The Little House Cookbook PDF

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The Little House Cookbook

Laura Ingalls Wilder was born in Pepin, Wisconsin, in 1867. In 1932, when she was sixty-five years
old, she wrote her first book, Little House in the Big Woods, a lightly fictionalized account of her
childhood days in her first frontier home.

The next year she followed with Farmer Boy, recounting her husband Almanzo’s boyhood on the prosperous Wilder dairy farm outside Malone, New York, not far from the Canadian border.

During the next ten years, she wrote and published the seven books that have, with the first two, become known around the world (and in fifteen languages) as the “

House” books-Little House on the Prairie, On the Banks of Plum Creek, By the Shores of Silver Lake,
The Long Winter, Little Town on the Prairie, These Happy Golden Years, and The First Four Years. In
them, she traced the migration of her family-Ma, Pa, and sisters Mary, Grace, and Carrie-from Pepin to

the southern Kansas border, on to Walnut Grove, Minnesota, to Silver Lake, South Dakota, and finally
to DeSmet; South Dakota. These Happy Golden Years is set on the Homestead Act claim settled by the

Ingallses outside DeSmet; it ends with Laura’s marriage at eighteen to Almanzo Wilder. The First Four Years tells of their life together on their own claim not far away.

Throughout this now classic series much of the action centers on food—hunting it, growing it, losing it to natural disasters, cooking it, preserving it, and eating it. On the frontier, feeding the family was a
task that took most of everyone’s time.

For Pa, there was no weekly paycheck to be exchanged for shelter, clothing, and groceries. Pa pursued the food with gun, trap, and plow; Ma prepared and preserved it; and the children helped in both activities.

Food also looms large in this pioneer chronicle because there was rarely enough of it. Though she tells of being listless and weak from near-starvation during the Long Winter, in the storybook Laura never complains of hunger.

Yet the real grownup Laura’s memory for daily fare and holiday feasts says more
about her eagerness for meals, her longing for enough to eat than it does about her interest in cooking.

Farmer Boy is not merely her husband’s story; it is her own fantasy of blissful youth, surrounded on all sides by food.

The Wilders established farmers in an area that favored dairy herds and offered a market for dairy
products. Caroline Quiner and Charles Ingalls-Ma and Pa-had been raised as farmers, but on land
newly turned to the plow.

Ma and Pa would carry on the pioneer tradition of their parents, struggling to establish a farm with cash crops and products to sell, but living meanwhile as nomads, off staples from the
country store and food from the wilds.

It was their migrant life, as much as the seasons, that shaped the Ingallses’ diet, and this fact provides the organizing principle of our recip

es. Basic to their lives were the tools and staples that could be paid for or bartered for, regardless of place or season.

Next in importance were the gifts of Nature-fish from the rivers, berries from the brush, game from the woods and prairies-to be gathered in the summer and fall and preserved for winter and spring. Bread from their own wheat was the Ingallses’ dream; usually it

Language English
No. of Pages264
PDF Size0.02 MB

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