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List of Inventions And Inventors
Invention Year Inventor Country AC motor, transformer, vacuum tube amplifier, Tesla coil, Nikola Tesla 1880 USA Adding Machine Blaise Pascal 1642 France Adhesive tape Richard G. Drew 1923 USA Aeroplane Orville & Wilbur Wright 1903 USA Air Brake George Westinghouse 1872 American Air Conditioner Willis Carrier 1902 USA Air Pump Otto Von Guericke 1650 Germany Airplane (jet engine) Ohain 1939 Germany Airship (Non rigid) Henri Giffard 1852 France Airship (rigid) G. Ferdinand Von Zeppelin 1858 Germany Anemometer Leon Battista Alberti 1450 Italian Animation Emile Reynaud 1892 France Arc Lamp C. F. Brush 1879 Ohio Atom Bomb Julius Robert Oppenheimer 1945 USA Automatic Calculator Wilhelm Schickard 1623 Germany Automatic gearbox Hermann Fottinger 1985 Germany Automobile Gottlieb Daimler 1886 Germany Automobiles using gasoline Karl Benz 1886 Germany Bakelite H. Backcland 1907 Belgium/US Ball Point Pen John J Loud 1888 USA Balloon(Hot air) Jacques and Joseph Montgolfier 1783 France Balloon(Rubber) Michael Faraday 1824 British Band Aid Earle Dickson 1920 USA Barbed Wire Joseph F. Glidden 1873 US Barometer Evangelista Torricelli 1644 Italy Battery(Electric) Alessandro Volta 1800 Italy Bicycle Tyres John Boyd Dunlop 1888 Scotland Britain Bicycle Kirkpatrick Macmillan 1839 Britain Bifocal Lens Benjamin Franklin 1780 USA Binomial Nomenclature Carl Linnaeus 1785 Swedish Bleaching powder Tennant 1798 Britain Bomb Edward Tellerm 1952 America/Hungeri Braille Louis Braille 1829 France Bullet Claude Minie 1849 France Bunsen burner R Willhelm von Bunsen 1855 Germany Burglar Alarm Edwin T. Holmes 1851 USA Cadmium Friedrich Stromeyer 1817 Germany Calculating machine Blaise Pascal 1642 French Camera (KodaK) Walker Eastman 1888 USA Car (petrol) Karl Benz 1888 Germany Car (Steam) Nicolas Cugnot 1769 France Car Radio William Lear & Elmer Wavering 1929 US Carburetor Gottlieb Daimler 1876 Germany Cash Register James Ritty 1879 USA Cassette (Videotape) Sony 1969 Japan Cellophane I.E. Brandenberger 1900 Switzerland Celluloid Alexander Parkes 1861 Britain Cement(Portland) Joseph Aspdin 1824 Britain Centigrade Scale Anders Celsius 1742 Sweden Chemotherapy Paul Ehrlich 1940 German Child Development Jean Piaget 1936 Swiss Chlorine Karl Wilhelm Scheele 1774 Sweden Cinema Nicolas &Jean Lumiere 1895 France Cinematography Thomas Alva Edison 1880 American Circulation of blood William Harvey 1628 England Clock(Mechanical) Hsing and Ling Tsan 1725 China Clock(Pendulum) Christian Huygens 1656 Netherlands Compact disc player Sony, Philips 1979 Japan, Netherlands Compact disc RCA 1972 USA Computer (laptop) Sinclair 1987 Britain Computer (Mini) Digital Corp 1960 USA Cosmic Rays R.A.Millikan 1910 America Crescograph Jagadish Chandra Bose 1920 India Crystal Dynamics C.V.Raman 1921 India Dental Plate Anthony A.Plantson 1817 USA Deuterium (Heavy Water) H.C.Urey 1933 America Diesel Engine Rudolf Diesel 1895 Germany Disc Brake Dr. F. Lanchester 1902 England Dynamical theory of Heat Lord Kelvin 1848 British Dynamite Alfred B. Nobel 1867 Sweden Dynamo Michael Faraday 1831 USA