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Civic Volunteer Recruitment 2023 Application Form PDF Free Download

Civic Volunteer Recruitment Application Form
Application are invited in the prescribed format from Men/Women candidates only for engagement as Civic
Volunteers under different units of Kolkata Police.
Download the Civic Volunteer Recruitment from its official Website of Kolkata Police www.kolkatapolice.gov.in, or it can be directly downloaded in PDF format using the link given below.
Civic Volunteer Eligibility Criteria
The applicant should possess the following Eligibility Criteria:
- Preferably a resident of the area under the Kolkata Police jurisdiction.
- The minimum age of the applicant should be 20 years (as of the 1st day of January 2018) and the maximum age is 60 years.
- Minimum Educational Qualification: Class VIII pass.
- Preference would be given to the applicants who have done well in sports and have experience as NCC Cadet / Boy Scouts / NSS Guide / Civil Defense Volunteers etc.
- Should not have any criminal record against him/her in any Police Station.
- Should be physically and mentally fit.
- Candidates having experience as Security guards will be given priority for the posts meant for Police Housing estates.
Selection process
- Applicants will collect the application form on all days from Traffic Training School, 8, Tarashankar Sarani, Kolkata 700 037 (Near Tala Park) and submit the application with enclosures at the same place after filling the application form properly. The proforma for the application form is attached at appendix-A.
- O.C., Traffic Training School, Kolkata will maintain a register to record all such application forms.
- The selection of Civic Volunteers for engagement will be done through an interview by a selection committee comprising Deputy Commissioner of Police (I), Traffic, Kolkata as Chairman alongwith one Assistant Commissioner of Police and one Inspector of Police both working under Deputy Commissioner of Police (I), Traffic, Kolkata as members.
- Any dispute arising during the selection process of Civic Volunteers will be decided by an appellate Board comprising the Commissioner of Police, Kolkata as the chairman and Addl. Commissioner of Police (IV), Kolkata and Jt. Commissioner of Police (AP), Kolkata as members.
- The selected volunteers will have no claim as to the employability in Kolkata Police or any other department of the Government for such engagement.
- Each volunteer will be paid honorarium at a rate prescribed by the Government on furnishing working statement certified by the O.C. of the Traffic Guards/unit-in-charge.
- Each volunteer will be assigned one ID No. at the time of induction.
- Each volunteer will have to undergo a 2 weeks’ training course Organized by Deputy Commissioner of Police, Home Guard Organization, Kolkata.
- After observing necessary selection procedure and completion of training, such Civic Volunteer will be inducted and deployed in different Traffic Guards of Kolkata Police.
Civic Volunteer Recruitment – How to Apply
Application form:- Prescribed format of the application is attached herewith. It should be printed on white A-4 size paper only.
The application form duly filled in along with the prescribed documents should be submitted personally (not by any other means) in the DROP BOX kept in the concerned Divisional/Unit office.
The envelope containing the application should be superscribed as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF CIVIC VOLUNTEER”
Concerned Reserve Officer will maintain a register to record all such application forms received for ND/SD/CD/PD ESD/SED/SSD/SWD/ED of Kolkata Police for further processing.
RO, BHQ, Kolkata will maintain a register to record all such application forms received for Kolkata Mounted Police for further processing
Documents Required
- Self-attested copy of identity proof :. (PAN Card/ Passport / Driving License / Voter Card / Bank Passbook with photograph / Aadhaar Card / e-Aadhaar Card with a photograph)
- Self-attested copy of proof of address: (Voter Card / Aadhaar Card / e-Aadhaar Card with photograph / Passport / Driving License / Bank Passbook / Electric Bill / Telephone Bill)
- One self-attested passport size photograph is to be pasted on the right top of the application form.
- Self-attested copy of document regarding proof of age (Birth Certificate /School Leaving Certificate/Admit Card showing date of birth).
- Self-attested copies of educational testimonials and extra Curricular activities.
- Self-attested copies of Experience [as mentioned in para A(7).
- All the original documents as mentioned above will be verified at the time of engagement. The candidates are required to submit one application only.
Author | – |
Language | English |
No.of Page | 2 |
PDF Size | 0.07 MB |
Category | Government |
Civic Volunteer Recruitment Application Form PDF Free Download
CVV Volunteer from Recruitment
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