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AP 11th PRC Fitment and Basic Pay Details Book PDF Free Download

Report of AP 11th PRC Fitment and Basic Pay Details
Fortuitously, I had all the field postings, spanning more than 12 years in my career in the Indian Administrative Service, in the districts of the State of Andhra Pradesh in its present reorganized form.
I learnt and honed my basic administrative skills while serving the people of this State in the formative years of my career.
I therefore express my deep sense of gratitude to the State Government for affording me yet another opportunity for serving the State in the capacity of Pay Revision Commissioner.
This exercise has enabled me to understand more closely the cadre compositions, administrative hierarchies and inter and intra-departmental parities among different categories of employees.
Pay revision of the State Government employees is an important quinquennial exercise for recalibration of remunerations and other service conditions of the State Government employees.
As I near the end of this assignment I look back with gratitude to all the entities, institutional and individual, who made my job easier.
I am immensely thankful to the Chief Secretaries Sri DineshKumar, Sri Anil Chandra Punetha, Sri L.V. Subramanyam and Smt. Nilam Sawhney who personally enquired about my functional requirements as well as creature comforts and issued necessary instructions to all concerned to ensure for me a comfortable work environment.
The exercise of pay revision/fixation for a complex entity like the State Government, with its vast spatial spread and multitude categories of functionaries, requires proper comprehension of the organizational structures, nature of functions etc.
I am thankful to the Heads of Departments who furnished all the required information and Service Rules to the Commission in response to the Questionnaire and Schedules sent to them.
I must make a special mention here about the assistance rendered to me by the General Administration Department in allocating suitable accommodation for the convenient day-today functioning of the Commission and for holding its meetings.
I express my thankful gratitude to Sri M. Ravichandra, IAS, Sri Peeyush Kumar, IAS, and Sri S.S.Rawat, IAS, Finance Secretaries who approved the complement of supporting staff as well as establishment expenses required for the smooth functioning of the Commission.
The Commission had extremely meaningful interactions with the Joint Action Committees (JACs) and various Service Associations relating to the service issues encountered by the employees.
They have given very clear and pointed presentations before the Commission about their aspirations and expectations.
I am thankful to the office bearers of the JACs and the various Service Associations for interacting with the Commission in an extremely orderly and disciplined fashion.
My special thanks are to the office bearers of the District Level JACs who organized our district-level interactions in equally orderly manner.
These interactions brought to our notice several new perspectives and fresh issues for examination.
I am personally grateful to Sri K.V.S.K.S. Papa Rao, who has been with me right since I landed at the Gannavaram Airport for joining as the Pay Revision Commissioner.
His past experience with previous PRCs, willingness to work hard, tremendous ability to liaison with various departments of the Government and ferret out relevant information and Government orders were assets that I have banked upon for completing this assignment.
He has painstakingly put up all the analytical reports on pay parity-related representations from various categories of employees and given me insights on several issues.
I remain ever thankful to him. I am acknowledging with a deep sense of gratitude the help rendered by Sri Nemani Yogeswara Sastry, Director of Economics & Statistics, and his staff for providing me with macroeconomics data as good data relating to prices of essential items of consumption relating to the State.
I am equally grateful to Sri B. Shoban, who unflinchingly responded to my request to put together a status report on the State’s economy.
He has put up a very succinct writeup and I sincerely acknowledge his help in this regard. Ordinarily settled in Hyderabad, I had to find suitable residential accommodation close to my work place in the State Secretariat at Velagapudi.
I am immensely thankful to Sri N.A.V. Rama Rao and Sri Y. Kruparao (my former Personal Secretary) for locating a comfortable apartment in a gated community for my stay and helping me in setting up a make-shift residence.
I have banked upon my Peshi staff Sarvasri K. Pardha Saradhi, Assistant Secretary to Government (Rtd) and OSD in PRC and N.Hari Kumar, DEO, to manage all the short-hand, typing and computer work that I entrusted to them.
I am particularly thankful to Sri N.A.V.Ramarao (on deputation from the department of Prohibition and Excise) for helping me with the orderly presentation of all the grievance booklets and departmental schedules and for the smooth conduct of the meetings at the Secretariat level as well as in the Districts.
My Drivers Sri B. Ananth Maha Lakshamaiah and Sri P. Nagaraju have made my journeys safe and comfortable.
Similarly the Peshi attenders Sri I.Parasuram Naik and Sri V. Narasimha Prasad took personal care of my creature comforts. I am extremely grateful to all of them.
Last but not the least, I must mention the excellent Secretariat assistance rendered by Sarvasri B. Srinivasulu, S.P. Naidu and Smt. B.Madhavi, Assistant Secretaries to Government and Section Officers K. Bhushanarao and R.V.S.N. Murthy, deputed from the Finance Department and other supporting staff Sarvasri K. Sivaram Kumar, DPO of A.P.T.S.,
P. Abdullah, Rizwan, Balakrishna of APCFMS and other office subordinates B.Buchanna, K.S. Jagadish and B. Divyarani. I shall be failing in my duty if I don’t make a special mention of the effort put in by Sri Katta Hari Krishna, DPO in compiling and putting up the Excel Data relating to pay-scale details of various categories of employees in all the departments of Government in a suitable template.
This made my job of putting together Volume-III of the report much easier. Sri Kodali Bala Krishna, DPO extended excellent support in page setup.
I am grateful to all the above-mentioned individuals in my official and personal capacity.
Author | – |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 255 |
PDF Size | 2.7 MB |
Category | Economy |
Source/Credits | cfms.ap.gov.in |
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