Dynamo(Electrical) Hypolite pixii 1832 France Electric Battery Alessandro Volta 1800 Italian Electric computer Dr Alan M Turing 1824 Britain Electric Fan Wheeler 1882 USA Electric Generator Michael Faraday 1831 UK Electric Guitar Adolph Rickenbacker 1931 America /Swiss Electric Iron Henry.W. Seeley 1882 U.S.A Electric Lamp Thomas Alva Edison 1879 USA Electric motor (AC) NikolaTesla 1888 USA Electric motor (DC) Zenobe gramme 1873 Belgium Electric stove/cooker William S. Hadaway 1896 USA Electric washing machine Alva J Fisher 1906 USA Electromagnet William Sturgeon 1824 Britain Electromagnetic Induction Michael Faraday 1831 UK Electromagnetic theory of light & electromagnetic waves, electrical frequencies (Hz) Heinrich Rudolph Hertz 1880 Germany Electromagnet William Sturgeon 1824 Britain Electron J J Thomson 1897 Britain Electronic Calculator IBM 1954 USA Electroplating Luigi Brugnatelli 1805 Italy Electroscope Jean Nollet 1748 France Elevator Elisha G. Otis 1852 USA Evolution theory Charles Darwin 1858 England Facsimile machine Alexander Bain 1843 Britain Fibre optics Kepany 1955 Britain Film (Moving outline) Louis Prince 1885 France Film (Musical) Warner Bros 1923 USA Film (Talking ) J Engl,J Mussole & H Vogt 1922 Germany Film sound Dr. Le de Forest 1923 U.S.A Fluorine Ferdinand Frederick Henri Moissan 1886 France Fountain Pen Lewis Edson Waterman 1884 USA Galvanometer Andre Marie Ampere 1834 France Generator Piciontti 1860 Italy Glider Sir George Calyey 1853 England Gramophone Thomas Edison 1878 USA Gravity & Reflecting telescope Isaac Newton 1668 England Guillotin Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotin 1790 France Gyrocompass Elmer A. Sperry 1908 USA Helicopter Etienne Oehmichen 1924 France Hot Air Balloon Josef & Etienne Montgolfier 1783 France Hovercraft Christopher Cockerell 1959 England Intelligence testing Simon Binet 1905 France Jet engine Sir Frank Whittle 1937 Britain Laser Theodore Maiman 1960 USA Launderette J F Cantrell 1934 USA Lift (Mechanical) Elisha G Otis 1852 USA Light Bulb Heinrich Goebel 1854 Germany Lightning Conductor Benjamin Franklin 1752 USA Locomotive Richard Trevithick 1804 England Logarithms, Napier Bones & decimal point John Napier 1590 Scotland Loudspeaker Horace Short 1900 Britain Machine gun Richard Gatling 1918 Britain Machine Gun Richard Gaffing 1861 USA Magnetic recoding tape Fritz Pfleumer 1928 Germany Microphone Alexander Graham Bell 1876 USA Microscope (Elect.) Ruska Knoll 1931 Germany Microscope(Electron) Vladimir Kosme Sworykin 1939 Russia Microscope(Comp.) Zacharis Janssen 1590 Netherlands Microwave Oven Percy Spencer 1947 USA Milling machine & cotton gin Eli Whitney 1793 USA Motor car, Petrol Karl Benz 1885 Germany Motor cycle G Dimler 1885 Germany Motor Scooter Greville Bradshaw 1919 England Motorcycle Edward Butler 1848 England Moving projector Thomas Edison 1893 USA North Pole Robert Peary 1909 American Optical fibre Narinder Kapany 1955 Germany Ozone Christian Schonbein 1839 Germany Pacemaker Dr. Paul Zoll 1952 USA Parachute Jean Pierre Blanchard 1785 France Pendulum Clock Christian Huygens 1657 Netherlands Phonograph Thomas Edison 1877 USA Photoelectric cell