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Vocabulary For SSC CGL PDF
- A FAUX PAS (एक गलत क़दम) = An embarrassing mistake
- ABATTOIR (कसाईखाना) = A place where animals are slaughtered for the market
- ABDICATION (त्याग) = Giving up throne by the king
- ABLUTION (अभिषेक) = A washing or cleansing of the body especially in a religious ceremony
- ABORIGINES (मुलनिवासी) = The original inhabitants of a country
- ABORIGINES (मुलनिवासी) = The original inhabitants of a country
- ABROGATE (अभिनिषेध करना) = To do away with rule
- ABROGATE (अभिनिषेध करना) = To do away with rules
- ABROGATE (अभिनिषेध करना) = To do away with a rule
- ACCENTUATE (दबाव का चिह्न) = Give more force or importance to
- ACOUSTICS (ध्वनि-विज्ञान) = The study of sounds
- ACQUIESCE (संतुष्ट होना) = Accept without protest or silently
- ACRONYM (संक्षिप्त) = Word formed from initial letters of a name
- ADDENDUM (परिशिष्ट) = Thing to be added at the end of a book etc.
- AERONAUT (वायु-यान चलानेवाला) = Person who piolts or travels in a ballon airship or other aircraft
- AESTHETE (सौदर्यसंवेदी) = Person who loves nature
- AESTHETE (सौदर्यसंवेदी) = Person who claims to have great love for understanding of what is beautiful in nature , art etc
- AESTHETIC (सौंदर्यबोध) = One who doubts the soundness of inferences
- AGGRAVATE (छेड़ना) = To increase the gravity of an offence or the intensity of a dispute
- AGLOPHOBIA/ODYNOPHOBIA (बांसुरियों से लगने वाला डर ) = Fear of pain
- AGRONOMY (कृषिविज्ञान) = The science of soil management and the production of field crops
- ALCHEMY (रस-विधा) = Chemistry in ancient times
- ALLEGORY (रूपक) = A story in which ideas are symbolised as people
- ALLEVIATE (कम करना) = To mitigate of lessen the suffering or pain
- ALLITERATION (अनुप्रास) = Commencement of words with the same letter
- ALLITERATION (अनुप्रास) = Commencement of adjacent words with the same letter
- ALMANAC (पंचांग) = An annual calendar with position of stars
- ALTAR (वेदी) = A raised place on which offering to a god are made
- ALTRUISM (दूसरों का उपकार करने का सिद्धान्त) = Regard for others as principle of a action
- ALTRUIST/PHILANTHROPIST (परोपकारी) = A lover of mankind
- AMAXOPHOBIA (वाहनभीति) = Fear of riding a car
- AMAZON (वीरांगना) = A tall strong,masculine kind of women
- AMBIDEXTROUS (कपटी) = Able to use the left hand as well as the right.
- AMBIGUOUS (अस्पष्ट) = A word or statement which can be interpreted in two ways.
- AMBULATORY (औषधालय) = Able to walk after being bedridden
- AMELIORATE (सुधारना) = To make better , to improve or to lift or a better place
- AMIABLE (सुशील) = One who is likeable
- AMPUTATION (विच्छेदन) = Cutting or arm, leg, etc. by surgery
- ANACHRONISM (कालभ्रम) = That which appears to be in the wrong period.
- ANACHRONISM (कालभ्रम) = A mistake in the chronological order or a thing which is out of harmony with a period
- ANAGRAM (अनाग्राम) = Word made by changing the order of the letters in another word
- ANARCHIST (अराजकतावादी) = A person who wishes to throw over all establishments
- ANATHEMA (अभिशाप) = Something that is detested
- ANATOMY (शारीरिक रचना) = The science of the structure of human body
- ANDROPHOBIA (नरभीति) = Fear of males
- ANGLOPHILE ( इंग्लेन्ड और वहाँ की वस्तुओं को पसंद करने वाला व्यक्ति) = an admirer of the english people, language, manners or way of life.
- ANGLOPHOBE ( इंग्लेनड ओर वहाँ की वस्तुओं को नफरत करने वाला) = One who dislikes the english and england.
- ANNIHILATE (मिटा देना) = To destroy
- ANNUITY (वार्षिकी) = Fixed sum of money paid to somebody as income in his lifetime
- ANODYNE (पीड़ा-नाशक) = Medicine which lessens pain
- ANOMALY (अनियम) = Deviation or departure from common rule of standard
- ANOMALY (अनियम) = Deviation from each common rule of standard
- ANOREXIA (अरुचि) = Fear of getting fat makes young girl stop eating resulting in harmful effect
- ANTAGONSIT (प्रतिपक्षी) = A person who opposes another
- ANTEROOM (गलियारा) = Room leading into a large room
- ANTHOLOGY (संकलन) = A collection of poem
- ANTHOLOGY (संकलन) = Collection of flowers
- ANTHOMANIA (पुष्पोन्माद) = Craze for flowers
- ANTHROPORMORPHISM (अवतारवाद) = The ascribing of human motivation, characterustics ifr behaviour to inanmate objects, animal or natural phenomena
- ANTIPATHY (घृणा) = Strong and settled dislike between two persons
- APHASIA (बोली बंद होना) = Loss of ability to use speech/understand
- APHONIA (मूकता) = Total loss of voice
- APOSTATE (स्वधर्मत्यागी) = One who derserts his religion
- APOSTLE (देवदूत) = A pioneer of a reform movement
- APPARATUS (उपकरण) = A set of instruments put together for a purpose
- APPRENTICE (चेला) = A person who has just started learning
- ARBORICULTURE (चरागाह) = Cultivation of tress and vegetables
- ARCHAIC (प्राचीन) = Words used in ancient time but no longer in general use now
- ARGOT (खिचड़ी भाषा) = A slang of the underworld
- ARISTOCRACY (शिष्टजन) = A government run by the rich and the elite people; a class of well-born people.
- ARISTOCRACY (शिष्टजन) = Government by the nobility
- ARMAMENT (अस्र-शस्र) = Military forces and their equipments
- ARMISTICE (युद्धविराम) = An agreement to stop fighting in a war.
- ARSONIST (आग लगानेवाला) = Who is guilty of firing property
- ASSEMBLAGE (जमावड़ा) = An assembly of hearaers
- ATAVISM (पूर्वजता) = Recurrence of some disease after generation or similarity in special features with remote ancestors
- ATTENUATE (दुर्बल होना) = To make thin or fine or to reduce the strength
- ATYCHIPHOBIA = Fear of failure
- AVANT-GRADE (अवंत-ग्रेड) = The group especially in the arts regarded a being the most experiment
- AXIOM (सिद्धांत) = A statement accepted as true without proof
- BALE (गांठ) = A large number of cotton tied in a bundle
- BALLAD (गाथागीत) = A story in verse
- BALLAD (गाथागीत) = Poem in short stanzas narrating a popular story
- BARRAGE (आड़) = In questions
- BATHOPOBIA (गहरे स्थानों का भय) = Fear of depths
- BENEDICTION (आशीर्वाद) = Blessing given by priest
- BENIGN (सौम्य) = To explain a spritual truth
- BENIGN (सौम्य) = A tumour which is not likely to spared
- BESIEGE (मुहासिरा करना) = To surround with armed forces
- BETRODTED (मंगेतर) = Engaged to be married
- BEVY (झुंड) = A large group of girls/ladies
- BIBLIOGRAPHY (ग्रंथ सूची) = A list of writings on a subject.
- BIBLIOPHILE (पुस्तकों का प्यार करनेवाला) = One who loves books.
- BIBULOUS (शराबी) = Fond of much alcoholic drinks
- BIGOT (कट्टर व्यक्रित) = One who intolerantly devoted to a particular creed
- BIOGRAPHY (जीवनी) = The story of a person’s life.
- BIOPSY (जीवोति-जांच) = Examination of living tissue
- BLASPHEMOUS (तिरस्कारी) = One who is irreverent towards god.
- BLONDE (गोरा) = A man or woman with skin and hair or auburn colour
- BOHEMIAN (बोहेनिया का) = An unconventional style of living
- BOOR (गंवार) = Clumsy or ill-bred fellow
- BORROW (उधार) = The dwelling place if an animal underground
- BOUTIQUE (बूटिक) = A small shop that sells fashionable clothes, cosmetics etc.
- BRACE (सिकोड़ना) = A pair of pigeons
- BREVITY (संक्षिप्तता) = Briefness; shortness of time.
- BREWERY (शराब की भठ्ठी) = A place where beer is made.
- BREWERY (शराब की भठ्ठी) = A factory for manufacturing of beers
- BROCADE (जरी वस्त्र) = Woven fabric richly ornamented with designs
- BUMPKIN (बेढंग आदमी) = One who comes from a village and considered stupid
- BUNAGLOW (बंगला) = A small house with all rooms on one floor
- BUNTING (गौरेया) = A collection of flags
- BUREAUCRACY (नौकरशाही) = A government run by civil servants.
- BURSAR (एक छात्रवृत्ति पर एक कॉलेज या विश्वविद्यालय में भाग लेने के छात्र।) = Person who holds scholarship at a university
- BYRE (गोशाला) = Place where cows are sheltered
- CACAOGRAPHIST = A person who is bad in spelling
- CACHE (कैश) = A place where treasurers ,stores ,ammunition are hidden
- CACOPHOBIA = Fear of ugliness
- CADAVEROUS (शव का) = That which is corpse like
- CAJOLE (झूठ बोलना) = Persuade by flattery
- CALLIGRAPHY (सुलेख) = The art of beautiful hand writing.
- CALLIGRAPHY (सुलेख) = The art of beautiful hand writing.
- CALLOUS (कठोर) = A person who is insensible to kind thoughts or sympathetic feeling
- CANNIBAL (नरभक्षक) = One who eats human flesh
- CANOPHILIST = Lover of dogs
- CARCASE (जिस्म) = The dad body of a animal
- CARCASS (शव) = The dead body of a animal
- CARDIOLOGIST (हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ) = A doctor specialising in matters relating to the heart.
- CARNIVAL (कार्निवाल) = Public marry making and feasting
- CAROUSAL (रंग-रेली) = Noisy drinking party or merry making
- CATHOLICITY (रोमन कैथोलिक ईसाई) = Broad outlook, free from prejudice.
- CATROPHOBIA = Fear of doctors
- CAUCUS (गुट बैठक) = Of inner circle of members of government
- CELIBACY (ब्रह्मचर्य) = The state of being unmarried.
- CELLOPHOBIA = Extreme fear of beauty
- CENTENARIAN (सौ वर्ष का) = One who is more than a hundred years old
- CERAMICS (मिट्टी के पात्र) = Art of poetry
- CHAPERON (संरक्षिका) = Elderly women in charge of a girl on social occasions
- CHARACTERISE (चिह्नित करना) = Be the emodiment or perferct example of
- CHARLATAN (मायावी) = One who deceives others by claiming to be an expert.
