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The Valley of Fear Book PDF Free Download

Valley of Fear
IT was one of those dramatic moments for which my friend existed. It would be an overstatement to say that he was shocked or even excited by the amazing announcement.
Without having a tinge of cruelty in his singular composition, he was undoubtedly callous from long overstimulation.
Yet, if his emotions were dulled, his intellectual perceptions were exceedingly active. There was no trace then of the horror which I had myself felt at this curt declaration;
but his face showed rather the quiet and interested composure of the chemist who sees the crystals falling into position from his oversaturated solution.
“Remarkable!” said he. “Remarkable!” “You don’t seem surprised.” “Interested, Mister Mac, but hardly surprised. Why should I be surprised?
I receive an anonymous communication from a quarter that I know to be important, warning me that danger threatens a certain person.
Within an hour I learn that this danger has actually materialized and that the person is dead. I am interested; but, as you observe, I am not surprised.”
In a few short sentences, he explained to the Inspector the facts about the letter and the cipher. MacDonald sat with his chin on his hands and his great sandy eyebrows bunched into a yellow tangle.
“I was going down to Birlstone this morning,’ said he. “I had come to ask you if you cared to come with me you and your friend here. But from what you say we might perhaps be doing better work in London.”
Author | Arthur Conan Doyle |
Language | English |
Pages | 329 |
PDF Size | 4.1 MB |
Category | Fiction & Novel |
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