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Sinhala English Dictionary Book PDF Free Download

Sinhala English Dictionary
The first edition of this work was published in 1830. It proved to be most valuable to students of the Sinhalese language.
The book has for many years been one of priest and copies have been obtained only at very high prices. The issue of a new edition has therefore been long felt to be necessary.
But the preparation of it involved a great amount of labor and rendered delay unavoidable. The work was begun by the Rev.
George Bang but the greater part was executed by the Rev. Robert Tebb. After the missionaries left Ceylon the whole has been very can fully revised and no pains have been spared to ensure accuracy.
As it has been difficult to find time amid more pressing claims for this work, it is people that the delay which has occurred and also any errors and omissions which may be discovered will be regarded leniently.
It has not been as a labor of love, bat as the discharge of what appeared to be a public duty in the supply of a long-felt want, that the execution has persevered.
The entire book has had the careful supervision of the imminent Pandit, Bartholomew Gunasekurs Esquire, Mailaliyar, of the Colonial Secretary’s Office.
At his suggestion, a number of Pali and Basekrit words that appeared in the Best Solution have been cited in this, as they did not in any see belong to the Sishnlem language.
Bat many other words have been added, and the total number of words in this volume will, it is believed, be toch greater than the number included by Me. Conga.
We are much indel BSD to Mr. Gusedkars for the lane and time e la daten both to the revision of the copy and the correction of the proof sheets.
Author | B Clough |
Language | English, Sinhala |
Pages | 840 |
PDF Size | 78.8 MB |
Category | Dictionary |
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