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The Origin Of Species By Charles Darwin PDF Free Download

due to variability. effect of habit. correlation of development. Heritage. Character of domesticated varieties.
Difficulty distinguishing between varieties and species. The origin of domesticated varieties from one or more species.
Domestic pigeons, their differences and origin. The theory of selection followed its effects from ancient times. Systematic and unconscious selection.
Unknown origin of our domestic products. Circumstances are favorable to the power of choice of man.
When we look at the individuals of the same variety or sub-variety of our old cultivated plants and animals.
The first point that strikes us is that they generally differ much more from each other in the state of nature than from individuals of any one species or variety.
When we consider the great variety of plants and animals that have been cultivated, and that have varied through all the ages under different climates and treatments.
I think we are led to conclude that this greater variability is simply because our domestic productions are born under conditions of life which are not so uniform.
and somewhat different from those to which the original species have been exposed under nature.
I think there is also some possibility, in the view put forward by Andrew Knight, that this variability may be partly linked to excess food.
It seems quite clear that biological beings must be exposed to new conditions of life during many generations in order to produce any appreciable amount of variation; and that once an organization begins to change, it usually continues to change for several generations.
There is no case on record that any variable ceases to be variable under cultivation.
Our oldest cultivated plants, such as wheat, still often produce new varieties: our oldest domesticated animals are still capable of rapid improvement or modification.
In 1846, veteran geologist M.J. D’Omalius d’Hailloy published an excellent though short paper (‘Bulletins de I’Acad. Roy. Bruxelles’ torn. xiii. p. 581).
He is of the opinion that it is more likely that new species have arisen by descent with modification than that they have been created separately: the author first publicized this opinion in 1831.
Professor Owen wrote in 1849 (‘Nature of Limbs,’ p. 86) as follows:— “On this planet, long before the species of animals that existed, the ideal idea manifested itself in flesh under various modifications Really exemplify this.
What natural laws or secondary causes may be behind the orderly succession and progress of such biological phenomena, we are as yet ignorant.”
In his address to the British Association in 1858, he spoke of “the principle of the continual operation of the creative power, or of the determined constitution of living things” (P. Lee.).
Further (p. xc), after referring to the geographical distribution, he says, “These incidents shake our confidence to the conclusion that the Apteryx of New Zealand and the Red Grouse of England are distinct to and from those islands respectively.” There were creations.
Always, it is also well to bear in mind that by the word ‘creation’ the zoologist means ‘a process which he does not know what’. He expands on this idea by adding that when there are cases such as the Red Grouse.
Counted by the zoologist as evidence of the bird’s distinctive composition in and for such islands, he chiefly expresses that he does not know how the Red Grouse came to be there, and especially there; In this way of expressing such ignorance, he also shows his belief that both the bird and the island originated from a great first creative cause.”
Author | Charles Darwin |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 568 |
PDF Size | 24.1 MB |
Category | Literature |
Source/ Credits | archive.org |
The Origin Of Species By Charles Darwin PDF Free Download