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Maasir-I- Alamgiri Book PDF Free Download

Maasir I Alamgiri
On the 6th Sept. 1657/7th Zil. H, 1067 A.H. the Emperor Shah Jahan, who will henceforth be designated ‘Ala Hazval, fell ill at Delhi, [3] and had to give up the work of government.
His eldest son, Dära Shukoh, seizing the opportunity, closed the roads of the arrival of news from the provinces, and this led to great disorder in the Empire; (so that)
Murad Bakhsh, the fourth son of the Emperor, and Subahdar of Gujrat crowned himself (there), and Shah Shuja, the Emperor’s second son.
Did the same thing in Bengal, and advanced with his army on Patna Shukoh, in his fear of Aurangzib’s power, (had) tried to Dārā alienate Shah Jahan’s mind from him.
And by means of various lies induced him to recall to Court the army previously sent to reinforce Aurangzib And with the design that in the Emperors.
Lifetime and under his protection he would get rid of Shu’a and Murad Bakhsh and then with peace of mind turn to the affairs of the Deccan and the removal of Aurangzib.
Dara conveyed the Emperor to Agra when his disease was at its worst He sent Raja Jai Singh with imperial and his own troops under the command of his eldest son.
Sulaiman Shukoh against Shuja At the same time Raja Jaswant Singh, who being related to Shah Jahan’s mother, was greatly trusted and given the title of Maharaja.
And was one of the clues Rajas of Hindustan, was sent with a large army towards Malwa on the way to the Deccan, in order to bar the road.
A separate force under Qasim Kilian was appointed to accompany the Maharaja to Ujjain, and, [4] if found politic, to start against Murad Bakhsh Through Dari Shukoh’s magic arts the Emperor’s mind.
Author | Saqi Mustad Khan |
Language | English |
Pages | 367 |
PDF Size | 24.3 MB |
Category | History |
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