I Paid Hitler PDF By Fritz Thyssen

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ON Austrian Alps. We needed. a rest. August 15th, 1939, I arrived with my wife at It had been a particularly worrying and strenuous year.

It has been said that I went to Gastein to prepare for my escape from Germany. This is untrue.

In fact, I had left Germany early that August to visit the Zürich exhibition. Had I wanted to escape I could have remained in Switzerland then.

But I did not believe that war would come. The German generals were against it. Moreover, I had been told of statements made by one of Hermann Goering’s intimate friends.

Gauleiter Terboven of Essen, from which it appeared that all this was purely and simply a diplomatic game and that no one in office dreamed of embarking upon an armed adventure.

Terboven’s remarks most certainly reflected Goering’s own opinion.

At the beginning of August Goering was opposed to war; his subsequent change of mind came only at the eleventh hour. I was therefore quite reassured when I left for Gastein.

On August 23rd I received the surprising news of Hitler’s pact with Stalin. Negotiations had been proceeding for a long time, but I never imagined that they would go so far.

Without this agreement with Russia, Hitler could never have embarked upon the Polish campaign.

He had been definitely warned by the French and British ambassadors that their countries would not tolerate aggression against Poland.

Our ambassador in Paris, Count Wilczek, had solemnly informed his government on several occasions that a German attack on Poland would be the signal for a general outbreak of war.

I saw Thyssen every day while he was in Paris. I asked him point-blank, “ Do you want to help us destroy Hitler or not ? ” When his reply was an unconditional “ Yes ” I tried to make him agree with me that.

the things he had to say and the documents and material he possessed must be published during the war and not after if they were to produce their full effect.

After the third or fourth conversation he came to understand that in the middle of a war against Hitlerism there was no use having powerful weapons in one’s possession and withholding them from instant use.

Once he decided to write his memoirs he was most anxious to proceed as quickly as possible.

He wanted his letters to be published without delay, even before the completion of his book.

These letters appeared in the United States in Life magazine on April 29, 1940. Simultaneously, they were published in London in the Sunday Express, and in France in Paris Soir.

Thyssen was anxious to have some of his papers which he had deposited in the vaults of a bank atLucerne in Switzerland.

I discussed the matter at the Qjuai d’Orsay and they were prepared to send a special’ diplomatic courier to Lucerne in order to bring the papers to France.

After a week’s stay in Paris; Mr. and Mrs. Thyssen left for Monte Carlo.

The papers arrived from Switzerland four days later and I went down to the ^viera with a collaborator of mine, who was to help Thyssen in preparing the book, and a secretary.

Thyssen was staying at the Hotd de Paris in Monte Carlo.

I placed my collaborator near him at the Beau Rivage Hotel, and in order to evade the attention of the innumerable Italian spies who were in that region at that time, I went to stay about ten miles away at the Grand Hotel at Cap Ferrat, which is one of the quietest places in the most charming spot of the Riviera.

There were only a few guests in the hotel, among them Sir Nevile Henderson, the former British Ambassador to Germany who, at that time, had just finished writing his book about the failure of his mission in Berlin.

Next to the hotel was the villa of former Premier Flandin whom I saw often while I was staying at Cap Ferrat.

He was very much interested in the question why Thyssen had become such an enemy of Hitler.

AuthorFritz Thyssen
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