Julius Elster, Hens F Geitel 1893 Germany Photography (on film) John Carbutt 1888 USA Photography (on metal) Joseph N Niepce 1826 France Photography (on paper) W. H. Fox Talbot 1835 Britain Piano Bartolomeo Cristofori 1709 Italy Pistol , revolver Colt 1836 USA Pocket Watch Peter Henlein 1510 Germany Printing Press Johannes Gutenberg 1440 Germany Radar Dr. Albert H. Taylor & Leo C. Young 1922 USA Radio telegraphy Dr Mohlon Loomis 1864 USA Radio telegraphy (Trans Atlantic) G Marconi 1901 Italy Radiocarbon dating Libby 1947 USA Radio Guglielmo Marconi 1894 Italy Razor (Safety) King C Gillette 1895 USA Razor(Electric) Col Jacob Schick 1931 USA Refrigerator James Harrison, Alexander Catlin 1850 Australia Revolver Samuel Colt 1835 USA Richter Scale Charles Richter 1935 USA Rocket Engine Robert H. Goddard 1926 USA Rubber (Latex foam) Dunlop Rubber Co 1928 Britain Rubber (Tyres) Thomas Hancock 1846 Britain Rubber (vulcanized) Charles Goodyear 1841 USA Rubber (Waterproof) Charles Macintosh 1823 Britan Safety Lamp Sir Humphry Davy 1816 England Safety Match J.E. Lundstrom 1855 Sweden Safety Pin William Hunt 1849 USA Saxophone Adolphe Sax 1846 Belgium Sewing Machine Elias Howe 1846 USA Ship (Steam) J.C Perier 1775 France Ship (Turbine) Charles Parsons 1894 Britain Silicones F.S Kipping 1904 England Small Pox Vaccine Edward Jenner 1796 England Soft Contact lenses Otto Wichterle 1961 Czech Solar System Nicolaus Copernicus 1540 Poland South Pole Roald Amundson 1912 Norway Specific Gravity Archimedes 250BC Greek Steam Boat John Fitch 1786 USA Steam engine (Condenser) James Watt 1765 Britain Steam engine (Piston) Thomas Newcomen 1712 Britain Steam Engine Thomas Savery 1698 Britain Steam Powered Airship Henri Giffard 1852 France Steel(Stainless) Harry Brearley 1913 Britain Stethoscope Rene Laennec 1819 France Submarine David Bushnell 1776 USA Super computer JH Van Tassel 1976 USA Synthesizer Dr. Robert Arthur Moog 1964 USA Tank Sir Emest D Swington 1914 Britain Tape recorder Fessenden Poulsen 1899 Denmark Telegraph code Samuel Morse 1837 USA Telegraph M Lammond 1787 France Telephone (Imperfect) Antonio Meucci 1849 Italy Telephone (Perfected) Alexander Graham Bell 1876 USA Telephone (Cellular) Bell Labs 1947 USA Telescope Hans Lippershey 1608 Netherlands Television (Electronic) PT Farnsworth 1927 USA Television (Mechanical) John Logie Baird 1926 Britain Television(Colour) John Logie Baird 1928 Britain Thermometer Galileo Gallei 1593 Italy Thermos Flasks James Dewar 1892 Scotland Time Recorder Harlow Bundy 1890 USA Tractor John Froelich 1892 America Tractor (Caterpillar) Benjamin Holt 1900 USA Transformer Michael Faraday 1831 Britain Transformer (Induction coil) William Stanley .Jr 1842 US Transistor radio Sony 1955 Japan Transistors John Bardeen, William Shockley & Walter Brattain 1948 USA Tungsten Juan José Elhuyar Lubize & Fausto de Elhuyar 1783 Spain Typewriter Peter Mitterhofer 1864 Austria Vaccination Edward Jenner 1796 England Vacuum cleaner ( Elec.) Spangler 1907 USA Vacuum Cleaner Ives McGuffey 1869 USA Valve. Radio Sir J.A Fleming 1904 Britain Video tape Charles Ginsberg 1956 USA Vulcanised Rubber Charles Goodyear 1839 American