- CHARLATAN (मायावी) = Person who pretends to have more knowledge
- CHASM (खाई) = An extermely deep crack or opening in the ground
- CHAUFFEUR (ड्राइवर) = One who drives a motor car
- CHAUVINIST (अंधराष्ट्रीवादी) = A person who is blindly devoted to an idea
- CHIMERICAL (असाध्य) = An unreal and visionary ideal
- CHIP (टुकड़ा) = A small piece of wood
- CHROMATICS (रंग-विज्ञान) = The science of colours
- CHROMATICS (रंग-विज्ञान) = The art of making fireworks
- CHRONOLOGY (कालक्रम) = The study of duration of life
- CIRCE (सैसी) = A women who lures men to destroy them
- CIRCUMLOCUTION (कपटपूर्ण बातें) = A roundabout way of expression.
- CIRCUMVENT (बिगाड़ना) = Prevent from being carried out
- CLAQUE (क्लाक) = A group[p of applauders i.e. paid to clap
- CLAUSTROPHOBIA (क्लौस्ट्रफ़ोबिया) = A morbid fear of confined spaces.
- CLINOPHOBIA = Fear of going to bed
- CLIQUE (गिरोह) = A small person belonging to a body
- CLUSTER (समूह) = A group of islands
- COAGULATE (जमना) = Change from liquid into solid by chemical reaction.
- COERCE (मजबूर करना) = Compel to a course of action
- COGENT (ठोस) = Presented in a forceful and convening manner
- COGNATE (आत्मीय) = Having the same source or origin
- COHERENT (सुसंगत) = Sticking together
- COLLOQUIAL (बोल-चाल का) = Suitable for ordinary informal conversation.
- COLLOQUIALISM (प्रचलित भाषा) = Any language speaking only
- COMBUSTIBLE (दहनशील) = That which can catch fire and burn easily.
- COMEDIAN (हास्य अभिनेता) = One who plays funny parts in plays or films.
- COMMODITY (जिंस) = An article of trade or commerce.
- COMMUNIQUE (शासकीय सूचना) = An official bulletin
- COMPATRIOT (स्वदेशवासी) = A person belonging to one’s own country.
- COMPERE (कमपेरे) = One who introduces performing artists on the stage programmes
- COMPLACENT (प्रसन्न) = One who is completely satisfied
- COMPLEXION (रंग) = The natural colour and appear- ance of skin.
- COMPULSORY (अनिवार्य) = That which must be done.
- CONCEITED (अभिमानी) = To have a very high opinion of oneself
- CONCUBIANGE (बेविवाति साथ रहना) = Live in relationship a man and a woman living without being married
- CONDOMUNIUM (सम्मिलित-अधिकार) = A country ruled by two country
- CONDUCTOR (संवाहक) = That which acts as a path for electricity, heat etc.
- CONFECTIONER (हलवाई) = One who sells sweets and pastries
- CONFEDERACY = Union of states, parties, or persons
- CONGENIAL (अनुकूल) = Having a similar nature, common interest
- CONGENITAL (पैदाइशी) = Present from or before birth
- CONGREGATION (ढेर) = A group of worshipers
- CONGRUENT (अनुकूल) = Identical in all respects
- CONNOISSEUR (पारखी) = A person who is competent to pass critical judgement upon anything.
- CONNOTE (अतिरिक्त मतलाब रखना) = Suggest in addition to the fundamental meaning
- CONSANGUINITY (रक्तसंबंध) = Relationship by blood or birth
- CONSCIENTIOUS (ईमानदार) = Guided by one’s sense of duty
- CONSCRIPT (भरती होनेवाला) = A person who is compelled by law to serve in the armed forces.
- CONSCRIPT (भरती होनेवाला) = A person who is compelled by law to serve in the armed forces.
- CONSCRIPTION (भरती) = Compulsory enlistment for military service
- CONSORTIUM (संघ) = A combination of several businesses for a common purpose.
- CONSTELLATION (नक्षत्र) = A number of stars grounded together
- CONTAGIOUS (संक्रामक) = A disease which spreads by contact
- CONTAGIOUS (संघ) = That which spreads easily, especially a disease.
- CONTEMPORARY (समकालीन) = One who lives at the same time
- CONTRETEMPS (दुर्भाग्य) = An unlucky event, an unexpected set-back.
- CONTROVERSIAL (विवादास्पद) = That which causes debate or argument.
- CONTUMACY (सरकशी) = Wilful and persistent resistance to lawful authority
- CONVALESCENCE (आरोग्यलाभ) = Gradual recovery from illness
- CONVENTICLE (गुप्त धर्मसभा) = Secret religious meeting
- CONVENTION (सम्मेलन) = A formal assembly or conference of people of the same business to discuss practices.
- COQUETTLE ( मोहिनी ) = A girl who flirts egregiously
- CORONATION (राज्याभिषेक) = Ceremony of crowning a king
- CORRIGENDUM (शुद्धिपत्र) = Something to be corrected in a printed book.
- CORTEGE (चाकरों की मंडली) = A funeral procession comprising a number of mourners
- COSIGNATORY (सहहस्ताक्षरकर्ता) = Person singing jointly with others
- COTERMINOUS (एक सीमा) = Having a common terminus or boundary
- COUNTERFEIT (नकली) = Copy something exactly in order to deceive.
- COUP D’ÉTAT (तख्तापलट) = Sudden overthrow of a government, especially by force.
- CREDULOUS (विश्रंभी) = Ready to believe without sufficient evidence
- CRUISE (समुद्र-पर्यटन) = A sea voyage for pleasure.
- CRèCHE (क्रेच) = A graveyard where dead are buried
- CUCKOLD ( कुलटा का पति) = Man whose wife is unfaithful to him
- CUL-DE-SAC (अन्धधानी) = A passage with only one end
- CULT (पंथ) = System of religious worship
- CYCLONE (चक्रवात) = A low area storm with high winds rotating about a centre of low atmospheric pressure
- CYGNET (राजहंस शावक) = A young swan.
- CYNIC (निंदक) = One who has little faith in human sincerity or honesty.
- CYNIC (निंदक) = One who thinks that human nature is essentially evil
- CYNOPHOBIA (कुत्ते से असाधारण भय) = Fear of dogs
- CYTOLOGY (कोशिका विज्ञान) = The study of cells, especially their formation structure and functions
- DACTYLOGRAPHIC = The study of finger prints for the purpose of identification
- DANDY (खेनेवाला) = One who pays too much attention to his cloths and appearance
- DEBACLE (पराजय) = A sudden complete failure.
- DEBONAIR (ख़ुशमिज़ाज) = Suave (polished and light hearted person)
- DECANTER(कंटर) = An original glass bottle for holding wine or other alcoholic drinks
- DELINQUENT (अपराधी) = A person who fails in the performance of this duty or commits and offence
- DEMAGOGUE (दुर्जनों का नेता) = A person who can sway his followers by his oratory
- DENIGRATION (बदनामी) = An expression of mild disapproval
- DENOUEMENT (उपसंहार) = The last part of a play, book etc. where all the complications of the plot are solved.
- DEPONENT (साक्षी) = A person who gives written testimony for use in a court
- DEPRECATE (बिनती करना) = Express earnest disapproval of
- DESCRATE (अपवित्र करना) = To derive a thing of its holy character
- DESECRATE /DEFILE (अपवित्र करना ) = Use in an unworthy or wicked way
- DESERTION (परित्याग) = The abandonment of one’s country or cause
- DESPERADO (बेधड़क) = One ready to do any reckless or criminal act
- DESPOTISM (तानाशाही) = The rule of a person who is tyrant
- DESTITUTE (निराश्रित) = The state of being miserable , bereft of all possessions
- DETERGENT (पोंछनेवाला) = A cleaning agent, especially a synthetic substance.
- DETERRENT (निवारक) = Something to discourage people from doing wrong.
- DETRIMENTAL (हानिकारक) = That which has very harmful and dangerous effects
- DEVASTATE (उजाड़ना) = Make desolate
- DIATRIBE (अभियोगात्मक भाषण) = Bitter and violent attack in words
- DIDACTIC (प्रबोधक) = Story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth
- DIFFIDENT (संकोची) = Shy,timid , unwilling to face a situation
- DIGRESS (पीछे हटना) = Turn or wander away from the main topic
- DILETTANTE (अनुरागी) = An admirer of the fine arts.
- DILETTANTE (अनुरागी) = A dabbler (not serious in art, science and literature
- DILETTANTE (अनुरागी) = An admirer of art
- DIPSOMANIA (मदिरापान) = Morbid compulsion of drink
- DIPSOPHOBIA = Fear of thirst
- DIRGE (मरसिया) = Song sung at burial
- DISARMAMENT (अशस्रीकरण) = Reduction of weapons by governments.
- DISCIPLE (शिष्य) = One who works in return for being taught the trade
- DISINFORMATION (दुष्प्रचार) = False information spread intentionally to spread propaganda.
- DISMAY (घबराहट) = Felling of fear and disappointment
- DISSIMULATION (माया) = Hiding of true feelings
- DISTORT (बिगाड़ना) = Pull out of usual shape
- DIURNAL (प्रतिदिन) = Of the daytime
- DOGMA (हठधर्मिता) = Belief accepted without question
- DOMICILE (अधिवास) = A place where one lives permanently.
- DOMICILE (अधिवास) = A person living permanenetly in a certain plac e
- DOTAGE (मतिक्षीणता) = Old age when a man behave like a fool
- DOTAGE (मतिक्षीणता) = Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool
- DOWAR ( ड्यूअर ) = The house of an arab
- DRAGNET ( महाजाल) = A system of connected actions and methods for catching criminals.
- DRAUGHT (मसूदा) = Gust of wing
- DREY (साइबेरियाई उड़ान गिलहरी एक रात वृक्षवासी कृंतक है) = A squirrel’s home
- DROMOMANIA = Mania for travel
- DROVER (चौपायों को बेचनेवाला) = One who deals in cattle
- DRUDGERY (कठिन परिश्रम) = Hard, uninteresting work.
- DUET (युगल) = Song sung by two people together.
- EBULLIENT (उबलनेवाला) = High-spirited, exuberant.
- ECCENTRIC (सनकी) = Not conforming to ordinary rules of behaviour
- EDIBLE (खाद्य) = Fit for food
- EFFEMINATE (स्त्रैण) = Man having the woman’s quallity
- EFFEMINATE (स्रैण) = A man who has the qualities of a woman.
- ELECTROCUTE (विद्युत् से मारना) = Killing by means of an electric current
- ELEGY (शोकगीत) = A poem of mourning
- ELOCUTION (वाग्मिता) = The art of effective speking
- ELOQUENCE (वाग्मिता) = Persuasive and fluent speech
- ELYSIUM (नन्दन) = Place for ideal peace and happiness
- EMANCIPATE (स्वतंत्र करना) = To free from the confines of something to liberate from
- EMBALM (शवरक्षालेप करना) = To preserve a dead body from decaying
- EMBANKMENT (तटबंध) = A wall built to prevent the sea or a river from flooding an area
- EMBARGO (घाटबंधी) = An order prohibiting ships to leave the port
- EMBOSS (उभारदार नक्क़ाशी करना) = To raise a pattern or design on the surface of something
- EMERITUS (जो सम्मानपूर्वक सेवामुक्त हुआ हो) = A professor who has retired from service
- EMETIC (उबकाई की) = A medicine which induces vomit
- EMIGRANT (उत्प्रवासी) = A person leaving his native country to settle in another
- EMISSARY (दूत) = A person sent on a mission
- EMPATHY (सहानुभूति) = Understanding without the interference of feelings
- ENCYCLOPAEDIA (मकदूनियाई) = A book giving information on all branches of knowledge.
