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A Pocket Dictionary Of The Spanish And English Languages PDF Free Download

A Pocket DictionaryOf The Spanish And English Languages
THE utility of Pocket Dictionaries of the living languages is too evident to require many remarks since it must be sufficiently obvious from the increasing demand for those already extant in the English,
French, Italian, and German languages To these is now added, for the first time, that of the Spanish language which, for copiousness, harmony, and dignity, may be said to stand unrivaled among modern tongues.
A variety of circumstances have, within the last twenty years, concurred in rendering this language more familiar to the English ear; among these,
the two most prominent may be said to be, first, the lights that have been transfused over the varied beauties of Spanish literature,
through the researches of critics and scholars of our own country, of the most refined taste and judgment; and secondly, by the long duration of the peninsular war,
which rendered the acquisition of the language at once requisite and easy to that large portion of our countrymen, whose duties called them to be sojourners in Spain or its dependencies.
But a new and important era now presents itself, in the emancipation of New Spain from the mother country; an event which cannot fail to excite the commercial enterprise of Britons and bring them into immediate contact with the vast population of those regions.
How much the advantages of trade are facilitated and increased by a knowledge of the tongues of those foreign nations with whom traffic is conducted, merchants are fully aware; and to this class of persons the present Dictionary is particularly recommended,
it has been the object of the compiler to include in it all such terms as are in any respect connected with commerce, as well as such as could,
by possibility, occur in the ordinary course of travel through the country: but being limited, in size, to the pocket or to the portmanteaus, it professes to be no other than an Abridgment, in which,
though a vast number of words are included, the explanations are of necessity concise. To those readers who require a fall knowledge of the language, the Editor refers with confidence to the source from whence this pp tome is derived, viz.,
the DICTIONARY OF NEUMAN AND BA RETTI consolidated, to the last edition of which, important corrections and additions have been made by a lexicographer of very considerable judgment and diligence; who has consequently produced, it is believed,
a Dictionary more copious and correct than any other that is extant of two languages. This work, which is in two octavo volumes, may likewise be had of the publishers of this Abridgment.
Author | Neuman And Baretti |
Language | Spanish |
No. of Pages | 801 |
PDF Size | 39.1 MB |
Category | Dictionary |
Source/Credits | archive.org |
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A Pocket Dictionary Of The Spanish And English Languages PDF Free Download