happen with the author as he felt a heavy chest and blocked nostrils, he left the latter saying that being Buddhist was O.K. but it was not good for his business.

5. Tsetan told the author that being Buddhist, it didn’t matter at all if the author passed away in Darchen. As Darchen was a holy place. So if the author died, it won’t be bad. But as Tsetan was a professional driver, it could affect his business adversely, as people could mistake him for an ominous driver whose customers die even before doing ‘kora. ’

Silk Road Talking about the text

Discuss in groups of four.
1. The sensitive behavior of hill-folk.
2. The reasons why people willingly undergo the travails of difficult journeys.
3. The accounts of exotic places in legends and reality.
Answer: Class-room-activity.
For Q. No. I.
The hill-folk people prostrate to take rounds while doing their ‘kora’, while the urban- people like Norbu or the author laugh at such things.
For Q. No. 2. Just to abide by their tradition and customs.
For Q. No. 3. much different.
In legends and books, Mansarovar lake is regarded as the origin place of four rivers in India. In reality, just one river rises from here.
In legend, places are so beautiful and worth worshipping. In reality, tourists don’t have that sacred feeling and increase the heaps of dirt and filth there.

Silk Road Thinking About Language

1. Notice the kind of English Tsetan uses while talking to the author. How do you think he picked it up?

2. What do the following utterances indicate?
(i) “I told her, through Daniel…”
“It’s a cold,” he said finally through Tsetan.
(ii) “Until that is, I met Norbu.”

Language English
No. of Pages4
PDF Size1 MB

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