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Syllogism Questions in English PDF
Directions (Q1 – Q20): In each of the given questions, a few statements have been given followed by two conclusions based on them. Consider the statements to be true and answer which of the given conclusions logically follow the statement.
Q 1.
Statement I: Some plums are peaches
Statement II: All peaches are apples
Statement III: Some apples are mangoes
Conclusion I: Some mangoes are peaches
Conclusion II: Some apples are peaches
- If only conclusion I follow
- If only conclusion II follows
- If conclusion I and II both follow
- If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
- If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Q 2.
Statement I: All trees are shrubs
Statement II: No shrub is a sapling
Statement III: All saplings are grass
Conclusions I: No tree is a grass
Conclusion II: Some saplings being trees is a possibility
- If only conclusion I follow
- If only conclusion II follows
- If conclusion I and II both follow
- If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
- If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Q 3.
Statement I: Some green is red
Statement II: Some red is blue
Statement III: All blue is yellow
Conclusion I: Some yellow is green
Conclusion II: Some yellow is red
- If only conclusion I follow
- If only conclusion II follows
- If conclusion I and II both follow
- If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
- If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Q 4.
Statement I: Some money is cash.
Statement II: Some cash are draft
Statement III: All drafts are bills
Conclusion I: Some money are draft
Conclusion II: Some money is bills
- If only conclusion I follow
- If only conclusion II follows
- If conclusion I and II both follow
- If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
- If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Q 5.
Statement I: All books are diary
Statement II: Some diaries are notebooks
Statement III: All notebooks are notepads
Conclusion I: Some notepads are diary
Conclusion II: Some notepads are books
- If only conclusion I follow
- If only conclusion II follows
- If conclusion I and II both follow
- If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
- If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Q 6.
Statement I: Some gold are platinum
Statement II: Some platinum are silver
Statement III: Some silver are zinc
Conclusion I: Some gold are silver
Conclusion II: Some zinc are platinum
- If only conclusion I follow
- If only conclusion II follows
- If conclusion I and II both follow
- If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
- If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Q 7.
Statement I: Only a few rivers are lakes
Statement II: All rivers are ocean
Statement III: All oceans are stream
Conclusion I: All stream being lakes is a possibility
Conclusion II: At least some oceans are rivers
- If only conclusion I follow
- If only conclusion II follows
- If conclusion I and II both follow
- If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
- If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Q 8.
Statement I: Only biscuits are chocolate
Statement II: Only few biscuits are snacks
Statement III: All snacks are beverages
Conclusion I: Some biscuits are not snacks is a possibility
Conclusion II: Some chocolates are snacks is a possibility
- If only conclusion I follow
- If only conclusion II follows
- If conclusion I and II both follow
- If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
- If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Q 9.
Statement I: Some mobiles are telephone
Statement II: No cordless is mobile.
Statement III: Some tablets are mobiles
Conclusion I: No mobile is cordless
Conclusion II: All telephone being tablets is a possibility
- If only conclusion I follow
- If only conclusion II follows
- If conclusion I and II both follow
- If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
- If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Q 10.
Statement I: Some Gmail is yahoo
Statement II: No yahoo is Instagram
Statement III: All Instagram is twitter
Conclusion I: Some twitter being Gmail is a possibility
Conclusion II: Some yahoo can never be Instagram
- If only conclusion I follow
- If only conclusion II follows
- If conclusion I and II both follow
- If neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows
- If either conclusion I or conclusion II follows
Q 11.
Statement I: Some winter are summer.
Statement II: All spring are summer.
Statement III: Some summer are autumn.
Conclusion I: No autumn is winter
Conclusion II: All autumns being winter is a possibility
Conclusion III: Some autumn is winter
- Only conclusion I follow
- Both conclusion I and III follow
- Either conclusion I and III follow and conclusion II definitely follows
- All conclusion I, II & III follow
- None of the above
Q 12.
