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Way To Success 11th English Guide
This short story ‘The Portrait of a Lady has been written by the famous Indian writer Khushwant
Singh. He served as the editor of several literary and news magazines. As a writer, he is best known for his keen secularism, sarcasm, and love for poetry.
In this short story, he describes the love and affection between a grandson and a grandmother. It may have some autobiographical notes.
The grandmother was an old lady with wrinkled skin. She must have been very pretty in her youth.
Her husband, the grandfather’s portrait was hung above the mantelpiece in the drawing room.
He wore a big turban and loose-fitting clothes. He had a long white beard which covered the major portion of his chest and he looked as if he was hundred years old. Grandmother had always been short, fat, and slightly bent. She walked around the house in a clean white dress.
She always kept one hand on her waist to balance her stoop and the other telling the beads of her rosary.
The grandmother and the author were good friends. The author was left with his grandmother
in the village because his parents went to live in the city.
She used to help him to go to school. Everyday morning she recited her prayer thinking that the author would listen and learn the prayer by heart.
When she accompanied him to school she carried some stale chapattis for the stray dogs. While the children inside a temple learned the alphabet and prayer, she sat inside and read the scriptures.
When the parents were settled comfortably in the city they called the author and the grandmother.
In the city, the author and his grandmother were not very close. She did not accompany him to school.
She was not happy to know that in the city school, they did not teach about God. She was not interested in the music class too.
When he joined the University he was given a separate room and the common link between grandson and grandmother was broken.
She spent most of her time with the spinning wheel reciting her prayers. In the afternoon she sat in the verandah feeding hundreds of little sparrows with broken bread pieces.
When he went abroad for further studies, his grandmother went up to the railway station. But she was not emotional. After five years he came back and she was at the station to receive him. When she embraced him he could hear her reciting prayers.
That evening a change came over her. She did not pray. She collected some old ladies from the
neighborhood and was playing the drum for a long time without minding their words to stop that. The next day she fell ill.
The doctor said that it was not serious. But she said that her end was near. She stopped talking to her people. She lay peacefully in bed praying with her beads. In a short time, she died.
When her body was lifted for cremation thousands of sparrows spread all over the place.
When the author’s mother threw some bread crumbs they refused to eat. When her body was carried out of the house, all the sparrows flew away quietly.
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 240 |
PDF Size | 3 MB |
Category | Education |
Source/Credits | drive.google.com |
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Way To Success 11th English Guide PDF Free Download