- ENDEMIC (स्थानिक) = A disease confined to a particular district or place
- ENDEMIC (स्थानिक) = Something regularly found among a particular people or community
- ENDEMIC (स्थानिक) = A disease that is found regularly in a particular place
- ENFRANCHISE (मताधिकार देना) = Give the right to vote
- ENIGMA (पहेली) = A person, thing or circumstance that is puzzling
- ENNUI (विरक्ति) = Boredom and frustration in life
- ENTOMOLOGY (कीटविज्ञान) = The scientific study of insects.
- ENTOMOLOGY (कीटविज्ञान) = The study of insects
- EPHEMERAL (अल्पकालिक) = Existing only for a day.
- EPIC (महाकाव्य) = A long narrative poem.
- EPICURE (रसिया) = One who is given to pleasure of the flesh
- EPICUREAN (एपिकुरे) = One whose attitude is to eat, drink and merry
- EPICURIAN (सुखवादी) = One who devoted to the pleasures of eating and drinking
- EPIGRAM (चुटकुला) = A short saying or poem which express an idea in a very clever and amusing way
- EPILOGUE (उपसंहार) = Concluding part of a literary work.
- EPISTLE (पत्र) = A verse letter
- EPISTLE (पत्र) = A verse letter
- EPITOME (प्रतीक) = A short summary of a book or speech
- EPITOME (सार) = A brief summary of a book
- EQUANIMITY (समभाव) = Calmness of mind and temper
- EQUESTRIAN (घुड़सवार) = A person who is skilled in horsemanship
- ERGONOMICS (श्रमदक्षता शास्त्र) = The study of the efficiency of people in their working environment.
- ERGONOMY (अर्थ प्रबन्धन ) = The study of effect of environment on workers
- ERGOPHOBIA = Fear of work
- ERR (ग़लती होना) = Make a mistake, do wrong.
- ESTUARY (मुहाना) = The wide mouth of a river.
- ETHNOLOGY (नृजाति विज्ञान) = Science of the races of mankind and their relation to one another
- ETHOLOGY (शास्त्र) = The study of animal behaviour
- ETHOS (प्रकृति) = Habitual character and deposition
- ETIOLOGY/AETIOLOGY ( हेतुविज्ञान) = Science of the causes of diseases
- ETYMOLOGY (शब्द-साधन) = The study of the origin and history of words
- EUGENICS (सुजनन विज्ञान) = The study of production of better offspring by the careful selection of parents
- EUPHEMISM (व्यंजना) = Use of mild word in place of words required by truth
- EUTHANASIA (सुखमृत्यु) = Thing that bring gentle and painless death from incurable disease
- EVOLUTION (विकास) = Gradual development from simple life forms to complex ones.
- EX GRATIA (अनुग्रहपूर्वक) = A payment to legaly bindng but for which some moral obligation is felt
- EXCISE (उत्पाद शुल्क) = Tax on goods produced and used in a country.
- EXERTION (तनाव) = Making an effort; trying very hard to do something.
- EXPIATE (निवृत्त करना) = To atone one’s sins
- EXPONENT (प्रतिपादक) = One who explains a theory , idea etc.
- EXTEMPORE (अचिंतित) = A speech made without any previous thought or preparation.
- EXTERMINATE (उखाड़ना) = To put an end to something by killing.
- EXTRAVASATE (नली आदी से निकालना या बहाना) = Forcing out(blood etc.) from its vessel
- EXTROVERT (बहिर्मुखी) = A person who is active, lively and enjoys the company of others.
- EXTROVERT (बहिर्मुखी) = One whose interest are directed outward
- EXTROVERT (बहिर्मुखी) = A person who is filled with excessive enthusiasm
- EXUBERANT (विपुल) = Lively, high-spirited.
- FABLE (कल्पित कहानी) = A aniaml story with moral
- FABLE (कल्पित कहानी) = An animal story with moral
- FACSIMILE/XEROX (प्रतिकृति ) = An exact copy of handwriting ,printing
- FACTITIOUS (नक़ली) = Something artificial having the appearance of some thing got up
- FALLACY (हेत्वाभास) = A false idea or belief.
- FANATIC (हठधर्मी) = A person filled with excessive entusiasm, especially in religion
- FARCE (स्वांग) = A light-hearted humorous play with silly action.
- FARRIES (परियों) = One who shoes horses
- FASTIDIOUS (दुराराध्य) = One who cannot be easily pleased.
- FASTIDIOUS (दुराराध्य) = A person who is very selective disgusted easily and is hard to please
- FAVOURITISM (पक्षपात) = The practice of giving favoured treatment to certain people.
- FEBRILE (बुख़ारवाला) = Of or caused by fever.
- FELICATATE (अभिनंदन करना) = Congrulations some one in formal manner
- FELINE (बिल्ली के समान) = That is cat like
- FELONY (घोर अपराध) = Serious crime like murder ,arson
- FEMINIST (नारीवादी) = A supporter of the cause of women.
- FESTOON (तोरण) = Chain of flowers ,leaves ribbons etc.
- FIANCEE (मंगेतर) = One engaged to be married
- FIANCÉE (मंगेतर) = A girl to whom a man is engaged to be married.
- FICTITIOUS (काल्पनिक) = As opposed to realistic , imagined not real
- FIEND (पिशाच) = A person who is very cruel
- FILICIDE (बेटे या बेटी की हत्या।) = Murder of one’s children
- FINERY (सजधज) = Gay and elegant dress or appearance
- FISSION (फाड़ना) = Splitting of the nucleus of an atom.
- FLOCK (झुंड) = A number of sheeps
- FLOGGING (जिस्मानी सज़ा) = Severe beating with a whip.
- FLOTILLA (छोटी नावों का बेड़ा) = A small fleet of boats
- FLUKE (संयोग से पड़नेवाली चोट) = Stroke of good luck
- FLUVIAL (नदी-संबंधी) = Of, found in, or produced by rivers.
- FOLIO (जिल्द) = Page number of a book
- FOOLSCAP (फुलस्केप) = A size of paper, also called ‘legal’ format.
- FOREMAN (अधिकर्मी) = A skilled worker in charge of other workmen.
- FORFEIT (अर्थदंड) = Incur loss through some fault
- FOURTH ESTATE (चौथे स्तंभ) = Influential newspapers and journalists.
- FOURTH ESTATE (चौथे स्तंभ) = Influential newspapers and journalists.
- FRANCOPHILE (फ्रेंच के प्रशंसक) = An admirer of the french people, language, manners or way of life.
- FRANCOPHOBE (फ्रांस से सदैव खटका रखनेवाला) = One who dislikes the french and france.
- FRATRICIDE (भ्रातृघातक) = The murder of one’s brother.
- FRATRICIDE (भ्रातृघातक) = Murder of one’s brother
- FRESCO (भित्ति-चित्र) = The art of painting on a plaster surface
- FRUGAL/PARSIMONIOUS (किफ़ायती) = A person who is very careful in the use of money
- FUDDY-DUDDY (पुराने ढंग का) = An elderly person who does not understand or approve of modern ideas.
- FUGITIVE (भगोड़ा) = One who runs away from justice or the law
- FUMIGATE (धूप देना) = To clear of disease, bacteria etc., by means of chemical smoke.
- FURROW (कुंड) = The line which a plough cuts in the ground
- GALLOP (घोड़े की सरपट चाल) = Fastest speed of a horse
- GAMOPHOBIA = Fear of marriage
- GARAGE (गेराज) = A building in which motorcars are parked.
- GARRISON (किले की रखवाली करनेवाली सेना) = Military force stationed in a fortress
- GARRISON (दुगेरक्षक) = Military force stationed in a fortress
- GARRULOUS (बातूनी) = One who talks too much about uninteresting things.
- GARRULOUS (बातूनी) = A person who is talktive
- GASTRONOMY (उदर-सेवा) = The art and science of cooking and eating good food.
- GENEALOGY (वंशावली) = A record or table showing the descent of a person or a family
- GENOCIDE (नरसंहार) = Elimination or killing of a whole race.
- GENOPHOBIA = Fear of birth
- GEOLOGIST (भूविज्ञानी) = One who studies about rocks and soils
- GEOLOGY (भूतत्त्व) = The study of rocks and soils
- GEOTROPISM (भूअभिवर्तन) = Tendency to grow downwards
- GERAPHOBIA = Fear of old age
- GERIATRICS (जराचिकित्सा) = The branch of science which deals with the problems of the old
- GERMANOPHILE = An admirer of the german people, language, manners or way of life.
- GERMANOPHOBE (जर्मनों से दहशत रखने वाला व्यक्ति) = One who dislikes the germans and germany.
- GERMICIDE (अंकुर-नाशक दवा) = A medicine that kills germs.
- GERONTOCRACY (पुराने पुरुषों द्वारा शासित एक राजनीतिक प्रणाली) = Government by old man
- GIDDINESS (चक्कर) = Feeling that everything turns
- GLACIER (ग्लेशियर) = A mass of ice moving very slowly down a mountain valley.
- GLOSSARY (शब्दावली) = List of explantation
- GLUT (भरमार) = A larger supply than necessary.
- GOOSE (बत्तख) = A female of gander
- GOURMENT (पेटू) = A connoisseur of food and drink
- GRAFFITI (भित्ति लेखन) = Rough drawing or writing on public walls.
- GRAMINIVORE (घास खानेवाला) = An animal that eats grain.
- GRAPH PHOBIA (ग्राफ भय) = Fear of writing
- GRATIS (मुफ़्त) = Without payment, free of cost.
- GRATUITOUS (अहेतुक) = Done or obtained without payment or free of charge
- GREGARIOUS/SOCIABLE (मिलनसार) = Animals which live in a flock , used for human beings also
- GROAN (कराह) = Make a deep sound of pain
- GROCER (बनिया) = One who sells fruit, vegetables etc. from a barrow in the streets
- GRUDGE /GRUMBLE (भुनभुनाना) = Complain or protest irritatingly
- GUBERNATORIAL (गवर्नर) = Of a governor.
- GULLIBLE (भोला) = Simple and easily deceived
- GUST (झोंका) = A sudden rush of wind
- GYNOPHOBIA = Fear of women
- GYROSCOPE ( घूर्णिका ) = An instrument for recoding the revolutions of the earth
- HABITANT (बाशिंदा) = The normal abode of any animal or plant
- HACKNEYED (मामूली) = Languages that has been very much used
- HAGIOLOGY = Study of literature dealing with lives of saints
- HALLUCINATION (माया) = Seeing something which is not actually present.
