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Furniture Making And Cabinet Work Book PDF Free Download

Furniture Making And Cabinet Work
Because our country’s pioneers became of necessity competent handicraftsmen impose no obligation upon the present generation of steam-heat and pushbutton settlers to emulate them with sweat and calluses.
Financial considerations permitting. we are able to acquire almost any type of furniture our hearts desire, from well-constructed replicas of authentic antiques to comfortable creations of modern design.
If unable to satisfy completely all his furniture wants at one time, the average householder budgets his purchases and beys carefully.
Thereby acquiring an increased pride of ownership derived from a well-considered comparison of values.
It is doubtful, however, whether this ultimate pride of possession ever approximates the deep satisfaction of the craftsman.
Who successfully constructs a comfortable and useful piece of furniture that in appearance and workmanship closely resembles the product of experienced cabinetmakers.
To achieve such a result through one’s own planning and with one’s own hands is a tangible monument to the self-reliance and the inherent ability of an amateur to invade successfully the guild of master craftsmen.
This guild is not only an ancient but also a most honorable one, whose members were, and still are, true artists in wood.
Although the pride of craftsmanship that formerly prompted so many of them to sign their products has necessarily disappeared as the result of our modern system of specialization and mass production.
Under which no one individual can be entirely responsible for the finished product.
It is not the intention here to decry the results of mass production, not to attempt an evaluation of the impact on our national economy of the millions of man-hours.
That increased recreational time may channelize into home products from various hobby crafts.
The goal is much more tangible-the erection of simple guideposts welcoming the reader to the Ancient Order of Handicrafters.
In that spirit, this book is aimed at those individuals in whom there exists some vestige of the soul-satisfying urge to create something useful during their spare time.
Author | B W Pelton |
Language | English |
Pages | 555 |
PDF Size | 41.2 MB |
Category | Literature |
Furniture Making And Cabinet Work Book PDF Free Download