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NIRF Ranking List
An online platform was developed to receive perception inputs from peers and employers. A large number of peers (subject experts) were invited to submit their perception feedback on the applicant institutions in a prescribed format.
6.4 Online Feedback System
Stakeholders (which includes the public or other persons or institutions interested in one or more institutions) are invited to provide their feedback on the data submitted by the institutions through an “Online Feedback System” from 27 February to 5 March 2023 I went.
Public advertisement in newspapers and other media. The comments/feedback so received were automatically transmitted through an email to the concerned institution(s) for taking necessary action at their level without disclosing the identity of the stakeholder(s).
6.5 Data Verification
6.5.1.Looking for Outsiders: Committees of Domain Experts
Committees consisting of academic experts examined the data submitted by the institutions under each of the five broad common sets of parameters for each category/discipline.
These committees minutely examine the data on various parameters and identify outliers, deviations, and anomalies for further investigation.
Institutions whose data appeared to be exaggerated or inconsistent were contacted via telephone and e-mail to confirm or correct the data.
Where deemed necessary, they were asked to support their data with documentary evidence. Several e-mails were sent and telephone calls were made to various institutions for verification of data on various parameters and sub-parameters.
6.5.2. communication with nodal officers
Each institute was asked to nominate one of its senior functionaries as the nodal officer to deal with NIRF cases. These nodal officers were contacted to clear doubts or to take note of the feedback and discrepancies pointed out by the expert committees.
For greater transparency, an advisory was sent to each institute to upload this data on its website for dissemination to the public. For all the top-ranked institutes, the latest version of the corrected data based on further inputs from the institutes was made visible on the NIRF portal.
While significant efforts were made to authenticate the data, the ultimate responsibility for the accuracy of the data presented rests with the respective institutions.
6.5.3. Verification of data on publications, citations, and highly cited papers
Data on publications, citations, and highly cited papers were shared with each applicant institution from 7 to 17 April 2023.
The institutions were informed that the data was retrieved from the Web of Science between 26 February and 2 March 2023.
20 and 25 February 2023 from Scopus. Data on highly cited publications (HCP) was retrieved from Web of Science between 23 and 25 March 2023 and from Scopus on 20 to 24 March 2023.
6.6 Inclusion and Exclusion
The NIRF website and NIRF Guidelines provide the basic qualifications for an institution to participate in the India Rankings 2023 for overall ranking as well as domain-specific and category-specific rankings. For example, to participate in the overall ranking, an institution must have at least 1,000 students enrolled for various courses at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The institutions are also required to graduate in a minimum of three batches and qualify for the minimum Faculty Student Ratio (FSR) as specified in the NIRF Methodology Document for the respective category and discipline.
All applicant HEIs, which have published more than 500 research papers in peer-reviewed journals or have at least 1,000 students pursuing PhDs, were considered for ranking in the research institute category.
Visualization of Data Beyond Rankings: Additional Insights
The data for India Ranking 2023 was taken from applicant institutions under category-specific and domain-specific rankings under five broad general parameters and 16-18 parameters, depending on a given category or subject domain.
In addition, data on publications, citations, and patents were retrieved from Scopus (Elsevier Science), Web of Science, and Derwent Innovation (Clarivate Analytics).
In addition to using this data for ranking institutions, the combined collection of data for all eligible institutions provides a unique opportunity to analyze and derive interesting and useful insights.
Some important observations based on simple data analysis are given below. The India ranking considers data for a period of three years i.e. 2019 to 2021.
7.1 Teaching, learning and Resources
Engineering education in India has witnessed phenomenal growth in the last two decades and thousands of engineering institutes are opening in almost all parts of the country in the private as well as government sector. As such, the discipline of engineering is selected for analysis of faculty data to get a larger picture of higher education institutions in India. This discipline is also going through a major challenge in terms of its quality and employability.
Graduate. Figures 3, 4, 5, and 6 below show interesting statistics about the faculty, their qualifications, and teaching experience for all Applicant Institute in Engineering Discipline. Only 44.51% of engineering faculty have doctoral qualifications as shown in Table 4 and Figure 3.
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 110 |
PDF Size | 6 MB |
Category | Education |
Source/Credits | – |
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NIRF Ranking List PDF Free Download