Statement I: All plates are cups
Statement II: All cups are spoons
Statement III: Some spoons are forks
Statement IV: All forks are bowl
Conclusion I: All bowl are plates
Conclusion II: At least some spoons are bowl
Conclusion III: All cups are not plates
Conclusion IV: All plates being spoons is a possibility
- All conclusion follows
- Only conclusion II and IV follow
- Only conclusion I follow
- Only conclusion II follows
- None of the above
Q 13.
Statement I: All mobiles are laptops
Statement II: All laptops are computer
Statement III: Some computers are tablets
Statement IV: All tablets are palmtop
Conclusion I: All palmtop are laptops
Conclusion II: At least some computers are palmtop
Conclusion III: All laptops are not mobiles
Conclusion IV: All mobiles being computers is a possibility
- Both conclusion II and IV follow
- Only conclusion I follows
- Only conclusion IV follow
- Only conclusion III follow
- Only conclusion II follow
Q 14.
Statement I: Some roses are sunflower
Statement II: Some sunflower are marigold
Statement III: All marigold are lilies
Statement IV: No rose is tulip
Conclusion I: Some lilies are sunflower
Conclusion II: Some lilies are roses
Conclusion III: Some marigold are tulip
Conclusion IV: No marigold is tulip
- Only conclusion I follow
- Either conclusion IV and III follow
- Both options (1) and (2)
- Cannot be determined
- None of the above
Q 15.
Statement I: No P is X
Statement II: All X are Y
Statement III: Some Y are Z
Conclusion I: No P is Z
Conclusion II: No Y is X
Conclusion III: Some Y is X is a possibility
Conclusion IV: At least some Z are P
- Either conclusion I or IV follow
- Either conclusion I or II follow
- Either conclusion III or IV follow
- Either conclusion II or III follow
- Either conclusion IV or II follow
Q 16.
Statement I: Some sketchpen are pencil
Statement II: All the marker are pencil
Statement III: All the pens are sketchpen
Conclusion I: Some sketchpen are marker
Conclusion II: No pen is pencil
Conclusion III: Some marker is sketchpen
- Only conclusion I follow
- Only conclusion II follow
- Only conclusion III follow
- Both conclusion I and II follow
- None of the above
Q 17.
Statement I: All the white are grey
Statement II: All the black are grey
Statement III: Some purple are black
Conclusion I: Some white are black
Conclusion II: Some grey are white
Conclusion III: Some grey are purple
- Either conclusion III or I follow
- Only conclusion II follow
- Both conclusion I and II follow
- Either conclusion I or II follow
- None of the above
Q 18.
Statement I: All vegetables are fruits
Statement II: Some sweets are fruits
Conclusion I: All vegetables are sweets
Conclusion II: All sweets are vegetables
Conclusion III: Some fruits are sweets
- Only conclusion I follow
- Only conclusion III follow
- Only conclusion II follow
- All conclusions I, II & III follow
- None of the three conclusions follow
Q 19.
Statement I: All pillows are cushions
Statement II: Some cushions are bedsheet
Statement III: All bedsheet are blankets
Statement IV: Some blankets are tablecover
Conclusion I: Some blankets are cushions
Conclusion II: Some blankets are pillows
Conclusion III: Some tablecover is cushions
- Only conclusion I follow
- Only conclusion II follow
- Only conclusion III follow
- Both conclusion I and II follow
- Both conclusion III and I follow
Q 20.
Statement I: Some sparrows are pigeons
Statement II: Some pigeons are crows
Statement III: Some crows are peacocks
Statement IV: Some peacocks are parrots
Conclusions I: Some parrots are pigeons
Conclusion II: No parrot is pigeon
Conclusion III: Some peacocks are sparrows
Conclusion IV: No peacock is a sparrow
- Only Conclusion I and II follow
- Only Conclusion I, II & III follow
- Either conclusion I or II and III or IV follow
- All the four conclusions follow
- Only conclusion II follows
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 39 |
PDF Size | 2 MB |
Category | English |
Source/Credits | testzonesmartkeeda.b-cdn.net |
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