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Durjoy Dutta If It’s Not Forever It’s Not Love Book PDF Free Download

What If
My breathing is ragged and strained. Every breath I inhale and exhale hurts a little more. I feel suffocated and my throat gets choked. my head hurts.
I try to open my eyes but a bandage on my head stops them. I adjust the bandage to open my eyes. My whole body is broken and it hurts like it has been crushed in a blender.
It takes me a while to gather where I am. Why does everything hurt so much? Is this a bad dream? I slowly partially open my eyes and look up at the ceiling.
It is not familiar. Then it attacks me. Chandni Chowk blast. It all comes back to me. Noise, people, blood, severed limbs,
Damaged remains of people, cars, and buildings. This time it is very difficult. I can think more clearly. I could join the dead. ‘Deb?’ A female voice says, ‘Are you okay?’
1 Look at him and my eyes sparkle. She is like a morphine pill which takes away all the pain. I feel alive.”Yes, I say weakly. I look at her and feel embarrassed. She has tears in her eyes and looks like she’s been crying for a long time. Did something happen to me?
I force my aching neck to move slightly and look at the bed I’m lying on. I try to move my arms and legs. I am not disabled or paralyzed. I just have a few cuts and burns here and there.
I’ve been lucky. ‘What happened? I ask. ‘There was a terrible blast in Chandni Chowk,’ she says, ‘Twenty-nine people have died so far.’She sits on the bed, hugs me, and starts crying. Do I feel something? Teardrops seep through my hospital gown and wet my skin.
Some tears come to my eyes also. I don’t know if it’s because she’s crying or because of what I saw. People died before my eyes and lost their hands, their legs, and their loved ones. It was like a nightmare. Just too bad. It happened.
The animal screams of people, the blood and organs flying around me—all this had happened. Why? I ask myself when I see her with her head bowed on my back.
I think of all those who lost their lives or were maimed this morning. What would his fans be doing? What would Avantika be doing if I died? I microwave only kamp restaurant about it. I almost died. Or it was made a disability. I feel relaxed.
‘Do Mom and Dad know?’ I asked him. She shakes her head. They called you?” “Yeah,” she said still. ‘Tell them you were at the office.’
I smile looking at her. She knows me and my parents very well. My parents live in Muscat, Oman and they find it very uncomfortable to be away from me.
They miss me a lot, but Dad worked there. Even though I am a grown man now, he is as protective of me as he was when I was a school-going child.
I still remember the fifteen-minute sermon I used to get from Mom and Dad whenever I went out. ‘Look both ways when you cross the road,’ ‘Don’t talk to anyone,’ and ‘Don’t eat anything anyone offers.’ You get the flow. This continued till my teenage years.
Author | Durjoy Datta |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 166 |
PDF Size | 0.7 MB |
Category | Novel |
Source/Credits | archive.org |
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If It’s Not Forever It’s Not Love Book PDF Free Download