- HALLUCINATION (माया) = A person without objective reality
- HANSOM (इक्का) = Two wheeled cab for two to ride indie with driver mounted up behind
- HARANGUE (भाषण) = Loud talk or speech
- HARBINGER (अग्र-दूत) = A person or thing that goes before and announes the coming of somethhing
- HARLOT (वेश्या) = A women of lax moral
- HARPAXOPHOBIA = Fear of being robbed
- HARPOON (हापून) = A spear on a rope for catching whales and other larger fish
- HART (बारहसिंगा) = An adult male of deer
- HARVEST (फसल काटना) = Cutting and gathering of grain
- HAUL (ढोना) = A number of fish caught (in net) caught at one time
- HAVEN (आश्रय) = A place of calm and safety.
- HAVOC (नाश) = Wide spread violence
- HAWKER (फेरीवाला) = One who travels from place to place selling miscellaneous articles
- HEAP (ढेर) = A number of ruins, stones
- HEARSE (रथी) = A vehicle that is used to carry a dead body
- HECKLE (सवालों से बात काटना) = Interrupt and ask troublesome questions
- HEDONIST (सुखवादी) = One who lives for pleasure.
- HEDONIST (सुखवादी) = One who believes that pleasure is the highest tool.
- HEDONOPHOBIA = Fear of pleasure
- HEINOUS (जघन्य) = Wicked to a high degree
- HELIOTHERAPY (हेलीओथेरपी) = The sun therapy
- HERBARIUM (सूखी वनस्पतियों का संग्राह) = A place for the collection of dried plants
- HERBIVORE (शाकाहारी ) = A plant-eating animal.
- HERBIVORE /HERBIVOROUS (शाकाहारी) = That which eats grass
- HERESY (अपसिद्धांत ) = Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted
- HERETIC (विधर्मी) = One who is against the religion
- HERMAPHRODITE (द्विलिंग) = Creature havingh both male and female organs
- HIGHBROW (घमंडी) = A person claming to be superior in culture and intellect to others
- HIJACKER (लुटेरा) = One who robs smuggler of his smuggled goods after the border has been crossed
- HIPPY (हिप्पी) = Person who is against the ordinary society esp. dressing
- HISTOLOGY (प्रोटोकॉल) = The study of tissues
- HISTRIONICS (अभिनय) = Overreacting in a theatrical manner.
- HOLOCAUST (प्रलय) = Great destruction and the loss of many lives; the mass killing of jews in world war ii.
- HOLSTER (पिस्तौलदान) = A leather holder for a pistol.
- HOMICIDE (मानव हत्या) = The killing of one man by another man.
- HOMICIDE (मानव हत्या) = The act of killing a human being
- HOMONYM (समनाम) = A word that is the same in sound as another but different in meaning
- HOMONYM (हमनाम) = A word which agrees with another in pronun-ciation and perhaps also in spelling but is different in meaning.
- HONORARY (माननीय) = An office for which no salary is paid.
- HOOLIGAN (गुंडा) = A noisy rough person who causes trouble.
- HOROLOGY (समय-मापन कला) = Science of time
- HORTICULTURE (बागवानी) = The art of garden cultivation.
- HORTICULTURE (बागवानी) = The art of cultivating and managing gardens
- HOUND (हाउंड) = A dog used for hunting
- HOWDAH (हौदा) = Seat on elephant’s back
- HUB (पहिए की नाभि) = The central part of a wheel.
- HUMANITIES (मानविकी) = Branches of learning concerned with literature history and philosophy
- HYDROPHOBIA = Fear of travel
- HYMN (भजन) = A religious song
- HYPERBOLE (अतिशयोक्ति) = Exaggerated statement made for the sake of effect
- HYPERBOLE (अतिशयोक्ति) = An exaggerated statement
- HYPOCHONDRIA (विषाद रोग) = A persistent anxiety about one’s health usually involving imagined symptoms of illiness
- HYPOCHONDRIAC (रोगभ्रमी ) = Excessively critical.one who has exaggerated anxiety about his health.
- HYPOCRITE (पाखंडी) = One who pretends to be what he is not
- HYPOCRITICAL (पाखंडी) = Pretence of virtue or goodness; saying one thing while thinking another.
- HYPOTHESIS (परिकल्पना) = Supposition made as basis for reasoning.
- IDEALISM (आदर्शवाद) = Practice of forming and following ideals.
- IDEOLOGY (विचारधारा) = Set of ideas at the basis of certain economic or political systems.
- IDIOSYNCRASY (स्वभाव) = An odd,a typical or eccentric trait
- IDIOSYNCRASY (स्वभाव) = A personal peculiarity of temperament or constitution
- IDOLATRY (मूर्ति पूजा) = Worship of idols.
- IDYLL (सुखद जीवन) = Short descripative poem or picturesque scene or incident
- IGNORAMUS (मूर्ख) = A thoroughly ignorant person.
- ILLEGAL (अवैध) = That which is contrary to law
- ILLEGIBLE (अस्पष्ट) = Handwriting which cannot be read.
- ILLITERATE (अनपढ़) = One who is unable to read or write.
- IMMACULATE (निर्मल) = Something perfectly neat and tidy
- IMMACULATE (निर्मल) = A person who is pure and clean
- IMMEMORIAL (अतिप्राचीन) = Too old to be remembered, ancient beyond memory.
- IMMIGRANT (आप्रवासी) = One who is settles in another country
- IMMINENT (आसन्न) = About to happen.
- IMMORTAL (अमर) = That which never dies.
- IMMUNE (प्रतिरक्षा) = Free from infection
- IMPASSABLE (अगम्य) = That which cannot be passed through.
- IMPERTINENT (अभेद्य) = Not shoeing proper respect
- IMPIOUS (बेईमान) = One who shows lack of respect or religious reverence
- IMPLACABLE (संगदिल) = Impossible to satisfy, change or make less angry.
- IMPONDERABLE (हलका) = That cannot be weighed
- IMPOTENT (नपुंसक) = Lacking in sexual power or sufficient strength to do something
- IMPREGNABLE (अभेद्य) = That which cannot be attacked or taken by force.
- IMPREGNABLE (अभेद्य) = That cannot be entered by force
- IMPREGNABLE (अभेद्य) = Incapable of being taken by force or arms
- INACCESSIBLE (दुर्गम) = That cannot be approached or reached.
- INALIENABEL (अविच्छेद्य) = Something that cannot be taken away
- INAUSPICIOUS (अशुभ) = Not of good omen.
- INCENDIARY (आग लगानेवाला) = A person who maliciously destroys by fire
- INCOMBUSTIBLE = That which can not be burnt
- INCOMBUSTIBLE (जो अग्नि द्वारा नष्ट न किया जा सके) = Incapable of being burnt
- INCORPOREAL (निराकार) = Without a body.
- INCORPOREAL (निराकार) = That which is not composed of matter
- INCREDIBLE (अतुल्य) = That cannot be believed.
- INDEFATIGABLE (अथक) = One who is incapable of being tired.
- INDEFATIGABLE (अथक) = Persons that cannot be wearied
- INDELIBLE (अमिट) = Incapable of being effaced or cancelled or obliterated.
- INDELIBLE (अमिट) = That cannot be erased or removed
- INDELIBLE (अमिट) = That cannot be erased or removed
- INDEMNITY (बीमे की रकम) = Compensation of loss
- INDIGENOUS (देसी) = Belonging naturally to a place.
- INDIGNANT (क्रोधित) = Angry at injustice
- INDOPHILE ( उद्दण्ड) = An admirer of the indian people, its culture, manners or way of life.
- INDOPHOBE ( उद्दण्ड) = One who dislikes the indians and india.
- INEDIBLE (अखाद्य) = Something which cannot be eaten.
- INEVITABLE (अपरिहार्य) = That which is bound to happen.
- INEXORABLE (निष्ठुर) = One who is unrelenting and cannot be moved by entreaties
- INEXPLICABLE (अकथनीय) = That which can not be explained.
- INEXPLICIT (अकथनीय) = Not definitely or clearly expressed
- INFATUATION (आसक्ति) = Foolish love
- INFIRMARY (दुर्बलता) = A home for old people
- INFLAMMABLE (ज्वलनशील) = Capable of catching fire.
- INFLAMMATION (सूजन) = Swelling part of a body
- INFLATE (हवा भरना) = To fill with air or gas.
- INGENIOUS (सरल) = Very clever.
- INIMITABLE (अननुकरणीय) = That which cannot be imitated.
- INJUNCTION (आदेश) = Judicial process or order to stop something
- INN (सराय) = Place which provides both board and lodging
- INNATE (जन्मजात) = That which one is born with.
- INNOCUOUS (अहानिकर) = That which is quite harmless.
- INNUENDO (व्यंग्य) = A subtle allusive and generally deprecatory remark
- INSCRUTABLE (गूढ़) = Not clearly expressed or understand
- INSINUATE (संकेत करना) = Suggest indirectly
- INSULAR (द्वीपीय) = Interested mainly in a small group country etc.
- INTANGIBLE (अमूर्त) = That cannot be mentally grasped.
- INTELLIGENTSIA (बुद्धिजीवीवर्ग) = The class of people who think independently.
- INTERCEDE (मेमों की टोपी बनानेवाला) = To mediate between two parties in a dispute
- INTERCEDE (रक्षा करना) = Plead to obtain a favour
- INTERNECINE (घातक) = Causing destruction to both sides
- INTERPOLATE = Make (something misleading) additions to a book
- INTERPOLATE (बैठाना) = Make (spurious & misleading) additions to a book
- INTERREGNUM (अंतर्काल) = The period between two reigns
- INTERREGNUM (दो राजाए के भीतर समय) = The period between two reigns
- INTERRELATE (कर) = Interrupt the proceeding and demand a statement or explanation from
- INTERSPERSE (छितराना) = Scatter things among others or place here and there
- INTOLERABLE (न सहने योग्य) = That which cannot be endured.
- INTRANSIGENT (सैद्धांतिक) = A person who has a most uncompromising attitude especially on politics
- INTROSPECTION (अंतर्दर्शन) = Examination of one’s own mental processes.
- INTUITION (अंतर्ज्ञान) = Immediate apprehension by mind reasoning.
- INVINCIBLE (अजेय) = That cannot be conquered or defeated.
- INVIOLATE (अखण्ड) = Something that can not be harmed
- INVULNERABLE (अभेद्य) = That which cannot be wounded.
- IRREPARABLE (अपूरणीय) = That which cannot be repaired.
- IRREPROACHABLE (पहुंच से बाहर का) = So good that no criticism can be made.
- ITINERANT (चलनेवाला) = A person who travels from place to place
- ITINERARY (यात्रा कार्यक्रम) = A plan for or route to be followed on a joureny
- JARGON (शब्दजाल) = Language difficult to understand
- JAUNT (मनोरंजन की यात्रा) = A short joureny for pleaseure
- JAYWALK (रास्ता पार करने में लापरवाह होना) = To cross streets on foot in a careless and dangerous way.
