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Henrik Ibsen Doll’s House Book PDF Free Download

THIS is not only one of the most frequently acted and discussed of all Ibsen’s twenty-odd plays, it marks a great turning-point in his career, and therefore in the history of European drama.
His earlier plays, romantic and historical, had given him a considerable reputation in Scandinavia, and The Pillars of Society (1877) had proved popular in Germany also, but A Doll’s House made him famous throughout Europe and began a new dramatic era.
The first two and a half acts show nothing remarkable, interesting as they are. Though the characters are vitalized by the creative power of the poet in Ibsen, which was fortunately never subdued to realism, the tone and conduct of the whole are those of the French “well-made” play, with many little theatrical touches in the use of coincidence and contrast, the tarantella scene, and the working out of Nora’s tragedy against the bright tinsel background of Christmas festivities.
None of this perturbed audiences of the ‘eighties and ‘nineties, who looked forward comfortably to the conventional happy ending. It was the ending that was revolutionary.
A room, comfortably and tastefully, but not expensively, furnished. In the back, on the right, a door leads to the hall on the left another door leads to Helmer’s study.
Between the two doors a pianoforte. In the middle of the left wall is a door, and nearer the front is a window. Near the window is a round table with armchairs and a small sofa.
In the right wall, somewhat to the back, a door, and against the same wall, farther forward, a porcelain stove; in front of it a couple of armchairs and a rocking chair.
Between the stove and the side door is a small fable. Engravings on the walls. Whatnot with china and Bric-à-brac.
A small bookcase filled with handsomely hound books. Carpet. A fire in the stove. It is a winter day.
A bell rings in the hall outside, Presently the outer door of the flat is hard to open. Then Nora enters, humming gaily.
She is in outdoor dress and carries several parcels, which she lays on the right-hand table. She leaves the door into the hall open, and a Porier is seen outside, carrying a Christmas tree and a basket, which he gives to the maidservant who has opened the door.
Nora. Hide the Christmas tree carefully, Ellen: the children must on no account see it before this evening. when it’s lighted up. (To Porter, taking out her purse.) How much?
She continues smiling in quiet glee as she takes off her outdoor things. Taking from her pocket a bag of macaroons, she eats one or two. Then she goes on tiptoe to her husband’s door and listens.] Nora. Yes, he is at home.
[She begins humming again, crossing to the table on the right.] Helmer (in his room). Is that my lark twittering there? Nora (busy opening some of her parcels). Yes, it is.
Helmer. Is it the squirrel frisking around?
Nora. Yes!
Helmer. When did the squirrel get home? Nora. Just this minute. (Hides the bag of macaroons in her pocket and wipes her mouth.) Come here, Torvald, and see what I’ve been buying.
The same room. In the corner, beside the piano, stands the Christmas-tree, stripped, and with the candles burnt out. Nora’s outdoor things lie on the sofa.
Nora, alone, is walking about restlessly. At last she stops by the sofa, and takes up her cloak.
Nora {dropping the cloak). There’s somebody coming! {Goes to the hall door and listens.) Nobody ; of course nobody will come to-day, Christmas Day ; nor tomorrow either. But perhaps {Opens the door and
looks out.) — No, nothing in the letter-box ; quite empty. {Comes forward.) Stuff and nonsense ! Of course he won’t really do anything. Such a thing couldn’t happen. It’s impossible ! Why, I have three httle children.
[Anna enters from the left, with a large cardboard box.]
Anna. I’ve found the box with the fancy dress at last.
Nora. Thanks ; put it down on the table.
Anna {does so). But I’m afraid it’s very much out of order.
Nora. Oh, I wish I could tear it into a hundred thousand pieces !
Anna. Oh no. It can easily be put to rights — just a little patience.
Nora. I shall go and get Mrs. Linden to help me.
Anna. Going out again ? In such weather as this ! You’ll catch cold, ma’am, and be ill.
Nora. Worse things might happen. — WTiat are the children doing ?
Anna. They’re playing with their Christmas presents,
poor little dears ;
Author | Henrik Ibsen |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 104 |
PDF Size | 4.3 MB |
Category | Drama |
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Henrik Ibsen Doll’s House Book PDF Free Download