Medical Mycology PDF By Jagdish Chandra

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Medical Mycology PDF Free Download

Fungal Taxonomy Written

Fungal Taxonomy is the science of naming, describing, and classifying fungi.

This is actually the science of grouping organisms according to their relationship by process of identification and classification.

There is the formation of a system that breaks groups of things down into smaller and smaller categories that describe ways in which they are similar.

It is the theory and practice of naming and classifying organisms. It is ultimately a matter of scientific evaluation and general agreement.

It starts with broad categories and narrows down into more and more specific ones.

It is basically the placement of an organism into a group based on its apparent natural relationship to other organisms.

Since fungal taxonomy and disease nomenclature is constantly changing hence there are variations in the names of fungi and their corresponding infective diseases caused by them.

Nomenclature is a system under which a proper name is applied to a particular organism. It is basically the naming of an organism according to a set of certain defined rules.

Hence it is an essential adjunct to any system of classification.

As fungi were earlier classified under kingdom Plan tae, therefore, their nomenclature used to be governed by rules and recommendations of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature under the auspices of periodically held International Botanical Congress.

This was empowered to make necessary changes and is universally accepted as a governing body for the application of scientific names.

Classification in biology is defined as arranging living things into groups in an orderly manner on the basis of their similarities and relationships.

It has been mainly traditional rather than numerical and is usually based on readily observable morphological features.

The classification systems of various organisms are historically based on the phenotypic approach of observable characteristics.

The identification and classification of fungi, unlike bacteria or viruses, relies mainly on morphological criteria.

However, modern techniques have really paved the way for the molecular basis of fungal taxonomy thereby consequently its classification also.

Most of the fungi are known by their anamorphic names as they have been in frequent use despite their parallel teleomorphic states/names are also known.

However, in some of the fungi, it is another way around that the teleomorphic name is more popular than the anamorphic one.

For instance, Pseudallescheria boydii, the name is based on teleomorphic state, which is more popular whereas its other name, Scedosporium apiospermum, is based on anamorphic state, which is relatively less popular.

As far as the issue of established names vis-a-vis frequently encountered sexual or asexual form is concerned, while dispatching the report,

the new name may be conveyed along with the old one given in brackets so that clinician may get familiarized in due course of time.

AuthorJagdish Chandra
Language English
No. of Pages34
PDF Size1 MB

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