India Through The Ages By Madan Gopal PDF

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India Through The Ages

FROM DIM DISTANT past India has been the cradle of man’s civilization.

For even though not much is known of early man in India, it is generally agreed that the Indus valley civilization flourished between 3000 and 1500 B.C… and that its centers were in planned cities.

Finds from the Indus valley as well as the Euphrates-Tigris valley bear ample testimony to the material prosperity of the Indus people and the close trade relations between the two regions.

Elaborate systems of drainage and baths were a conspicuous feature of municipal life.

The Indus people domesticated animals (cows, buffaloes, sheep, elephants, camels, and perhaps, dogs, cultivated wheat and barley and made use of cotton.

The weapons of war were usually made of copper and bronze.

Pottery-making was a highly developed industry, and the carpenter, the blacksmith, the stone-cutter, the jeweler, the goldsmith, and the ivory worker pled their trades with diligence.

The houses were built of baked bricks. The leadership of the community probably belonged to the merchants and industrialists.

Who procured the raw materials of the industry from distant places and exported their manufactures, including cotton fabrics, to distant places in western Asia.

The Indus people used a pictorial script that has not yet be deciphered.

From the seals and other objects, it appears that a Mother Essides war worshipped, and probably the cult of Siva originated in this sugere.

The racial affinities of the Indo, poric have not been satisfactorily determined. While most scholars believe that they were a pre-Aryan people. some identify them with the Dravidians.

One het certain. The Civilisation is native to the soil and covered – Orangerie vena.

Changes in the direction of the most svitids and short-sighted exploitation of forests may have contributed to the rapid desiccation of the Indus Valley.

The once prosperous cities succumbed to the Aryans who appeared in the Indus valley with their own engine of war, namely, the horse and superior weapons made off the tee.

AuthorMadan Gopal
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