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Nabi Na Naam Dawoodi Bohra
On the most auspicious occasion of Lailatul Qadar, Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin TUS bestows doa Mubarak for all mumineen, muminaat and their children, “May Allah Ta’ala grant you, all mumineen, strength and tawfeeq to perform ibadat, namaz, doa, with humility and sincerity. May Allah Ta’ala
accept your ibadat and give you abundant barakaat and thawaab. May He fulfill all your wishes; ease all your difficulties; keep you and your families safe from the calamities of this world;
open the doors of prosperity for you; and give you strength and tawfeeq to stay steadfast on the straight path of sirat-e- mustaqeem.”
Syedna TUS also bestows doa Mubarak for all Muslimeen, especially those living under the clouds of oppression, injustice and violence, “May Allah Ta’ala alleviate their suffering and may peace and justice prevail.”
Syedna TUS also bestows doa Mubarak for all humankind, “May the virtuous human values of compassion, kindness and respect bind us together in harmony; and may Allah Ta’ala give us
the strength and compassion to work together towards the betterment of all people of this world.”
SIJILL ARTICLE: Maulana Ali’s Wasiyyat –Advice and Wise Counsel – Before His Shahaadat During his last Shehrullah Amirul Mumineen SA lived in Kufa, Iraq.
On the morning of the 19th of Shehrullah, Ibn Muljim — one of the Kharijites escaped from the battle with the Khawaarij (those who abandoned and denounced Amirul Mumineen SA after the battle of Siffeen) — struck a deadly
blow to Maulana Ali SA with his sword while he was praying Tahiyyatul Masjid in Jame’ Kufa.
Amirul Mumineen was then brought to his home. During the next two days, before his Ruh Mubarak (blessed soul) departed this world for the highest heavens on the 21st of Shehrullah, Amirul Mumineen SA spent his last hours giving advice and wise counsel to his family and the close companions gathered around him.
Amirul Mumineen SA said: Praise God, who fixed the span of lives, destined the sustenance his servants receive, ordained a destiny for all things, and omitted nothing from the book.
He said: “Wherever you may be, death will find you, even if you take shelter in fortified towers.”
He also said: “Say: Even if you had been sheltering in your homes, those who were destined to be slain would have gone forth to the places where they were to lie down in death.”
And he said to his prophet:“Command good, forbid evil, and bear patiently the troubles that assail you. Truly, this is part of resoluteness in tackling affairs.”
The beloved of God, God’s chosen from among his creatures, the epitome of truthfulness whose veracity we all accept, informed [me] about this day.
He entrusted me with a testament regarding it, saying: “Ali, I wonder how it will be with you when you remain alone among the dregs of humanity.
You will call out and none will answer. You will defend the faith and none will come to your aid. Your companions will incline toward another, your advisors will become your adversaries, those with you causing you more harm than your enemy.
If you urge them to fight, they will block your attempts and avert their faces.
Author | Sijall |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 8 |
PDF Size | 1 MB |
Category | Religious |
Source/Credits | Panotbook.com |
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