ऐतिहासिक और साहित्यिक शिलालेख – Historical Inscriptions Book/Pustak Pdf Free Download

पुस्तक का एक मशीनी अंश
अर्थति आलाषयितये [॥] wध हि पर्ज वियाये [धातिये निसिम्त . अस्वये होति वियत धाति चर्घति में धजं सुखं पखिहटने :हेवं मया एका कटा जामपदस हितसुखाये [1] येन एते अजीता अस्वध संतं विमना कंमानि पवतयेवू कि पतेन में लबूकानं
अभिहाले व दंडे वा अतरपतिये कटे [ I] इछितविये हि एसा किति वियोहालसमना।* व सिव हुंधसमवा चा [1 ] अप इते पि च में श्ाबुति बंधनवधान मुनिसान तीलितदंडाने पतवचानं* तिनि दियसानि में – यो दिने ( ] नातिका व कानि निशझपविसंति- जीविताये तानं + संत
निशापविता दान वाहती पहिली दप कि [ ] इच्छा हि मे हेवं निलुधरिः: वि कालसि पाखुतं आलाधयेयू ति [1] जनस च यति विवि धमचलने संयमे दानसंविभागे ति.[।] In this edit the grave continues in the second line from right to left.
Thus bo alienates the direction of writing up to 1. no, 16 : the rest of the lines except nos, 20 and 26 are Ins- eribed from left to right. Sometimes he changes the direction of ene word in a line contrary to the direction of the whole line ( vide art ln 1. 1),
He also sormetimes inseets letters of one line into those of another. This is what is known as boustrophedon style of writing. Thur man ox Gk, bom turns (Gk, strophos) in ploughing a liels, so does this style of writing. This style is artificially employed here.
It has nothing to do with the so- called original trait of Reshma characie running from right to lei, as the faces of the individual letters are always to the right as w al. For author’s view on this ubject kindly me his
book Indian Palacogsaplay Second Edition ) Vol I., p. 102.Read from right to eft,Read the whole line from right to left.Read from right to elt. 6. The direcion 5. Read from right to left, fron right to left, but the words
लेखक | राज बाली पांडे-Raj Bali Pandey |
भाषा | हिन्दी, English |
कुल पृष्ठ | 287 |
Pdf साइज़ | 16.6 MB |
Category | History |
ऐतिहासिक शिलालेख – Historical Stone Inscriptions Book Pdf Free Download