- JOCKEY (घुड़दौड़ का सवार) = A professional rider in horse races
- JOEY (एक छोटा सा सिक्का) = A young kangaroo.
- JUDAS (प्रेम की) = A traitor who can sel our even his firends
- JUDICIOUS (समझदार) = Wise, sound in judgement.
- JUNTA (गुट) = A group of people who band together for some secret purpose especially for political intrigue
- JURISPRUDENCE (इस्तेमाल किया) = Science and philosophy of human law
- JUXTAPOSE (मिलाना) = To place side by side
- JUXTAPOSE (मिलाना) = Placing a thing beside another
- KALEIDOSCOPE (बहुरूपदर्शक) = A swiftly changing scene or pattern
- KALOLOGY (कलोलोग्य) = Science of human beauty
- KATSARIDAPHOBIA = Fear of cockroaches
- KEKISTOCRACY = Government by the worst citizen
- KENNEL (कुत्ता-घर) = A house or shelter for a dog
- KIMONO (कीमोनो) = A loose gown of silk as worn in japan.
- KNELL (समाधिवाली झंकार) = A funeral bell
- KNIGHTHOOD (नाइट की पदवी) = The right to put ‘sir’ in front of one’s name.
- LACKEY (नौकर) = One who behaves like a servant by always obeying.
- LACONIC (संक्षिप्त) = Expressing in a few words
- LACONIC (संक्षिप्त) = Being economical in speech or expressed in few words
- LAGOON (खाड़ी) = Salt water lake separated from the sea by sand banks
- LALOPHOBIA = Fear of speed
- LAMINATE (टुकड़े टुकड़े) = To cover with thin sheets of metal or plastic.
- LAMPOON (व्यंग्य करना) = A written attack using humour to provoke contempt
- LAPIDARY (खोदना) = One who cuts precious stones
- LAUNDRY (कपड़े धोने) = A place where clothes are washed and ironed
- LAXATIVE (रेचक) = A medicine that loosens the bowelsfather
- LEGACY (वसीयत) = Something left in a will by someone who has died
- LEGIBLE (पढ़ने योग्य) = Capable of being read clearly.
- LEGIBLE (पढ़ने योग्य) = Capable of being read clearly.
- LEGITIMATE (वैध) = Responsible according to law
- LEONINE (सिंह जैसा) = Of or like a lion.
- LETHAL (घातक) = Causing death
- LEXICOGRAPHER (कोशकार) = One who compiles dictionaries.
- LIBEL (परिवाद) = A false written statement to damage a person’s repute
- LIBERTARIAN (मुक्तिवादी) = One who believes that one should have freedom of expression.
- LIBERTINE/LECHER (ज़िनाकार) = A person who leads an immoral life
- LICENTIOUS (बेलगाम) = Man of lax moral
- LICENTIOUS (बेलगाम) = Extremely extravagant in manners and morals
- LIMERICK (लीमेरिक) = A humorous short poem with five lines.
- LIMNOLOGY (सरसी जीव) = The study of lakes and other fresh water bodies
- LIMNOLOGY (सरसी जीव) = The study of physical phenomenon of lakes
- LINDEMNIFY (बीमा कराना) = To comenasate a person etc. for loss or damage
- LIPOPHOBIA (लिपोफोबिअ) = Fear of getting fat
- LITERATI (शिष्ट सम्मत वाक्रय) = People with knowledge of literature.
- LITHOTOMY (आपरेशन के व्दार पथरी नीकालना) = Cutting for stone in the bladder
- LITTER (कूड़े) = Of young pigs, dogs at birth
- LOCK (ताला) = A section of hair
- LOGOPHOBIA = Fear of words
- LOQUACIOUS (बातूनी) = One who talks a lot.
- LOQUACIOUS (बातूनी) = One who talks continuously
- LOWBROW (तंग ललाट का) = One who has no interest in literature, art etc.
- LULLABY (लोरी) = A pleasant song sung to send children to sleep.
- LULLABY (लोरी) = A song to put babies to sleep
- LUNATIC (पागल मनुष्य) = A place where mad men are kept
- LYGOPHOBIA = Fear of dark
- MACABRE (भयंकर) = A scene or situation which is gruesomely imaginative or full of gruesome details
- MACHETE (एक प्रकार का कुलहाड़ा) = A knife with a broad heavy blade.
- MACHIAVELLIAN (धूर्त) = Unscrupulous in gaining what is wanted
- MADRIGAL (रागिका) = Part-song for several voices without instrumental accompaniment
- MAGNUM OPUS (प्रसिद्ध रचना) = A great work of art, particularly literary.
- MAIEUSIPHOBIA = Fear of childbirth
- MALAPROPISM (ध्वनि-साम्य के कारण एक स्थान पर दूसरे शब्द का प्रयोग) = A pharse r sentence that is comical or noncensical because the speaker used a wrong woek that sounded something like a right word
- MALAPROPISM (ध्वनि-साम्य के कारण एक स्थान पर दूसरे शब्द का प्रयोग) = Ridicululous use of works
- MALCONTENT (नाख़ुश) = Person who is always dissatisfied
- MALEDICTION (फटकार) = Evil, vicious speech.
- MALINGERER (अपवादक) = Who pretends illness to escape duty
- MANIFESTO (घोषणा पत्र) = A declaration of plans and promises put forward by a political party
- MANNEQUIN /DUMMY (पुतला ) = A fullsize model of a complete of patial human figure
- MANOMETER (दबाव नापने का यंत्र) = An instrunment for measuring gases
- MANUAL (श्रम) = A book giving information about how to work something.
- MANUSCRIPT (हस्तलिपि) = Handwritten script of a book.
- MARITICIDE (मातृहत्या) = Killing of one’s husband
- MARTINET (उग्र दण्ड) = A strict disciplinarian.
- MASCOT (शुभंकर) = Something chosen as a symbol to bring good luck.
- MASOCHIST ( पीड़ा सुखभोगी) = One who enjoys pain or humiliation.
- MATIN (मतीन) = Morning prayer
- MATIN (मतीन) = Morning prayer in the church regularly
- MAUSOLEUM (समाधि) = A magnificent tomb
- MAUSOLEUM (समाधि) = A magnificent tomb
- MAXIM/PROVERB/DICTUM/ADAGE (कहावत) = Severe test of character or endurance
- MEGALOMANIA (बड़ाई का ख़ब्त) = The belief that one is extremely important.
- MEGALOMANIA (बड़ाई का ख़ब्त) = Mania of being important
- MEGALOMANIAC ( अहंकारोन्मादी) = A person with a false impression that he is great and powerful.
- MEGALOMANIAC (अहंकारोन्मादी) = One who has delusions of one’s grandeur
- MELODIOUS (मधुर) = Sweet sounding.
- MELODRAMA (भावों को आगृत करनेवाला नाटक) = A drama which is marked by very crude appeal to feelings and emotions
- MEMENTO (यादगार) = Something kept or given as a reminder
- MEMOIR (इतिहास) = Perasonal reminiscences in a narrative from
- MENAGERIE (जंगली पशुओं का पिंजड़ों में संग्रह) = A place for wild animals and birds
- MERCANTILE (मर्केंटाइल) = Of trade and business.
- MERCENARY (किराये का) = One who fights for money
- MERCENARY (किराये का) = A solider who fights for money
- METALLURGY (धातुकर्म) = The science dealing with the production of metals
- METAPHOR (रूपक) = Application of name or descriptive term to an object to which it is not literally applicable
- METEOROLOGIST (अंतरिक्षविज्ञानशास्री) = One who studies the elements of weather.
- METEOROLOGY (अंतरिक्ष-विज्ञान) = The scientific study of weather conditions.
- METICULOUS (अति सावधान) = A person who is very careful about details.
- METICULOUS (अति सावधान) = One who is very careful and particular
- MIGRATE(प्रवास करना) = To move from one country to another
- MILITIA (योद्धा) = Those trained as soldiers but not belonging to a regular army.
- MILLINER (मेमों की टोपी बनानेवाला) = A person who makes and sells ladies hats, etc.
- MINCE (क़ीमा) = Cut into small peaces
- MINX (ढीठ लड़की) = An impudent girl
- MISANTHROPE (मनुष्यद्रोही) = One who hates mankind.
- MISANTHROPE (मनुष्यद्रोही) = One who hates mankind
- MISOCAPNIC = Hatter of smoking
- MISOGAMIST (विवाह-द्वेषी) = One who hates marriage.
- MISOGAMIST (विवाह-द्वेषी) = One hates the institution of marriage
- MISOGYNIST (स्री जाति से द्वेष करनेवाला) = One who hates women.
- MISONEIST (स्री जाति से द्वेष करनेवाला) = A hater of new things
- MIVIPAROUS (जीवित बच्चा जनने वाली) = Producing young that are fully developed .
- MOBILIZE (संगठित करना) = To collect together for service in war
- MONOGRAPH (प्रबंध) = A treatise on one subject
- MONOLOGUE (स्वगत भाषण) = A long speech by one person
- MONOMANIAC (एकोंमादी) = One who keeps thinking of one particular thing only.
- MONOMANIIAC (एकोंमादी) = Perason obsessed with one idea or subject
- MONOTHEISM (अद्वैतवाद) = The practice of worshipping only one god.
- MONUMENTAL (स्मरणार्थ) = Of outstanding significance
- MULTINATIONAL (बहुराष्ट्रीय) = A company having branches in many countries.
- MUNDANE (सांसारिक) = Belonging to this word , earthly
- MUTATION (परिवर्तन) = A change that befalls something
- MUTINY (गदर) = Open rebellion of soldiers and sailors against lawful authority
- MUTTON = Flesh of sheep used as food
- MYCOLOGY (कवक विज्ञान) = The scientific study of fungi.
- NAMESAKE (हमनाम) = A person having the same name
- NARCOSIS (नींद लानेवाली औषधि से होनेवाली बेहोशी) = State of unconscious
- NAUSEA (मतली) = Strong feeling of wanting to vomit.
- NAUTICAL (समुद्री) = Of sailors, ships or sailing.
- NECTAR (अमृत) = Secretion of a plant which attracts the insects or birds that pollinate flowers
- NEMESIS (दासता) = Downfall that satisfies natural justice.
- NEOLOGISM ( नवशब्द) = A new word coined by an author
- NEOLOGISM (निओलगिज़्म) = A new word.
- NEOLOGY (नव्य प्रयोग) = Using of new words
- NEPOTISM (भाई-भतीजावाद) = Undue favour shown by a person in power to his relatives.
- NEPOTISM (भाई-भतीजावाद) = Special favour shown by a person in high position to his relatives.
- NEUROTIC (नसों का) = A person suffering from nervous breakdown
- NEWFANGLED (फै़शनवाला) = Fond of new things
- NICHE (आला) = A hollow place in wall
- NICHE (मौका ) = A hollow space in a wall for a stuate
- NIHILIST (नास्तिवादी) = One who believes in the philosophy that nothing has real existence
- NOMAD (बंजारा) = Secretion of a plant which attracts the insects or birds that pollinate flowers
- NOMO LOGY (सना हुआ) = Study of law
- NOSTRUM (नोस्ट्रम) = A quick remedy or apparent medicine or similarly a pet scheme
- NOTARY (लेख्य प्रमाणक) = A public official who makes written statements official.
