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The Laws Of The Spirit World PDF Free Download

Part 1: Spirit Communications From The Journals Of Khorshed Bhavnagri
The Real Laws Of God
My dearest Mom and Dad, this is Vispi and Ratoo speaking from the spirit world to make people on Earth understand, through you, how to follow the right path, God Almighty’s own path.
So, my dearest Mom, write this book for us and let your world know about the spirit world, about the laws and rules of God Almighty, which are misunderstood by people on Earth, and about the Realms’ in the spirit world.
It is quite wrong to believe everything that your priest tells you, and what great philosophers preach, about the real justice of our God Almighty.
They don’t know all – they or you will come to know all only when you leave from your Earth plane and go to the spirit plane.
Well, it will not take just a few pages or a few chapters. not even a few books to explain to you what real justice is. It will take you ages to learn what our God truly wants from us.
Improvement Through Self-Analysis
ad souls can be helped by God Almighty if the bad soul so desires. Bad souls must have the inner instinct and may pray to God Almighty to change them.
God Almighty will definitely help them. It is entirely in each soul’s hands to be good or bad. Those souls who are bad but want to change can be changed to good souls in no time.
We are very thankful to God that he doesn’t need any proof for our actions to be right or wrong and his justice is perfect.
Most of the justice in your world is done by even the highest judges. It may not always be right, but God’s justice is always right because He knows you from the inside out.
If you try to hide something from your partner, it may remain hidden, but you cannot hide even an iota from Almighty God, and His justice is always perfect. If you believe in it you will never go wrong.
You can be sure that it is absolutely true and that everything you do or say is always recorded. So live an ethical, honest and kind life.
soul communication
We are all striving to improve; You are on the earth plane, and we are on the soul plane.
But there is a big difference between us. You cannot know all the truths and we know most of them.
You may not know how bad or good your companions are, but we know how good or bad a soul is.
You can’t read each other’s mind. We can read minds up to a point. You cannot see or hear us, but we can see you, hear you and even know your mind and thoughts, so we can know you better than you.
If you think all this is nonsense, let me give you an example. Our dearest mother, who is writing to us, never realized how mean some people around her really were.
Understanding God’s Laws
Here our fellow souls want us to tell the people of the earth what are the real laws of God, because the people of the earth are ignorant of such laws.
We would like to pass on this knowledge to them and we are sure that they will trust us and use this knowledge for the betterment of humanity.
There are many misconceptions that completely lead you astray from the laws of Almighty God.
Many of God’s laws have been misunderstood. Just try this game – we used to play this game at parties when we were little.
Sit in a circle, and have one person start a sentence by whispering it to the person next to them, then whisper that sentence from person to person.
By the time it reaches the person who started it, it will be completely different.
Author | Khorshed Bhavnagri |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 372 |
PDF Size | 10.6 MB |
Category | Biography |
Source/Credits | archive.org |
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