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Nostradamus Predictions
ESTANT assis de nuict secret estude,
Seul reposé sur la selle d’ærain:
Flambe exigue sortant de solitude,
Fait prosperer qui n’est à croire vain.
Sitting alone at night in secret study;
It is placed on the brass tripod.
A slight flame comes out of the emptiness and
makes successful that which should not be believed in vain.
La vierge en main mise au milieu de Branches
De l’onde il moulle & le l’imbe & le pied:
Vn peur & voix fremissent par les manches:
Splendeur diuine. Le diuin pres s’assied.
The wand in the hand is placed in the middle of the tripod’s legs.
With water, he sprinkles both the hem of his garment and his foot.
A voice, fear: he trembles in his robes.
Divine splendor; the god sits nearby.
Quand la lictiere du tourbillon versee,
Et seront faces de leurs manteaux couuers,
La republique par gens nouveaux vexee,
Lors blancs & rouges iureront à l’enuers.
When the litters are overturned by the whirlwind
and faces are covered by cloaks,
the new republic will be troubled by its people.
At this time the reds and the whites will rule wrongly.
Par l’vnivers sera faict vn monarque,
Qu’en paix & vie ne sera longuement:
Lors se perdra la piscature barque,
Sera regie en plus grand detriment.
In the world, there will be made a king
who will have little peace and a short life?
At this time the ship of the Papacy will be lost,
governed to its greatest detriment.
Chassez seront pour faire long combat,
Par les pays seront plus fort greuez:
Bourg & cité auront plus grand debat.
Caracas. Narbonne auront coeur esprouuez.
They will be driven away for a long drawn-out fight.
The countryside will be most grievously troubled.
Town and country will have greater struggle.
Carcassonne and Narbonne will have their hearts tried.
Tard arriué l’execution faicte,
Le vent contraire lettres au chemin prinses:
Les conjures XIIIJ. I’ve section,
Par le Rousseau senez les entreprinses.
Arrived too late, the act has been done.
The wind was against them, letters were intercepted on their way.
The conspirators were fourteen of a party.
By Rousseau shall these enterprises be undertaken.
Combien de fois prinse cité solitaire
Seras changeant ses loix barbares & vaines:
Ton mal s’aproche. Plus seras tributaires
Le grand Hardie recouurira tes veines.
How often will you be captured, O city of the sun?
Changing laws that are barbaric and vain.
Bad times approach you. No longer will you be enslaved.
Great Hadrie will revive your veins.
De l’Orient viendra le coeur Punique
Fascher Hadrie, & les hoires Romulides,
Acompagne de la classe Libique,
emples Melites & proches Isles vuides.
From the Orient will come the African heart
to trouble Hadrie and the heirs of Romulus.
Accompanied by the Libyan fleet
The temples of Malta and nearby islands shall be deserted
Language | Indonesian |
No. of Pages | 372 |
PDF Size | 1.5 MB |
Category | General |
Source/Credits | – |
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