- NUMISMATIC (सिक्का संबंधी) = One who collects coins.
- NUMISMATICS (मुद्राशास्त्र) = The study of coins
- NYCTOPHOBIA = Fear of darkness
- OBITUARY (स्मृति) = Notice of a person’s death in a newspaper.
- OBITUARY (स्मृति) = An account, in the newspaper, of the funeral of one deceased
- OBLATION (यज्ञ) = Offering made to god
- OBLIGATORY (अनिवार्य) = That which is required to be done by law.
- OBLITERATE (काटना) = Destroy without any trace
- OBSOLETE (अप्रचलित) = That which is out of use, or replaced by a newer model.
- OBSTERICIAN (दाई) = Physician who delivers babies
- OCCIDENTAL (पच्छमवासी) = Belonging to the west
- OCLOPHOBIA (भीड़ का भय ) = Fear of crowds
- OCULIST (नेत्र-विशेषज्ञ) = One who attends to the diseases of the eye
- OCULIST (नेत्र-विशेषज्ञ) = One who cure eye disease
- ODONTOLOGY (दन्त शास्त्र) = The study of teeth
- ODYSSEY (ओडिसी) = A long wandering journey
- OMNIBUS (कुच्छ बात शामिल करनेवाला) = Gathering of all things
- OMNIFARIOUS (सब प्रकार का) = Of all sorts
- OMNIPOTENT (सर्वशक्तिमान) = One who is all powerful.
- OMNIPRESENT (सर्व-भूत) = One who is present everywhere
- OMNISCIENT (सर्वज्ञ) = One who knows everything.
- OMNISCIENT (सर्वज्ञ) = One who knows everything
- OMNIVOROUS (सर्व-भक्षक) = One who eats anything.
- OMNIVOROUS (सर्व-भक्षक) = One who eats everything
- ONTOLOGY (सत्तामीमांसा) = Philosophy concerned with the nature of existence.
- OOLOGY (पक्षियों के अंडों का अध्ययन) = The study of eggs
- OPHIOPOBIA = Fear of snakes
- OPPROBRIUM (तिरस्कार) = Scornful and contemptuous language
- OPTHALMOLOGIST (नेत्रविज्ञानी) = An eye-doctor.
- OPTICIAN (प्रकाशविज्ञानशास्री) = One who makes or sells eye-glasses
- OPTIMIST (आशावादी) = One who looks on the bright side of things.
- OPTOMETRIST (आँखों का डाक्टर) = A technician who measures your eyesight.
- ORALOGY (समानता) = The study of mountains
- ORATOR (वक्ता) = One who makes an eloquent public speech
- ORCHARD (फलोद्यान) = A place where fruit trees are grown
- ORCHARD (मेवों का बाग़) = Voluptuarya field or a part of a garden where fruit trees grow
- ORDEAL (परख) = Severe test of character or endurance
- ORDINATION (समन्वय) = The ceremony at which a man becomes a priest
- ORNATE (सरूप) = Style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge
- ORNITHOLOGY (पक्षीविज्ञान) = The study of birds
- ORTHOEPY (इमला) = The study of correct pronunciation
- ORTHOGRAPHY (इमला) = Currect spelling
- ORTHOGRAPHY (इमला) = The art of spelling words correctly
- ORTHOPHOBIA = Fear of property
- OSTLER (साईस) = One who attends to horses at an inn
- OSTLER (साईस) = A person who looks after horses in a inn
- OSTRACIZE (समाज से बाहर निकालना) = Expel from society
- OUBLIETTE = Dungeon entered by trapdoor
- OUTLET (आउटलेट) = Way out for water or stream
- OVIPAROUS (डिंबप्रसू) = Bearing young’s by eggs
- PACHYDERM (मोटे चमड़े का जनवार) = A thick-skinned animal, especially an elephant or rhinoceros.
- PACIFIST (शांतिवादी) = One who believes in the abolition of war.
- PAEDIATRICIAN (बाल रोग विशेषज्ञ) = Doctors who treat children’s diseases
- PAGAN (बुतपरस्त) = Person who does not believe in any religion
- PALAEOGRAPHY (प्राचीन शिलालेखों का अध्ययन) = The study of ancient writing.
- PALAEOGRAPHY (प्राचीन शिलालेखों का अध्ययन) = The study of ancient modes of writing
- PALAEOGRAPHY (प्राचीन शिलालेखों का अध्ययन) = The study of ancient writing
- PALAEONTOLOGY (जीवाश्मिकी) = The study of fossils.
- PALAEONTOLOGY (जीवाश्मिकी) = Study of fossils
- PALATABLE (स्वादिष्ट) = Food which agrees with one’s taste
- PALEOGRAPHY (प्राचीन शिलालेखों का अध्ययन) = The study of ancient writing
- PALLIATIVE (शांति देनेवाला) = That which can lessen the severity of (pain , disease)
- PANACEA (राम-बाण) = A remedy which can cure all diseases.
- PANARCY ( रसोई भांडार) = Government run universally
- PANCHROMATIC (वर्णपट के समस्त रंगों के लिए समान रूप से संवेदनशील) = Equally sensitive to all colours
- PANDEMIC (महामारी) = A disease widely epidemic
- PANDEMONIUM (विप्लव) = Wild and noisy disorder
- PANEGYRIC (स्तवन) = A speech or writing prasing a person or a thing
- PANTHEISM (देवपूजां) = Belief of god in nature
- PANTHEIST (सर्वेश्वरवादी) = Person who belives that god is everything and eveyting is god
- PANTHEON (सब देवताओं का मंदिर) = Temple dedicated to all the gods
- PANTISOCRACY = Government by all
- PARABLE (दृष्टांत) = To explain a spritual truth
- PARADOX (विरोधाभास) = Contradictory statement.
- PARAMOUR (प्रेमिका) = A lover specially one who unlawfully takes the position of a wife or a husband
- PARANOIA (पागलपन) = Mental derangement
- PARAPHERNALIA (सामान) = Personal belonging , equipments etc.
- PARASITE (परजीवी) = One who lives on others
- PARASOL (छत्र) = A small umbrella
- PARIAH (ख़ारिज) = One who is not accepted by society.
- PARODY (भड़ौआ) = Funny imitation of a poem
- PARONYM (ऐसे शब्द जिनकी ध्वनि एक पर उच्चारण और अर्थ भिन्न हों) = Words alike in sound but different in meaning and spelling
- PARRICIDE (पितृघातक) = Murder of one’s parents
- PARVENU (नौबढ़) = One who flaunts newly acquired wealth
- PATENT (एकस्व) = Sole right to make and sell one’s own invention.
- PATOIS (अशिक्षितों की भाषा) = A language of special group
- PATRICIDE (पितृहत्या) = Killing one’s father
- PATRIMONY (विरासत) = Property inherited from one’s father pr ancestors
- PATRONYMIC (बाप का नाम) = Name derived from father’s name
- PAUNCH (पेट) = A man’s fat stomach.
- PAUPER (कंगाल) = One who has no means of live hood
- PAWN/MORTGAGE (बंधक) = Give something as a security for debt
- PECULATION/EMBEZZLEMENT (गबन) = Use of public money for one’s own benefit
- PEDAGOGUE (अध्यापक) = A school teacher or a man affecting learning
- PEDAGOGY (शिक्षणशास्र) = The art of method of teaching
- PEDANT (रूढ़िवादी) = One who exhibits his book learning.
- PEDANTIC (पंडिताऊ) = A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge
- PEEL (छाल) = To remove the skin of a potato or and orange
- PEER (सहकर्मी) = Equal in rank
- PEN (पेन) = A small enclosere for cattle ,sheep ,polutry etc
- PENIAPHOBIA = Fear of poverty
- PENINSULA (प्रायद्वीप) = Land so surrounded by water as to e almost and island
- PENINSULA (प्रायद्वीप) = Area of land almost surrounded by sea
- PENULTIMATE (अंत से पहले) = Last but one.
- PERORATION (नतीजा) = A passage marking the close of speech
- PERORATION (नतीजा) = Concluding part of speech
- PERQUISITE (रिआयत) = Gain over and above one’s salary
- PERSONIFY (आदर्शरूप ग्रहण करना) = Be the embodiment or perfect example
- PERSPICACIOUS (भेदक) = Quick to judge and understand
- PERVERSION (विकृति) = Change to something abnormal , unnatural
- PETROLOGY (शिला) = The study of rocks
- PETROLOGY (शिला-विज्ञान) = The scientific study of rocks.
- PHALACROPHOBIA = Fear of becoming blad
- PHASMOPHOBIA = Fear of ghosts
- PHILISTINE (अशिक्षित) = Person of material outlook who is indifferent to culture.
- PHILOGYNIST /FEMINIST (नारीवादी) = One who works for the welfare of the women
- PHILOLOGIST (भाषाविद) = One who is well versed in the science of languages.
- PHILOLOGY (भाषाशास्त्र) = The study of languages
- PHILOLOGY (भाषाशास्त्र) = The study of written records their authenticity etc.
- PHILOMUSE = A lover of poetry and art
- PHILOZOIC = A lover of animals
- PHONETICS (स्वर-विज्ञान) = The science of speech, sounds and their production
- PHONETICS (स्वर-विज्ञान) = The study of speech sounds and production, transmission , reception
- PHOTOMETER (दीप्तिमापी) = Instrument for measuring the intensity of light
- PHRENOLOGY (मस्तिष्क-विज्ञान) = The science of judging of a person’s character capabilities etc. from an examination of the shape of his skull
- PHYSIOGNOMY (मुख का आकृति) = The study of human face
- PIGGYBACK (किसी की पीठ और कंधे पर एक सवारी।) = Ride on someone’s back
- PIGMENT (रंगद्रव्य) = The natural colouring matter of plants and animals.
- PIQUANT (चटपटा) = Pleasant or sharp to the taste
- PLAGIARISM (काव्य-चौर्य) = Literary theft, or passing off an author’s original work as one’s own.
- PLAINTIFF (वादी) = One who bring a charge against someone in court.
- PLATITUDE (साधारण बात) = A common place remark
- PLATITUDE (साधारण बात) = Statement that is obviously true
- PLATITUDES (साधारण बात) = Common place remarks
- PLATONIC (आदर्शवादी) = A very close, non-sexual friendship between two people.
- PLEBEIAN (सर्वसाधारण) = Of the lower social classes.
- PLEBISCITE (जनमत-संग्रह) = An experession of the popular will concerning some important questions given by a direct vote of the people
- PLEBISCITE (जनमत-संग्रह) = Decision made upon a political question by the votes of all qualified persons
- PLENIPOTENTIARY (साधिकार) = A person with full discretinary power to act on behalf of a country
- PLEONASM (शब्द-बाहुल्य) = Use of more words than are needed to express the meaning
- PLUTOCRACY (धनिक तन्त्र) = Government by the wealthy people
- POLYANDRY (बहुपतित्व) = The practice of having more than one husband at the same time.
