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Letter Writing Book PDF Free Download

Chapter 5: Letter Writing
LETTER-WRITING is an important channel of communication between people who are geographically distant from one another. In earlier times when the telephone and e-mail were not available, the only means of communication between people was through letters. Letter-writing is a skill that has to be developed. In general there are two types of letters: formal, that are written to convey official business and information and informal, which are personal letters to communicate with friends and family.
Formal letters are sent out when we need to write to various public bodies or agencies for our requirements in civic life. For example, we might have to ask for a certificate or to inform a change in our address. A letter is usually one in a series of exchanges between two people or parties. Formal Letters Let us now examine some of the steps in writing formal letters.
(i) Introducing oneself if it is the first time you are writing (ii) Referring to an earlier letter if you are responding to it Stating the purpose of the letter Stating action/information required from the addressee (ii) Explaining action taken/supplyininformation
(i) Urging action to be taken (ii) Offering assistance in future This is the basic structure of a letter. It will have to be modified according to the purpose for which it is written and the person to whom it is addressed.
When you write a letter you should keep in mind the following points. 1. Purpose 2. Person to whom it is addressed 3. Tone you should adopt 4. Completeness of the message 5. Action required 6. Conciseness of expression We have so far considered the content of letters. A letter also has a typical format. 1. Name and address of sender Companies have printed letterheads with the name of the company printed on them. A letterhead may also carry the name and designation of persons in responsible positions. 2. Name and address of addressee 3. Date 4. Mode of address or salutation Salutation is the mode of addressing a person.
We may have the following forms. (i) Dear Sir/Madam (when we are writing to a total stranger whom we do not know at all). (ii) Dear Mr/Ms/Dr/Professor + Surname as in: Dear Dr Sinha, (when it is a formal relationship with the addressee and the writer does not know him or her personally). (iii) Dear Sujata (when the writer knows the addressee personally and the two share a semi-formal relationship). 5. Reference to previous correspondence, if any. Most official letters carry a subject line just above the salutation.
This is for quick reference to the subject. 6. Content of letter The content of the letter begins on the next line and is arranged in two or three paragraphs. 7. Complimentary close and signature Letters usually end politely with the following phrases: Thank you, With regards, With best wishes, Hope to see you soon, Hope to receive an early reply etc. The complimentary close is followed by ‘Yours sincerely/ Yours truly’, and the writer’s signature in the next line.
Author | NCERT |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 9 |
PDF Size | 0.7 MB |
Category | English |
Source/Credits | ncert.nic.in |
NCERT Solutions Class 11 English Chapter 5 Letter Writing
Question 1: You have not received your Roll number card for the Class XII examination. Write a letter to the Registrar Examination Branch CBS
Rakesh Sharma Class: XII, Sec. B St. Thomas School Delhi
February 20, 2012
The Registrar Examination Branch CBSE Delhi
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: Inquiry about the roll number card for class XII board examination
This is to inform you that I have not received my roll number card for the forthcoming Class XII board examination. The examinations are scheduled from March 14, 2013 and the roll number is generally expected to be received one month prior to the examination.
As all the students of my class have already received their respective roll number cards, I am afraid that my card has not been issued or has been misplaced during the delivery process.
I, therefore, request you to kindly issue my roll number card for the forthcoming examination without which I will be debarred from sitting in the examination. I am furnishing my details for your kind consideration.
Rakesh Sharma Class: XII, Sec. B Class roll no. – 35, St. Thomas School Delhi
Yours truly,
Rakesh Sharma
Question 2: Write a letter to the President, Residents’ Welfare Association of your locality suggesting some measures that could be taken for solving the problem of water scarcity and conserving water.
67, Mansarovar plaza New Delhi
October 7, 2012
The President Residents’ Welfare Association Mansarovar plaza New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Subject: Problem of water scarcity and measures for water conservation
On behalf of the residents of Mansarovar plaza, I would like to draw your attention to the pressing problem of water scarcity in our society. The water supply is not enough to cater to the needs of the residents. Despite this situation, many people are not concerned about water being wasted in household chores, washing of cars, etc.
In this backdrop, I have few suggestions to address the above mentioned issue. A seminar cum workshop could be organised to discuss the issue with the residents. Water conservation experts may be invited to make us aware about various methods and technologies available to conserve water.
Moreover, the residents should be sensitised to conserve water while bathing, cooking, washing clothes, utensils, etc. Alternatively, a door to door campaign can be organised to spread awareness among the residents about the need for conserving water.
I request you to kindly take immediate steps to address the issue of water scarcity and conservation measures and motivate the residents to solve the problem collectively.
Yours truly,
Rajesh Khattar
NCERT Class 11 English Textbook Chapter 5 With Answer PDF Free Download