NSDC Courses List 2023 PDF

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NSDC Or eSkillindia Courses List

The list of Pradhanmantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana,  eSkillindia Courses are given below.

Course NameDurationSector
Domestic Data Entry Operator (Hindi)20:00 HoursIT-ITES
Domestic Data Entry Operator (English)20:00 HoursIT-ITES
Computer Basics6:23 HoursIT-ITES
Computer Hardware Repairing8:22 HoursIT-ITES
Basic Electrical Training2:45 HoursElectronics
Pradhan Mantri Arogya Mitra13:01 HoursHealthcare
Introduction to Python36:00 HoursIT-ITES
Learn Artificial Intelligence in 89 Minutes2:26 HoursIT-ITES
Starting Your Own Business: Be The Boss30:01 HoursManagement
Create a Workplace Conflict Resolution Policy13:00 HoursEmployability Enhancer
Writing Grant Proposals12:00 HoursEmployability Enhancer
Preparing and Delivering Presentations22:00 HoursEmployability Enhancer
Self Employed Tailor30:20 HoursApparel
Fabric Painting2:14 HoursApparel
Plumber General15:50 HoursPlumbing
Plumbing3:03 HoursPlumbing
Employability and Digital Literacy5:00 HoursEmployability Enhancer
CNC Operator / Machining Technician (Lathe)0:54 HoursConstruction
CNC Operator / Machining Technician (Milling)1:46 HoursAutomotive
CRM Domestic Voice5:21 HoursIT-ITES
Helper Shuttering Carpenter1:25 HoursConstruction
Assistant Beauty Therapist2:23 HoursBeauty
Assistant Surveyor6:05 HoursConstruction
Assistant Mason4:01 HoursConstruction
Helper Bar Bender & Steel Fixer1:36 HoursConstruction
Welding Assistant (TIG)5:40 HoursAutomotive
Web Design & Development2:57 HoursIT-ITES
Field Technician Computing and Peripherals9:24 HoursElectronics
Trainee Associate3:28 HoursRetail
Trainee Chef7:36 HoursTourism
Rural Toilet Builder0:23 HoursConstruction
Carpenter Wooden Furniture7:04 HoursFurniture
Field Technician – Computing and Peripherals10:03 HoursElectronics
Eye Care Assistant3:45 HoursHealthcare
Auto Service Technician4:27 HoursAutomotive
Assistance Electrician4:14 HoursConstruction
Welding Technician4:06 HoursAutomotive
General Duty Assistant4:49 HoursHealthcare
Financial Literacy1:59 HoursManagement
Motor Winding & Rewinding2:15 HoursElectronics
Basic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning2:18 HoursElectronics
Mushroom Cultivation1:43 HoursAgriculture
Basic Mobile Repairing8:09 HoursElectronics

Courses Vision

NSDC was set up as part of a national skill development mission to fulfill the growing need in India for skilled manpower across sectors and narrow the existing gap between the demand and supply of skills.

“There is a compelling need to launch a world-class skill development program in a mission mode that will address the challenge of imparting the skills required by a growing economy.

Both the structure and the leadership of the mission must be such that the program can be scaled up quickly to cover the whole country.”


  • Upgrade skills to international standards through significant industry involvement and develop necessary frameworks for standards, curriculum and quality assurance.
  • Enhance, support and coordinate private sector initiatives for skill development through appropriate Public-Private Partnership ( PPP ) models; strive for significant operational and financial involvement from private sector.
  • Play the role of a ‘market-maker’ by bringing funds, particularly in sectors where market mechanisms are ineffective or missing.
  • Prioritise initiatives that can have a multiplier or catalytic effect as opposed to one-off impact.


To contribute significantly to the overall target of skilling up of people in India, mainly by fostering private sector initiatives in skill development programs and providing funding. 

The NSDC facilitates initiatives that can potentially have a multiplier effect as opposed to being an actual operator in this space. In doing so, it strives to involve the industry in all aspects of skill development.

The approach is to develop partnerships with multiple stakeholders and build on current efforts, rather than undertaking too many initiatives directly or duplicating efforts currently underway.

To scale up efforts necessary to achieve the objective of skilling / up-skilling 150 million people, the NSDC strives to:

  • Develop ultra low-cost, high-quality, innovative business models.
  • Attract significant private investment.
  • Ensure that its funds are largely “re-circulating” i.e. loan or equity rather than grant.
  • Create leverage for itself.
  • Build a strong corpus.

Keeping this in mind, the NSDC plays three key roles:

Funding and incentivizing: In the near term this is a key role.

This involves providing financing either as loans or equity, providing grants, and supporting financial incentives to select private sector initiatives to improve financial viability through tax breaks, etc.

The exact nature of funding ( equity, loan, and grant ) will depend on the viability or attractiveness of the segment and, to some extent, the type of player (for-profit private, non-profit industry association or non-profit NGO).

Over time, the NSDC aspires to create strong viable business models and reduce its grant-making role.

Enabling support services: A skills development institute requires a number of inputs or support services such as curriculum, faculty training standards, quality assurance, technology platforms, student placement mechanisms and so on.

NSDC plays a significant enabling role in these support services, most importantly in setting up standards and accreditation systems in partnership with industry associations.

Shaping/creating: In the near term, the NSDC will proactively seed and provide momentum for large-scale participation by private players in skill development.

NSDC will identify critical skill groups, develop models for skill development and attract potential private players and provide support to these efforts.

AuthorNSDC India
Language English
No. of Pages65
PDF Size1 MB
Source/ Creditsnsdcindia.org

NSDC Courses List PDF Free Download

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