- POLYGAMY (बहुविवाह) = The practise of having more than one husband or wife at the same time.
- POLYGAMY (बहुविवाह) = Custom of having many wives
- POLYGLOT (बहुभाषी) = One who speaks many languages.
- POLYGLOT (बहुभाषी) = One who knows many languages
- PORCINE (सुअर का) = That which is pig like
- POSSE (मेला) = A group of people who are the same in some way
- POSTERITY (भावी पीढ़ी) = Future generation
- POSTHUMOUS (मरणोत्तर) = A child born after the death of its father.
- POSTHUMOUS (मरणोत्तर) = Occurring after death
- POSTSCRIPT (उपसंहार) = A note added at the end of a letter, after the signature.
- POSTULATE (मांगना) = Something which can be taken for granted
- POT-BOILER (पॉट-बायलर) = A book or picture produced merely to bring in money
- POTPOURRI (शुष्क अतर) = A medley or heterogenous mixture of great variety
- PRAGMATISM (दंभ) = Theory of utility
- PRAGMATIST (दंभी) = A person concerned with practical results and values
- PRAGMATIST (व्यवहारवादी) = One who uses common sense.
- PREDATOR (दरिंदा) = One preying on or exploiting others
- PREDICAMENT (कठिन परिस्थिति) = Difficult or dangerous situation
- PREROGATIVE (रिआयत) = Absolute right
- PRESCIENT (पूर्वज्ञान रखनेवाला) = Able to foretell what will happen in the future.
- PRESENTMENT (तसवीर) = Feeling or impression that something evil is going to happen
- PROCRASTINATION (टालमटोल) = The tendency to postpone things for future
- PROFILE (शख्सियत) = A side view of someone’s head.
- PROGNOSIS (रोग का निदान) = Forecast of the probable course of a disease or illness
- PROLETARIAT (सर्वहारा) = Whole body of wage earners
- PROMISCUOUS (अनेक) = Confused and disorderly
- PROMISE (कसम) = Explicit understanding to do something
- PROPELLANT (फेंकने योग्य) = An explosive for firing a bullet or a rocket.
- PROPENSITY (स्र्झान) = Natural tendency to do something
- PROTAGONIST(प्रवक्ता) = Chief person in a drama, story etc.
- PROTOTYPE (आदर्श) = Original modal
- PROTéGé (आश्रित) = Person to whom another gives encouragement and help
- PSEPHOLOGIST (चुनाव विश्लेषक) = One who studies the pattern of voting in elections
- PSEUDONYM (उपनाम) = A pen-name assumed by a writer.
- PSEUDONYM (उपनाम) = A fictitious name used by an author
- PULMONARY (फेफड़े) = Of or having an effect on the lungs.
- PULSATE (धड़कना) = Expand and contract rhythmically
- PUNCTILIO (ज़रा सी बात) = Particular point of good conduct , ceremony honour
- PYROTECHNICS (आतिशबाज़ी बनाने की विद्या) = The art of making fireworks
- QUACK (नीम हकीम) = One who dishonestly claims to have knowledge and skill, esp. in medicine.
- QUARANTINE (संगरोध) = Confinement to one place to prevent spread of infection.
- QUARANTINE (संगरोध) = Separation from other people to avoid infection
- QUARANTINE (संगरोध) = An act of separation from a person to avoid infection
- QUINQUENNIAL (पाँच वर्ष का) = Happening in five years
- QUIXOTIC (विलक्षण) = Trying to do the impossible, usually to help others, while putting oneself into danger.
- QUIXOTIC (विलक्षण) = One who is chvalrous,idealistic and unpractical
- RABBLE (भीड़) = People in rowdy scence
- RACONTEUR (बयान करनेवाला) = One who is good at telling stories in an interesting way.
- RACONTEUR (बयान करनेवाला) = One who tells anecdotes or stories
- RAFFLE /DRAW (भाग्य क्रीड़ा) = Lottery in which an article is assigned by lot to one of those buying tickts
- RAPPORT (तालमेल) = A good relationship between two people.
- RECALCITRANT (आज्ञा न माननेवाला) = A person who refuses compliance with
- RECEPTIVE (ग्रहणशील) = Capable of receiving new ideas.
- RECESS (अवकाश) = Secret place difficult to reach
- RECIDIVIST (मुजरिम) = One who habitually relapses into crime or one who cannot be cured of criminal activities
- RECLUSE (वैरागी) = One who retires from socity to live a solitary life
- RECLUSE (वैरागी) = Person who lives alone and avoid others
- RED TAPISM (लालफीताशाही) = Excessive use of official formalities which causes unnecessary delay.
- REFLATION (पुन: मुद्रास्फीति) = A government policy of increasing the amount of money in circulation.
- REFUGEE (शरणार्थी) = One who takes refuge in a foreign country.
- REGALIA (इनाम) = Dress with medals, ribbons worn at official ceremonies
- REINFORCE (सुदृढ़) = Strengthen by additional men or material.
- REJUVENATE (फिर से युवा करना) = Give back to the users their youthful vigour and appearance
- REMISSION (क्षमा) = Pardon or forgiveness of sins by god
- RENAISSANCE (नवजागरण) = A renewal of interest in art, literature etc.
- RENEGADE (पाखण्डी) = One who fights for money
- RENEGADE (पाखण्डी) = A person who forsakes religion
- RENEGATE/ RENEGADE (पाखण्डी) = Person who changes his religious belief
- REPARTEE (हाजिर जवाबी) = Witty , clever retort
- REPARTEE (हाजिर जवाबी) = Witty clever retort
- REPENTANCE (पछतावा) = Atonement for one’s sins
- REPERCUSSION (प्रतिघात) = Indirect effect or remote effect of some event
- REPLICA (प्रतिकृति) = Copy or reproduction of a work
- REQUISITION (मांग) = An official demand or request.
- RESPLENDENT (चमकीला) = Shining , brilliant and magnificent
- RETICENT (अल्पभाषी) = A person who is resereved in talks
- RETICULE (स्त्रियों का जालीदार बटुवा) = A lady’s purse
- RETRIBUTION (प्रतिकार) = A severe deserved punishment.
- RHETORIC (वक्रपटुता) = The art of elegant speech or writing
- RINGLEADER (सरदार) = One who leads others to do wrong or make trouble.
- RODENT (कृंतक) = A small herbivore usually considered a pest..
- RUMINANT (जुगाली करनेवाला) = A cud-chewing animal
- RUMINANT (जुगाली करनेवाला) = Cud-chewing animal
- RUMINATE (चिंतन करना) = To mediate, to pander over a question
- RUSSOPHILE = An admirer of the russian people, language, manners or way of life.
- RUSSOPHOBE (रूस-विरोधी (व्यक्ति)) = One who dislikes the russians and russia.
- RUSTICATE (दंडस्वरूप निष्कासित करना) = To relax in a countryside far away from the humdrum of town
- SABOTAGE (तोड़-फोड़) = Wanton destruction especially of a factory, etc. b y dissatis- fied workers.
- SACCHARIN (साकारीन) = Substance used in place of sugar
- SACRAMENT (धर्मविधि) = A symbolic religious ceremony especially baptism
- SACRILEGE (अपवित्रीकरण) = The violation or profaning of sacred things.
- SACRILEGE (अपवित्रीकरण) = The act of violating the sanctity of church
- SACRILIEGE (अपवित्रीकरण) = Violiting religious things
- SANATORIUM (SANATORIUM) = Making a show of piety.
- SANATORIUM (आरोग्यआश्रम) = A place for invalids and convalescents.
- SANCTUM,SANCTORUM (गर्भगृह) = A very private room
- SANGUINE (आशावादी) = Abounding in blood
- SATURNINE (उदास) = One who is grave and gloomy
- SAVAGE (बर्बर) = In a primitive or uncivilized state
- SCAFFOLD (पाड़) = A structure on which criminals used to be hanged.
- SCAPEGRACE (बेहया) = One who always gets into trouble
- SCEPTIC (संदेहवादी) = Person who doubts the truth of what he is told.
- SCRIMMAGE (SCRIMMAGE) = Confused struggle or fight
- SCUBA (एक प्रकार का वृक्ष) = An instrument used for breathing when swimming under water.
- SCULPTOR (मूर्तिकार) = One who carves in stone, metal, wood, etc.
- SCURRILITY (गाली-गलौज) = Practise of using abuse
- SEDENTARY (गतिहीन) = Done while sitting down. seer : one who can see into the future.
- SENILE (बूढ़ा) = Suffering from bodily or mental weakness because old age
- SENSATIONALISM (संवेदनवाद) = The intentional producing of excitement or shock.
- SENTENTIOUS (उपदेशात्मक) = Affectedly and pompously formal person or style
- SEPTUAGENARIAN = one in his seventies
- SERENADE (प्रेमी का सन्ध्या का गीत) = Music played or sung at night below a person’s window
- SESQUICENTENNIAL (150वीं वर्षगाँठ (संबंधी)) = 150th anniversary
- SHATTER (टूट) = Smash to pieces
- SHEATH (म्यान) = A case in which the sword is kept
- SHEATH ,SCABBARD (म्यान) = A case in which the blade of a sword is kept
- SHOAL (उथला) = A large number of fish swimming together
- SHREDDING (कतरन) = Cutting all the waste paper into pieces
- SHROUD (कफ़न) = Winding sheet of a corpse
- SHUTTLE (शटल) = Go back and forth
- SIESTA (गरम देशों में दोपहर की अल्प निद्रा) = Period of rest or sleep taken in the early afternoon
- SILHOUETTE (छाया-आकृति) = Black shadow-like picture on white background.
- SILHOUETTE (छाया-आकृति) = A portrait of a person with only the outline of the profile
- SIMULTANEOUSLY (एक साथ) = Taking place or happening at the same time.
- SINECURE (कार्यभार रहित नौकरी) = Any office with good salary but no work.
- SINOPHILE (चीन की तारीफ) = An admirer of the chinese people, language, manners or way of life.
- SINOPHOBE (चीनियों से नफरत करने वाला) = One who dislikes the chinese and china.
- SMALL FRY (छोटे तलना) = Unimportant people.
- SNIPPET (टुकड़ा) = A small piece from something spoken or written.
- SNOB (मोची का नौकर) = One who despises persons of lower social position
- SOJOURN (डेरा डालना) = A short stay at a place.
