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Vision IAS World History Notes Book PDF Free Download

Topic In World History
- Feudalism, Church, Change, Modern Era, Glorious Revolution
- American Revolution
- French Revolution and Rise of Napoleon
- Nationalism: Rise and Impact
- Unification of Germany and Italy
- Industrial Revolution
- Colonialism (Africa, Pacific, Central and West Asia, China) and Imperialism (Japan and US)
- World War 1 and Preceding Events
- Impact of World War 1 and League of Nations
- Events from 1919 -39
- World War 2 and its Impact
- Different Socio Economic System: Russia, India, China
- Italy: Rise of Mussolini and Fascist
- Germany and Rise of Hitler
- Nazism and Fascism
- Cold War
- Europe after 1945 and Decolonisation
- South Africa Apartheid
Understanding of the events before 18th century is important to understand the later developments. The dawn of 18th Century was characterized by:
- End of Feudalism in England (Feudalism ended much later in rest of Europe).
- Increase in the number of towns and cities.
- Increase in trade.
- Transition to a money-based economy from land-based economy of Feudalism.
- Rise of Merchant classes and Absolute Monarchs (*England had Democracy and after the Glorious Revolution of 1688, there was supremacy of Parliament instead of Monarchy).
- Decline in power of the Catholic Church.
- Mercantile Capitalism.
- British-French rivalry at its zenith.
1.2. Why Feudalism developed?
Feudalism developed due to lack of a single central political authority in Western Europe as it had disintegrated into many small and big kingdoms. In such a system the local Lords became more powerful than the King and controlled the affairs of the society.
1.3. Features of Feudalism
The economy in the Feudal system was village-based and the villages were self sufficient. There was a decline in towns as well as trade during this period. Land, not money, was the main source of power.
Author | – |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 245 |
PDF Size | 9 MB |
Category | Education |
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