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Shri Guru Charitra
Shri Guru-Charitra, a religious book giving a brief life story of “Shri Nrusimha Saraswati Swami Maharaj”, was written in the 15th Century by one of his closest disciples.
This book is a treasure house of religious events related to the life of Shri Nrusimha Saraswati. It is read with great reverence by the devotees of Lord Shri Dattatreya.
The ‘Shri Guru Charitra’ is the life of ‘Shri Guru Dattatreya’ (an incarnation of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara).
It was originally written in Ovi form (a Marathi Metre) in Marathi by Shri Saraswati Gangadhar,
whose ancestor Sayamdev had personally lived and served with devotion, Guru Narasimha Saraswati, an incarnation of Shri Dattatreya about 600 years ago.
It was later translated into Sanskrit by Shri Vasudevananda Saraswati (Tembye Swamy), who is regarded by many as an incarnation of Shri Dattatreya and who lived about a hundred years ago.
It has been later translated into several other languages.
This volume is regarded as divine, capable of blessing one and all who read it with respect, and is placed with images of Gods and adored in almost all devotees’ houses of Maharashtra.
It is much respected and is very popular like Vedas, Ramayan, Mahabharat, Bhagawat and other Puranas in Sanskrit and Dnyaneshwari, Dasbodh, Eknathi Bhagwat etc, in Marathi.
In the last century, it has spread its influence far and wide and legion is the experiences got by those devotees who read it regularly with respect.
Shri Dattatreya had taken birth at the Ashram of Atri and Anasuya in very very old times (Krita Yuga) and it is believed that
his two incarnations namely Shripada Shri Vallabha and Shri Narasimha Saraswati had taken place in the Deccan in about the 14th and 15th Century(A. D.) respectively.
Shri Manikya Prabhu, Shri Akkalkot Maharaj, Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi and Shri Vasudevananda Saraswati are some of the great Saints who are considered as the Avatars (incarnations) or Amsas (taking a part of His powers) of Shri Dattatreya.
This is the historical period when the Bahamani Kingdom was split up into five different Kingships, one of which viz ‘Bidar’ is mentioned in this volume. ‘Shri Guru Charitra’ depicts the life missions of these two incarnations.
Durwas Curses King Ambarish
Namdharak – ‘Swamiji, you have removed my doubt by giving me the knowledge of the greatness of Shri Guru. I am much pleased at heart. Will you kindly inform me where you stay? What is your food? I wish to be in your service. Kindly accept me as your disciple’.
Shri Siddha embraced him with affection and blessing him said ‘You will see that miraculous incidents are occurring at the dwelling place of Shri Guru. Studying the life of shri Guru is like draining nectar.
I always read this life again and again’ saying this he showed his sacred book titled (Life of Shri Guru) to Namdharak and further said, ‘Whatever pleasure or social status we desire, we shall get it soon by reading this. We shall not be affected by any disease incurred due to displeasure of the planets or other reasons.
The sin of killing a Brahmin, is also wiped off if this book is read with devotion and concentration of mind’.
Namdhrak – ‘Oh the Ocean of kindness, you appear to me be Shri guru himself. I wish to know the life of Shri Guru. Will you please remove the darkness of my ignorance by the light of this life of Shri Guru,which is as bright as the Sun?’
Shri Siddha assured him and holding his hand took him to a lovely place, seated him under Ashwatha tree which is like Kalpa Vriksha, i.e. a tree fulfilling one’s desires and began to narrate him the nectar like life of Shri Guru.
He told him, ‘You do not know how to serve Shri Guru and hence you have to suffer from anxieties, pains and miseries. You should therefore, try to know Shri Guru by good actions and firm belief’.
Namdharak – ‘My body is burning due to threefold fires in this earthly ocean. I am obsessed by sex, anger and temptation. So kindly take me in the boat of knowledge, steer it by the wind of kindness and thus give salvation to me’.
Shri Siddha said, ‘You need not be anxious. You will surely be relieved of your miseries, engrossed in illusion and temptation, those who doubt the great power of Shri Guru, they have always to suffer from poverty and hardship. So give up suspicion. Shri Guru is an Ocean of Kindness. He will give you everything.
Just as clouds give rain everywhere, similarly Shri Guru gives showers of kindness. As water is stored in the deep portions of earth and on the rocky place, so an individual attains Shri Guru’s favor.
Therefore worship Shri Guru wholeheartedly.’
Writer | Shri Saraswati Gangadhar |
Language | English |
Pages | 64 |
Pdf Size | 1 MB |
Category | Spiritual |
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