- SOJOURN (डेरा डालना) = A short stay at a place
- SOLECISM (प्रमाद) = A very delicate flaw or mistake which is not expected from the person making it
- SOLILOQUY (अपने आप बकना) = A speech made to oneself
- SOMNAMBULIST (नींद में चलनेवाला) = One who walk in his sleep
- SONOROUS (मधुरमधुर) = Having a full , deep sound
- SOPHIST (मिथ्या हेतुवादी) = A reasoned willing to avail himself of fallacies that will help his case
- SOPORIFIC (निँदासा) = Causing or tending to cause sleep
- SOPRANO (सब से ऊँचे सुर का गीत) = The highest singing voice in women or boys or a music in highest voice
- SORORICIDE = Murder of one’s sister
- SOTTOPER (भव्य) = One who is a habitual drunked
- SOUVENIR (यादगार) = A thing kept in memory of an event
- SOUVENIR (स्मारिका) = A thing kept in meomory of an event
- SPECIE (सिक्का) = Money in form of coins
- SPELELOGY (कंदरों का अध्ययन करनेवाली विद्या) = The study of caves
- SPENDTHRIFT (उड़ाऊ) = One who spends too much
- SPENDTHRIFT (उड़ाऊ) = One who does not know how to save the money
- SPENDTHRIFT/PRODIGAL (खर्चीला) = One who spends one’s money recklessly
- SPINSTER (कुंवारी कन्या.) = An unmarried woman.
- SPORADIC (छितराया हुआ) = Occurring here and there or now and then of or for all
- STALE (बासी) = Something which is not fresh.
- STAMPEDE (भगदड़) = A sudden rush of a large number of frightened people or animals.
- STAPLE (प्रधान) = Principal raw material or commodity grown in a locality
- STATUTE (क़ानून) = Written law passed by the law making body
- STELLAR (तारकीय) = Of the stars.
- STEVEDORE (जहाज़ पर का माल उतारने-चढ़ानेवाला) = One who loads and unloads ships
- STEWARD (खाद्य-प्रबंधक) = One who arranges for the supply of food in a club, school etc.
- STOCKBROKER (हुंडी का दलाल) = One who buys and sell shares for others.
- STOIC (उदासीन) = One who is indifferent to pain and pleasure.
- STRATAGEM (कपट) = A trick to deceive an enemy.
- STRING (तार) = A sequence of similar items
- STRINGENT (सख्त) = Very strict.
- STRUT (अकड़) = Walk in a vain , self-important way
- STUPOR (व्यामोह) = A heavy unnatural slumber
- STY (शूकरशाला) = A place where pigs are kept
- SUB JUDICE (न्यायाधीन) = A subject which cannot be publicly discussed because it is being considered by a court of law.
- SUBCUTANEOUS (चमड़े के नीचे का) = Beneath the skin.
- SUBDUE (वश में करना) = Bring under control especially a group of people causing trouble
- SUBJUGATE (अधीन करना) = Bring under control in war
- SUBMERGE (डूबना) = Put under the surface of water
- SUBSIDY (अनुवृत्ति) = Money paid by a government to make prices lower
- SUBTERRANEAN (भूमिगत) = Submarines operate below the surface of the seas
- SUBVERSIVE (विनाशक) = Attempting to weaken or overthrow authority
- SUITOR (प्रेमी) = One who courts or woos a woman
- SUNDRIES (हर तरह की चीज़ें) = Miscellaneous articles not listed separately
- SUPERANNUATED (वयोवृद्ध) = too old for work.
- SUPERCILIOUS (नफ़रत का) = Showing contemptuous indifference
- SUPPLE (कोमल) = Easily bending
- SURGEON (शल्य-चिकित्सक) = One who treats diseases by operations
- SURREAL (असली) = Having a strange, dreamlike unreal quality.
- SURREPTITIOUS (छल से किया हुआ) = Stealthy done
- SURROGATE (प्रतिनिधि) = A subsutute
- SWARM (SWARM) = A flies or locusts, bees ,ants
- SWASHBUCKLER (गलाकाटू) = A boastful fellow
- SWAT (शक्तिशाली प्रहार) = To slap with a flat objact
- SYCOPHANT (चापलूस) = Person who caters to the rich
- SYMPOSIUM (निबंध-संग्रह) = Conference for discussion on a subject
- SYNOD (पादरियों की सभा) = A council of clergymen
- TABLEAU (झाँकी) = A lifelike representation of a famous scene by a group of people who do not move or speak.
- TABOO (निषेध) = An act which religion or custon regards as forbidden.
- TABOO (निषेध) = Something which religion or custom regards as forbidden
- TANNERY (चमड़े का कारख़ाना) = A place where lather is tanned
- TANTRUM (गुस्से का आवेश) = Fit for bad temper or anger
- TAXIDERMY (चर्मपूर्ण करना) = The art of stuffing animals and setting them in life-like poses.
- TAXIDERMY (चर्मपूर्ण करना) = The art of preparing, stuffing and mounting the skins of animals, birds and fish.
- TAXIDERMY (चर्मपूर्ण करना) = The art of preserving skin
- TECHNOCRAT (तकनीकतंत्री) = A specialist in technology.
- TEETOTALLER (जो नशे में हो) = One who abstains from all kinds of alcoholic drinks.
- TELEPATHY (दूर संवेदन) = Power of reading thoughts of others
- TERMAGANT (झगड़ालू) = A noisy quarrelsome women, a shrew
- TERMINATE (समाप्त) = Come or bring to an end.
- THANATOPHOBIA = Fear of deaths
- THEIST (आस्तिक) = One who believes in the existence of god.
- THEOCRACY (धर्मतन्त्र) = Government by priests.
- THERACHY = Government by the gods
- THESAURUS (कोश) = Lexicon, esp, a collection of words
- THRONG (भीड़) = A large crowd of people
- TIMBER (लकड़ी) = Wood cut down for building etc.
- TIMID (डरपोक) = One who always runs away from danger
- TITULAR (नाममात्र का) = Exsisting only in name
- TOPER (पियक्कड़) = One who is habitual drunken
- TOPIARY (पौधो आदि को काटने-छॉट्ने की कला सम्बन्धि) = The art of trimming trees and bushes to decorative shapes.
- TOPIARY (पौधो आदि को काटने-छॉट्ने की कला सम्बन्धि) = Art of cutting tree and bushes into ornamental shape
- TOPOGRAPHY (तलरूप) = The art of representing the physical features of a place on a map.
- TORRENT (टोरेंट) = Of abusive invectives
- TRAITOR (गद्दार) = One who is disloyal to his country.
- TRAITOR (गद्दार) = One who betrays his friends, ruler, country, etc.
- TRAMP (आवारा) = One who travels from place to place
- TRANSCENDENTAL (उत्तमोत्तम) = That which surpasses
- TRANSIENT (क्षणिक) = Of a very short duration of period
- TRANSMIGRATION (स्थानांतरगमन) = Belief that the soul passes at death into another body.
- TRANSMIGRATION (स्थानांतरगमन) = The doctrine that human souls pass from one body to another at the time of death
- TRANSPARENCY (पारदर्शीता) = A drawing on transparent paper
- TRILOGY (त्रयी) = Group of three novals
- TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA = Fear of numbers
- TRIVIAL (तुच्छ) = Something that is poisonous or unhealthy
- TROUPE (मंडली) = A group of dancers, artists or acrobats
- TRUISM (स्वयंसिद्ध सत्य) = Plain or self evident truth
- TRUSS (पुलिंदा) = A framework of rafters, posts and bars
- TUFT (गुच्छा) = Of grass ,hair
- TYPOGRAPHY (मुद्रण कला) = Science of printing
- TYRANT (तानाशाह) = A ruler with complete power who rules cruelly.
- UNANIMOUS (सर्वसम्मत) = A decision taken by the votes of all.
- UNDERTAKER (चालू करनेवाला) = A tradesman who manages funerals
- UNIMPEACHABLE (ज़ाहिर) = That which cannot be doubted or questioned
- UNISEX (तटस्थ) = Of one type, used by both males and females.
- UPHOLSTERER (असबाब बनानेवाला) = One who makes or deals in carpets, curtains, beds, cushioned seats, etc.
- UPSTART (कल का नवाब) = A person who has suddenly risen from low rank to wealth and importance.
- UPSTART (कल का नवाब) = One who has suddenly risen to wealth and importance
- USURER (सूदखोर) = One who lends money at an excessive rate of interest
- USURY = The practise of taking exorbitant or excessive interest on the money lent
- UTOPIA (आदर्श राज्य) = An imaginary ideal
- UTOPIAN (काल्पनिक) = Ideally perfect but impracticable
- UXORICIDE (उसकी पत्नी की हत्या कर दी, जो एक पति) = The killing of one’s wife.
- UXORIOUS (स्त्रीभक्त) = Greatly or excessively fond of one’s wife.
- VACILLATION (चंचलता) = Change one’s mind two quickly
- VACILLATION (चंचलता) = Changing one’s mind too quickly
- VACUOUS (असार) = Suggesting absence of thought or intellect
- VEGETATE (निरर्थक जीवन गुज़ारना) = To spend life without purpose and intitative
- VENAL (ज़रख़ीद) = Guilty of accepting bribes extremely mercenary
- VENIAL (अमर) = Fault that may be forgiven
- VENIAL (अमर) = A fault that may be forgiven
- VIABLE (बड़ी जीवन-शक्ति का) = That can live without outside help
- VICARIOUS (उपनियुक्त) = Done for another
- VICARIOUSLY = The act of enjoying or having an experience indirectly
- VIGNETTE (शब्दचित्र) = A short literary description marked by delicacy
- VINDICTIVE (तामसिक) = One who is determined to exact full vegeance for wrong done to him
- VINEYARD (अंगूर का खेत) = An area planted with grapes
- VIRAGO (कर्कशा नारी) = A loud-mouthed turbulent kind of women
- VIRTUOSO (कलाप्रवीण व्यक्ति) = One who is brilliant performer on stage(specially music)
- VIVIPAROUS (विविपेरस) = Bearing living young’s
- VOLATILE (परिवर्तनशील) = That easily changes into gas or vapour
- VOLUPTUARY (कामी) = Person who gives himself up to luxury and sexual pleasures
- VOYAGE (जलयात्रा) = A long joureny especially by sea
- VULPINE (मक्कार) = That is fox like
- WANTON (प्रचंड) = Recklessly inconsiderate
- WARREN (खरगोशों या खरहों के पालने का बाड़ा) = A place for breeding or preserving rabbits
- WELTSCHMERZ (विरक्ति) = Weariness of and sadness for life and world
- WHIP (कोड़ा) = A person sharing responsibility for a political party’s discipline and tactics
- WIDOWER (विधुर) = A man whose wife is dead
- WINNOW (फटकना) = To separate the husks from the grain
- WISTFUL (उदास) = Having a vague desire
- WREATH (माल्यार्पण) = A garland of flowers
- WRIGGLE (कलबलाना) = To move along with quick short twisting actions
- XENOMANIAC ( विदेश प्रेमी) = A person having an excessive attachment to foreign living
- XENOPHOBIA (विदेशी लोगों को न पसन्द करना) = Fear of sex
- YACHT (नौका) = A light sailing boat built especially for racing
- ZEUSOPHOBIA = Fear of god
- ZOO (चिड़ियाघर) = A place where many kinds of animals are kept for show
- ZOOLOGY (जंतु शास्र) = The science of animal life
Language | Hindi |
No. of Pages | 250 |
PDF Size | 0.5 MB |
Category | Education |
Source/Credits | Drive.com |
SSC CGL Vocabulary PDF Free Download