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Environment Day Quiz Questions With Answers 2023 PDF Free Download

Environment Day Quiz Questions With Answers
Question 1: Every year the world gathers for the COP meetings – the “Conferences of the Parties” among the signatories of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. When was this convention signed?
A. In 2007 in Bali, in order to debate the successor of Kyoto
B. In 1987 in Oslo, in the first meeting where countries adopted the concept of “Sustainable Development”
C. In 2002, in Johannesburg, as a follow-up to the Kyoto Protocol
D. In 1997 when the Kyoto Protocol was accorded
E. In 1992 during the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro
Question 2: At the 1992 Earth Summit two other major United Nations environmental conventions were signed in addition to the climate one, and they also held their own COPmeetings. Which are they?
A. The UN Convention on Biodiversity and the UN Convention on Nitrogen Pollutants
B. The UN Convention on Nitrogen Pollutants and the UN Convention on Forests
C. The UN Convention on Nitrogen Pollutants and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification
D. The UN Convention on Biodiversity and the UN Convention on Forests
E. The UN Convention on Biodiversity and the UN Convention to Combat Desertification
Question 3: In 1997 the Kyoto Protocol was launched and more than 190 countries signed it. Which of these countries has not yet signed the Kyoto Protocol?
A. Argentina
B. Somalia
C. Belarus
D. United States
E. Afghanistan
Question 4: China is now the largest emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2), followed by the United States. Who comes 3rd?
A. Indonesia
B. Japan
C. Germany
D. India
E. Russia
Question 5: Kyoto came into force only in 2005, after Russia’s ratification of the protocol. Why?
A. The protocol needed to include at least one of the “Cold War powers”
B. Because Russia provided the international political support necessary for Kyoto to come into force
C. Kyoto required at least one of the top 3 greenhouse gas emitters to adopt reduction targets (and neither China nor the US has reduction targets)
D. Because Russia was the 100th country to ratify the protocol, and it needed at least 100 signing countries in order to be valid
E. The protocol needed to include a total of countries responsible for at least 55% of the global emissions
Question 6: According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), what sectors are the largest emitters of greenhouse gases? (in order)
A. Transport sector, Energy generation, Agriculture
B. Industrial production, Energy generation, Deforestation
C. Industrial production, Energy generation, Transport sector
D. Energy generation, Industrial production, Transport sector
E. Energy generation, Industrial production, Deforestation
Question 7: Which of those below is NOT a fossil fuel?
A. Natural Gas
B. Kerosene
C. Coal
D. Petroleum
E. Uranium
Question 8: All these are foreseen impacts of climate change, except…
A. Reduction of snow cover and likely impact on winter tourism in Europe
B. Sea-level rise that may compromise human settlements on small-island nations
C. The Amazon may partly become a savannah-like vegetation
D. Up to 50% reduction of agricultural yields in Africa
E. Increased frequency of acid rain in North America
Question 9: The Kyoto Protocol requires developed countries to reduce their emissions by 5.2% compared to 1990 levels. The European Union has pledged to go even further and cut emissions by 20% by 2020. How much has Europe managed to achieve?
A. 2009 emissions in the EU-27 were 2.3% higher than in 1990
B. 2009 emissions in the EU-27 were the same as in 1990
C. 2009 emissions in the EU-27 were 5.6% lower than in 1990
D. 2009 emissions in the EU-27 were 10.5% lower than in 1990
E. 2009 emissions in the EU-27 were 17.3% lower than in 1990
Question 10: Despite progress in reducing emissions in Europe, performance has varied significantly among countries. The over-achievement of some has made up for the failure of others. Only one of the countries below actually met Kyoto targets, which one?
A. Switzerland
B. Italy
C. Austria
D. Denmark
E. United Kingdom
Author | – |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 5 |
PDF Size | 1 MB |
Category | Education |
Source/Credits | eyce.org |
Environment Day Quiz Questions With Answers 2023 PDF Free Download