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Database Management Systems Book PDF Free Download

Database Management Systems
The advantage of doing one’s praising oneself is that one can lay it on so thick and exactly in the right places.
—Samuel Butler
Database management systems have become ubiquitous as a fundamental tool for managing information, and a course on the principles and practice of database systems is now an integral part of computer science curricula. This book covers the fundamentals of modern database management systems, in particular relational database systems.
It is intended as a text for an introductory database course for undergraduates, and we have attempted to present the material in a clear, simple style.
A quantitative approach is used throughout and detailed examples abound. An extensive set of exercises (for which solutions are available online to instructors) accompanies each chapter and reinforces students’ ability to apply the concepts to real problems.
The book contains enough material to support a second course, ideally supplemented by selected research papers. It can be used, with the accompanying software and SQL programming assignments, in two distinct kinds of introductory courses:
- A course that aims to present the principles of database systems, with a practical
focus but without any implementation assignments. The SQL programming assignments are a useful supplement for such a course. The supplementary Minibase
software can be used to create exercises and experiments with no programming. - A course that has a strong systems emphasis and assumes that students have
good programming skills in C and C++. In this case, the software can be used
as the basis for projects in which students are asked to implement various parts
of a relational DBMS. Several central modules in the project software (e.g., heap
files, buffer manager, B+ trees, hash indexes, various join methods, concurrency
control, and recovery algorithms) are described in sufficient detail in the text to
enable students to implement them, given the (C++) class interfaces.
Many instructors will no doubt teach a course that falls between these two extremes
The choice of material has been influenced by these considerations:
To concentrate on issues central to the design, tuning, and implementation of relational database applications. However, many of the issues discussed (e.g., buffering and access methods) are not specific to relational systems, and additional topics such as decision support and object-database systems are covered in later chapters.
To provide adequate coverage of implementation topics to support a concurrent laboratory section or course project. For example, the implementation of relational operations has been covered in more detail than is necessary in the first course.
However, the variety of alternative implementation techniques permits a wide choice of project assignments. An instructor who wishes to assign implementation of sort-merge join might cover that topic in depth, whereas another might choose to emphasize index nested loops join.
To provide in-depth coverage of the state of the art in currently available commercial systems, rather than a broad coverage of several alternatives.
For example, we discuss the relational data model, B+ trees, SQL, System R style query optimization, lock-based concurrency control, the ARIES recovery algorithm, the two-phase commit protocol, asynchronous replication in distributed databases,
and object-relational DBMSs in detail, with numerous illustrative examples.
This is made possible by omitting or briefly covering some related topics such as the
hierarchical and network models, B tree variants, Quel, semantic query optimization, view serializability, the shadow-page recovery algorithm, and the three-phase commit protocol.
The same preference for in-depth coverage of selected topics governed our choice of topics for chapters on advanced material.
Instead of covering a broad range of topics briefly, we have chosen topics that we believe to be practically important and at the cutting edge of current thinking in database systems, and we have covered them in depth
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 931 |
PDF Size | 6.46 MB |
Category | Novel |
Source/Credits | xuanhien.files.wordpress.com |
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Database Management Systems Book PDF Free Download