100+ Collective Nouns List PDF For Exam

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100+ Collective Noun List

Collective Nouns of Thing

a bale of cottona chest of drawers a packet of letters
a basket of fruita bunch of keysa collection of coins
a batch of bread a heap of rubbisha pairs of shoes
a battery of gunsa stack of wood  a comb of bananas  
a block of flatsa cloud of dusta quiver of arrows  
a bowl of ricea pack of cardsa galaxy of stars
a wad of notea string of pearlsa string of beads
a stack of haya stack of wooda shower of rain
a sheaf of corna sheaf of graina set of clubs
a reel of filman outfits of clothesa library of books 
a forest of treesa hail of bulletsa group of island

Collective Nouns of Animals

An army of antsA flight of birds a haul of fish
A bevy of quailA gaggle of geeseA hive of bees
A troop of lionA herd of cattleA kindle of kittens
A catch of fishA host of sparrowsA nest of mice
a train of camelsA litter of cubsA plagues of locusts
A could of insectA murder of crowsA school of wolves
A colony of gulls A pack of wolvesA clutter of spiders
A swarm of beesa pride of loinsA mob of emus
A team of oxenA shoal of fishA litter of puppies
A board of chickensA string of horsesA band of jays
A stud of horsesA flock of sheepA bed of eels

Collective Nouns of Persons

An army of soldiersA bevy of ladiesA patrol of policemen
A troupe of artistesA body of menA posse of policemen
A staff of employeesA gang of prisonersAn audience of listener
An army of musicians A group of dancersa band of musicians
A board of directorsA horde of savageA company of actors
A caravan of gypsiesA host of anglesA  choir of singer
A bunch of crocksA line of kingsA troop of scouts
a class of studentsA mob of riotersA tribe of natives
A crew of sailorsA pack of thievesA team of players
A crowd of peopleA panel of expertA regiment of soldiers
A dynasty of kingsA party of friendsA hack of smokers

50 Examples of collective Noun

  1. A battery of guns
  2. A pack of wolves
  3. A herd of wrens
  4. A herd of gnus
  5. A herd of seals
  6. A harvest of wheat
  7. A troop of scouts
  8. A choir of singers
  9. A pack of wolves
  10. A fleet of ships
  11. A pack of gulls
  12. A string of horses
  13. A pack of coyotes
  14. A mob of emus
  15. A bevy of ladies
  16. A herd of boar
  17. A herd of moose
  18. A series of photos
  19. A troop of scouts
  20. A hail of bullets
  21. A line of kings
  22. A gang of criminals
  23. A gang of crooks
  24. A troop of scouts
  25. A pack of rats
  26. A bowl of rice
  27. A sheaf of grain
  28. A flock of chickens
  29. A herd of swine
  30. A host of angels
  31. A shoal of pilchards
  32. A horde of savages
  33. A flock of goats
  34. A party of friends
  35. A herd of llamas
  36. An orchestra of musicians
  37. A herd of walruses
  38. A herd of wolves
  39. A herd of antelope
  40. A herd of elephants
  41. A gang of prisoners
  42. A board of directors
  43. A pack of dogs
  44. A crowd of people
  45. A group of engineers
Language English
No. of Pages6
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