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Termux Commands for File Management
Termux Command | Usage of Termux Command |
ls | ls is a command that is used to list all the directories and files in the working folder/directory. It is used to list the files/directories so, you can look up a particular file or folder. |
ls -a | ls -a helps to list all files and folders along with hidden folders and files in Termux |
ls ~ | ls ~ command is used to list all files and folders in the home directory |
ls -l | ls -l command shows file actions like – modified, date and time, owner of the file, permissions and more. |
cp | cp command is used to copy a file to another directory. Example: cp image.jpg /droidmaze/webdev to copy image.jpg file to webdev directory |
mv | mv is used to move a particular file or folder to another folder/directory. It can be used like mv image.jpg /data/webdev to move image.jpg to the webdev directory. |
pwd | pwd command is used to show current working directory |
touch | touch command is used to create files in Termux. |
cat | cat commands are used to display contents of a file. |
mkdir | mkdir is the command used to create a directory/folder in Termux. |
rm | rm command is used to remove files from directories. |
rm -r | rm -r command is used to remove non empty directories. |
find | find command is used to find files in Termux terminal. |
Termux Commands for Package Management
Termux Command | Usage of Termux Command |
pkg search | pkg search command is used to search packages for Termux that you can install later on. |
pkg install | pkg install command is used to install different packages in the Termux app on Android. |
pkg autoclean | pkg autoclean command is used to remove all outdated packages cache. |
pkg clean | pkg clean command is used to remove all packages from .deb package cache. |
pkg files | pkg files command is used to show all files installed by packages. |
pkg list-all | pkg list-all command is used to list all packages available in repositories. |
pkg reinstall | pkg reinstall command is used to reinstall specified installed packages with their latest version. |
pkg show | pkg show command is used to show basic metadata like dependencies etc. |
pkg uninstall | pkg uninstall command is used to uninstall specified packages. However their configuration and packages will remain in Termux. |
pkg upgrade | pkg upgrade is used to upgrade all the currently installed packages. |
Termux Commands for Linux utilities
Termux Commands | Usage of Termux Commands |
help | help command lists all the system-level commands for your Termux app. |
top | top is a Termux command to display all the background processes. It displays all the background activities and processes in the Terminal. It’s a quite handy command to use in Termux. |
history | the history command is used to see all the previous run commands. It will show up a list of all the commands previously used in this Termux session. |
alias | alias command is super helpful Termux command. It lets you create an alias for a particular long command which can help you in performing repetitive operations easily. alias is going to save you a lot of time. |
exit | exit command is helpful and very commonly used Termux command. It lets you exit out of the Termux terminal easily. |
df -h | df -h command is used to display the storage usage. It shows how much storage is left and how much is already equipped. |
uptime | uptime command shows you the uptime of your Android device. |
curl | curl is one of the most important Termux commands that lets you send an HTTP request to a given URL. |
env | env command helps you to set up environment variables for your Termux terminal. |
Author | – |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 9 |
PDF Size | 0.8 MB |
Category | Computer |
Source/Credits | droidmaze.com |
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Termux Commands List PDF Free Download