Washing Soda Lablanc 1790 American Watch (Self Winding) Abraham Louis Breguet 1791 France Watch Bartholomew Manfredi 1462 Italy Waterproof Rubber Charles Macintosh 1823 Glasgow Welder (Electric Welding) Elisha Thompson 1877 US Windshield wipersMary Anderson 1903 USA Wireless (Telegrapy) G Marconi 1896 Italy Xerox Machine Chester Carlson 1928 USA Xray Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 1895 Germany zerox machine Chester Carlson 1938 America Zip fastener Whitcomb . L. Judson 1893 America Zipper B. F. Goodrich 1923 US
List of Inventions and Inventors in Biology
Invention/Discovery Name of the Inventor Year of Invention Anesthesia William Thomas Green Morton. 1846 Anti- pregnancy pills Goodwin Pincus 1960 Antiseptic Surgery Dr.Joseph Lister 1867 Aspirin Dr.Felix Hoffmann 1899 ATP Karl Lohmann. 1929 Aureomycin Benjamin 1948 Automated DNA Sequencer Lloyd M.Smith. 1986 Bacteria Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek 1665 Bacteria of leprosy Gerhard Hansen 1873 Bacteria of typhoid Joseph Eberth 1880 BCG Vaccine Albert Calmette & Camille Guerin. 1921 Biology of Cancer Robert A.Weinberge 1982 Blood Circulation William Harvey 1928 Blood groups (ABO group) Karl Landsteiner 1927 Calcium Humphry Davy. 1808 Cancer Percivall Pott 1775 Cell Robert Hooke. 1665 Cell Theory Schleiden and Schwann 1839 Cell Division Hugo von Mohl 1835 Cell Division by meiosis Oskar Hertwig 1876 Cell Nuclues Robert Brown. 1831 Chloroform James Simpson 1847 Chloromycetin Paul Burkholder 1947 Chloroplast Schimper. 1880 Chloroquine (drug) Hans Andersag 1934 Cholera Bacteria Robert Koch 1883 Cholera Vaccine Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine 1892 Chromosomes Hofmeister 1848 DDT Paul Hermann Muller 1939 Diphtheria Bacteria Edwin Klebs and Loffler 1983-84 DNA Helical structure Watson & Crick. 1952 Electrocardiogram(ECG) Willem Einthoven 1895 electroencephalography (EEG) Hans Berger 1929 Enzyme Anselme Payen 1883 Father Modern Ecology Eugene Odum 1953 Father of Ecology Alexander Von Humboldt 1946 Father of Evolution Charles Darwin 1858 Father of Genetics Gregor Mendel 1865 First test tube baby Robert Edward & Patrick Steptoe 1978 Three Kingdom classification Ernst Haeckel 1860 Five Kingdom classification Robert H. Whittaker. 1969 Hormone E. H. Starling & W. M. Bayliss secretin 1902 Genetic Code Hargobind Kharana 1960 Heart Transplantation Christiaan Barnard 1967 Hepatitis B vaccine Pablo Valenzuela 1986 Hepatitis B virus Dr. Blumberg 1965 HIV Luc Montagnier 1983 Homeopath Samuel Hahnemann 1796 Hydrophobia vaccination(Rabies) Louis Pasteur 1885 Smallpox vaccine Edward Jenner 1796 Insulin Sir Frederick Banting and Best 1923 Kidney Dialysis Willem Johan Kolff 1943 LSD(Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Albert Hofmann 1938 Malaria parasite Ronald Ross 1897 Microbes Antoine van Leeuwenhoek & Rober Hook. 1665 Microbes Of malaria Charles Laveran 1880 Open Heart Surgery C.Walton Lillehei 1952 Penicillin Alexander Fleming 1928 Plague Vaccine Waldemar Mordecai Haffkine 1897 Polio Drop Albert Sabin. 