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Evans Tries An O Level NCERT Textbook With Solutions Book PDF Free Download

Chapter 7: Evans Tries An O Level
It was in early March when the
Secretary of the Examinations Board
received the call from Oxford Prison.
“It’s a slightly unusual request,
Governor, but I don’t see why we shouldn’t
try to help. Just the one fellow, you say?”
“That’s it. Chap called Evans. Started night classes in
O-level German last September. Says he’s dead keen to get
some sort of academic qualification.”
“Is he any good?”
“He was the only one in the class, so you can say he’s
had individual tuition all the time, really. Would have cost
him a packet if he’d been outside.”
“Well, let’s give him a chance, shall we?”
“That’s jolly kind of you. What exactly’s the procedure
“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll be sending you all the
forms and stuff. What’s his name, you say? Evans?”
“James Roderick Evans.” It sounded rather grand.
“Just one thing, Governor. He’s not a violent sort of
fellow, is he? I don’t want to know his criminal record or
anything like that, but — ”
“No. There’s no record of violence. Quite a pleasant
sort of chap, they tell me. Bit of a card, really. One of the
stars at the Christmas concert. Imitations, you know the
sort of thing: Mike Yarwood stuff. No, he’s just a congenital
kleptomaniac, that’s all.” The Governor was tempted to
add something else, but he thought better of it. He’d look
after that particular side of things himself.
“Presumably,” said the Secretary, “you can arrange a
room where — ”
“No problem. He’s in a cell on his own. If you’ve no
objections, he can sit the exam in there.”
“That’s fine.”
“And we could easily get one of the parsons from
St. Mary Mags to invigilate, if that’s — ”
“Fine, yes. They seem to have a lot of parsons there,
don’t they?” The two men chuckled good-naturedly, and
the Secretary had a final thought. “At least there’s one
thing. You shouldn’t have much trouble keeping him
incommunicado, should you?”
The Governor chuckled politely once more, reiterated
his thanks, and slowly cradled the phone.
“Evans the Break” as the prison officers called him.
Thrice he’d escaped from prison, and but for the recent
wave of unrest in the maximum-security establishments
up north, he wouldn’t now be gracing the Governor’s
premises in Oxford; and the Governor was going to make
absolutely certain that he wouldn’t be disgracing them.
Not that Evans was a real burden: just a persistent, nagging
presence. He’d be all right in Oxford, though: the Governor
would see to that — would see to it personally. And besides,
there was just a possibility that Evans was genuinely
interested in O-level German. Just a slight possibility. Just
a very slight possibility. At 8.30 p.m. on Monday 7 June,
Evans’s German teacher shook him by the hand in the
heavily guarded Recreational Block, just across from D
Author | NCERT |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 23 |
PDF Size | 1.8 MB |
Category | English |
Source/Credits | ncert.nic.in |
NCERT Solutions Class 12 English Chapter 7 Evans Tries An O Level
1. Reflecting on the story, what did you feel about Evans’ having the last laugh?
Evans smartly devised and executed the plan of his escape. He managed to fool everyone till the end of the story. It was Evan who had the last laugh. He gave false clues to misguide the officials following him.
The story describes how criminals are one step ahead of prison officials. As earlier said, Evan smartly executed the plan of release, after all, providing strict care for the smooth handling of the Examination. Evan made all the arrangements to escape by just sitting in jail.
His friends joined and Mc Leery helped him in escaping by deceiving the governor. They arranged the car where Evan could change his makeup and clothes. With his victorious escape, Evans definitely had a well-earned last laugh.
2. When Stephens comes back to the cell he jumps to a conclusion and the whole machinery blindly goes by his assumption without even checking the identity of the injured ‘McLeery’. Does this show how hasty conjectures can prevent one from seeing the obvious? How is the criminal able to predict such negligence?
Evans was a perceptive and smart criminal. He evaluated the vulnerabilities of the prison staff successfully. Stephen was a new recruit to the prison setup. When he noticed the wounded McCleery in the cell he was so overcome that he did not verify who he was and neither did anyone else.
It did not happen to anyone to ask how there could be two persons, one of them in the cell and then another who had been accompanied out by Stephens. It was for this reason that buddies of Evans, who, acting as the Governor on the telephone, addressed Stephens that he should accompany the person done with his exams.
The Governor and his officers lead Evans out of the jail. The question paper was left behind to deceive the Governor. This proves that Evans the convict had sufficient time to analyze the behavior of the jail officers and prepare their strategy well.
3. What could the Governor have done to securely bring back Evans to prison when he caught him at the Golden Lion? Does that final act of foolishness really prove that “he was just another good-for-a-giggle, gullible governor, that was all”?
The Governor took all the forethought to assure that Evans should not have any risk to escape from the prison. He even traced and caught him at the Golden Lion after his magnificent release from jail.
His cocksureness once again showed that he was no equal to the smart and cunning Evans. The Governor, after getting proof from the question paper, traced Evans at the Golden Lion. When he entered the room he was stunned to see the Governor.
Evans gave no action and was imprisoned. The innocent Governor rejoiced over his victory and said goodbye to him. Evans was made to sit in the police van. The Governor did not check the identity of the driver, the officer, and the van.
A little more diligence could have avoided the escape of the sinner. If the Governor had taken Evans to the jail cell with the arrangement of police the criminal would not have disappeared. Their carelessness showed that he was “just another good-for-a-giggle gullible governor”.
NCERT Class 12 English Textbook Chapter 7 Evans Tries An O-Level With Answer PDF Free Download