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Tess of The d’Urbervilles
“Oh, Lord! stop the churn ! let me out !” says he, popping out his head, “I shall be churned into a pummy!” (he was a cowardly chap in his heart, as such men mostly be).
“Not till you make amends for ravaging her trustful innocence !” says the old woman. Stop the churn, you old witch!” screams he,
“You call me old witch, do ye, you deceiver !” says she, “when ye ought to ha’ been calling me mother-law these last five months !”
And on went the churn, and Jack’s bones rattled round again. Well, none of us ventured to inter fire; and at last, ‘a promised to make it right wi’ her.
“Yes-I’ll be as good as my word !” he said. And so it ended that day.” While the listeners were smiling and commenting there was a quick movement behind their backs, and they looked around. Tess, pale-faced, had gone to the door.
How warm it is today!’ she said, almost inaudibly. It was warm, and none of them connected her withdrawal with the reminiscences of the dairy.
His words as a help, lightly as they were spoken And I grew up there. And I was in the Sixth Standard when I left school, and they said I had great aptness and should make a good teacher, so it was settled that I should be one.
But there was trouble in my family; my father was not very industrious, and he drank a little. Yes, yes. Poor child! Nothing new.’ He pressed her more closely to his side.
And then—there is something very peculiar about it about me. Tess’s breath quickened.
‘Yes, dearest. Never mind. “I-I– am not a Durbeyfield, but a D’Urberville-a descendant of the same family as those who owned the old house we passed. And we are all gone to nothing!
A D’Urberville Indeed! And is that all the trouble, dear Tess? Yes,’ she answered faintly. Well-why should I love you less after now.
Writer | Thomas Hardy |
Language | English |
Pages | 277 |
Pdf Size | 11 MB |
Category | Novel |
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