1961 Polio Vaccine Jones E. Salk 1955 Rabis & Anthrax Vaccination Louis Pasteur 1885 Reserpine (drug) Jal Vakil 1952 Rh- factor Landsteiner and Wiener 1940 RNA Watson and Arthur 1961 RNA Structure Alexander Rich 1956 Virology(Science of Virus) Dmitri Ivanovsky and Bejernick 1892 Small Fox Edward Jenner (Father of vaccine) 1796 Spiral Structure of protein Lines Pauling 1951 Stethoscope Rene Laennec 1816 Streptomycin Selman Waksman 1944 Structure of DNA Watson and Crick 1950 TB Bacteria Robert Koch 1882 Terramycin Finlay and Hobby 1949 Treatment of beriberi Christiaan Eijkman 1897 Treatment of diabetes Joseph Mering andoskar Minkowski 1889 Treatment of kala azar Upendra Nath Brahmachari 1922 Treatment of Syphilis Paul Ehrlich 1910 Vaccination Edward Jenner 1796 Virus Dmitri Ivanovsky & Martinus Beijerinck 1892 Vitamin A Mc Collum and Marguerite Davis 1913 Vitamin B Mecollum and Casimir Funk 1916 Vitamin B1 Christian Eijkman 1897 Vitamin B2 D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick 1926 Vitamin B6 Paul Gyorgy 1934 Vitamin C Szent Gyorgyi 1920 Vitamin D Edward Mellanby 1920 Vitamin E Herbert McLean Evans and S. Bishop 1922 Vitamin k Henrik Dam 1929 Vitamin Folic acid Lucy Wills 1928 Vitamin Niacin Conrad Elvehjem 1937 Vitamin Casimir Funk & Hopkins 1912 X-ray Voilhesm Rontgen. 1895
List of Inventions and Inventors in Chemistry
Invention/Discovery Name of Inventor Year of Invention Country Atom Democritus 400BC Danish Atomic Number Henry Mosley 1913 British Atomic Physics Ernest Rutherford 1911 British Atomic Structure Neils Bohr and Rutherford 1913 Denish & British Atom/ Atomic Theory John Dalton 1808 British Bismuth Claude Geoffroy 1753 France Chemical Structure August Kekule 1958 German Chloroform E. Soberran 1831 France Coulomb Charles Augustin de Coulomb 1779 French Electromagnetic Induction Michael Faraday 1831 British Electron J.J. Thomson 1897 British Helium William Ramsay 1868 Britain Hydrogen bomb Edward Teller 1952 USA Hydrogen Henry Cavendish 1766 England Law of Motion Isaac Newton 1687 British Liquid Oxygen Karol Olszewski and Zygmunt Wroblewski 1883 Polish Neon Gas WilliamRamsay, Morris Travers 1898 British Neon Lamp Georges Claude 1810 France Neutron bomb Samuel Cohen 1958 USA Neutron James Chadwick 1932 British Nuclear Fission Otto Hahn, Bohr and Fermi 1938 German /Danish/America Nuclear Reactor Enrico Fermi 1942 Italy Nylon Dr. Wallace H. Carothers 1935 USA Ohm’s Law Georg Simon Ohm 1827 German Organic Chemistry Friedrich Wohler 1828 German Oxygen Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, Joseph Priestley 1775 France Periodic Table of Elements Dmitri Mendeleev 1869 Russian Photoelectric Effect Heinrich Rudolf Hertz 1905 German Photon Albert Einstein 1905 German/USA Proton Ernest Rutherford 1919 British/Newzealand Quantum theory Max Planck 1900 German Radio activity of Uranium Henry Becquerel 1896 France Radioactive Dating(Isotope of carbon) Willard Libby 1946 America Radioactivity Henri Becquerel 1896 France Radium Marie & Pierre Curie 1898 France Rayon Sir Jaseph swan 1883 Britain Relativity Albert Einstein 1905 German/USA Thermionic Emission Thomas Edison 1880 America Uranium Fission Szilard Fermi 1942 USA (Atomic reactor)
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