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EID Takbeer
اللّهُ أكبر اللّهُ أكبر
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Allah is Great, Allah is Great
اللّهُ أكبر
Allahu Akbar
Allah is Great
لا إلَهَ الا اللّه
La illaha il Allah
there is no God, but Allah
اللّهُ أكبر اللّهُ اكبر
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
Allah is Great, Allah is Great
و لِلّه الحمدَ
walilahil Hamd
to Him belongs all Praise
اللّهُ أكبرُ كَبيِرَا
Allahu Akbaru Kabeera
Allah is the Greatest
وَالحَمدُ لِلّهِ كَثِيرا
wal-Hamdulilahi katheera
And all Praise is due to Him
وَ سُبحَان اللّهِ
wa Subhan allahi
And Glory to Allah
بُكرَةً وَأصْيِلا
bukratan wa aseila
eventide and in the morning
لا إلَهَ الا اللّه
La illaha il Allah
there is no God, but Allah the Unique
صَدَقَ وَعدَه
sadaqa wa’dah
He has fulfilled His Promise
وَنَصَرَ عبده
wa nasara abda
and made Victorious His servant
وأعزَ جُنَده
wa a’azza jundahu
and made Mighty His soldiers
وَهزم الأحْزَابَ وحْدَه
wa hazamal-ahzaaba wahdah
and defeated the confederates
لا إلَهَ الا اللّه
La illaha il Allah
there is no God, But Allah
وَلا نَعبُد الا أياه
wa laa na’budu illa iyyah
He alone we worship
مُخلِصِّينَ لَهُ الدّيِنَ
mukhlessena lahud-deena
with sincere and exclusive devotion
وَلوْ كَرِهَ الكَافِروُن
walaw karehal-Kafeeroon
even though the idolaters hate it
اللّهمَ صَلِّ على سيْدنَا مُحَمد
Allahumma salli ala sayyedna Muhammad
O Allah, have Mercy on our Prophet Muhammad
وَعَلى آلِ سيْدنَا مُحَمد
wa ala aalie sayyedna Muhammad
and on the family of our Prophet Muhammad
وَعَلى اصْحَابِ سيْدنَا مُحَمد
wa ala as-haabie sayyedna Muhammad
and on the companions of our Prophet Muhammad
وَعَلى أنصَارِ سيْدنَا مُحَمد
wa ala ansari sayyedna Muhammad
and on the helpers of our Prophet Muhammad
وَعَلى أزوَاجِ سيْدنَا مُحَمد
wa ala azwajie sayyedna Muhammad
and on the wives of our Prophet Muhammad
وَعَلى ذُرِّيَةِ سيْدنَا مُحَمد
wa ala dhurreyatie sayyedna Muhammad
and on the progeny of our Prophet Muhammad
وَ سَلّم تَسْلِيماَ كَثّيرا
wa sallim tasleeman katheera
and Bestow upon them much peace.
Author | – |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 1 |
PDF Size | 1 MB |
Category | Religious |
Source/Credits | – |
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