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Indian Palmistry
No. 1.
Name-Mount of Jupiter.
Location.-Root of forefinger.
Interpretation.-When very fully shown denotes pride, tyranny; when deficient in size denotes idleness and vulgarity; when there are concentric circles shown by the pores of the skin, here they indicate sure success in religion, marriage and monetary matters, ambition; broken circles or elongated, slightly less powerful; entirely void, no success thereby.
No. 2.
Name.-Mount of Saturn.
Location-Root of middle finger.
Interpretation.-When fully marked denotes wis- dom, prudence; when very full, taciturnity, sadness; when concentric circles are placed here success in all Saturnian affairs; when absent or elongated the person will never make much headway with such things and persons.
No. 3–
Name.-Mount of the Sun, “Apollo.” Location-Root of ring finger. Interpretation-When prominent it gives art, genius, intelligence; when very full, denotes a greedy and untruthful disposition; when flat or small, then it causes the person to be dull; when concentric circles appear here, the person will be very powerful, have riches and honour by the state, or marry a high-born person; elongated or none, shows the person will have mean preferment, or none, as the case may be. I
No. 4
Name-Mount of Mercury.
Location-Root of little finger. Interpretation-When prominent and full, and with concentric circles thereon, it denotes science, inventiveness, wit and success in all Mercurial matters, as writings, professions, especially church and law, and journeys: when very large and with elongated circles, it denotes theft, lying, cunning; when flat or none, it shows a negative life, and un- fortunate in all above.
No. 5
Name-Girdle of Venus. Location-A curved line from root of forefinger to root of little finger.
shows a natural desire for the opposite sex; when double it denotes an intemperate and lustful life; when broken, it shows terrible loss and infamy through lusts, a filthy person.
No. 6.
Name-Via Combusta. Location-Extends through hollow of hand to mount of middle finger. Interpretation.
No. 7.
Name-Via Solis.
Location.-A curved line running from root of ring finger to the mount of the Moon. Interpretation. When straight and uniformly composed and well coloured, it promises the favour of great men and great honours; if dissected or uneven judge the contrary, or the frowns or ill favour of great people, with impediments in life or envy.
Interpretation.-When this line is clear it shows
a natural desire for the opposite sex; when double it denotes an intemperate and lustful life; when broken, it shows terrible loss and infamy through lusts, a filthy person.
No. 6.
Name.-Via Combusta.
Location. Extends through hollow of hand to
mount of middle finger.
No. 7
Name Via Solis.
Location. A curved line running from root of
ring finger to the mount of the Moon. Interpretation.-When straight and uniformly composed and well coloured, it promises the favour of great men and great honours; if dissected or uneven judge the contrary, or the frowns or ill favour of great people, with impediments in life or envy.
No. 8.
Name-Line of Fortune. Location.-A line extending from the mount ofJupiter to the mount of Mercury.Interpretation. When long and with incisures,denotes that the principal members of the body are strong, constancy; if short or crooked, the con- trary; if severed, the same; when it stops at the mount of Saturn, it shows a vain lying person; if it branches on mount of Jupiter it denotes honours; if single or without branches, it shows poverty and want.
No. 9.
Name.-Liver line. Location. A curved line running through the palm of the hand, between the line of Fortune and the Life line.
Interpretation. When straight and not dissected by obscure little lines, denotes a healthy body; if extending only to the hollow of the hand, or short, it denotes a short life, or full of disease; the longer this line, the longer may the life be; if cut at end poverty in old age.
No. 10.
Name-Line of Life.
Location. A curved line running round the root of the thumb.
Interpretation. When broad and uniform, de- notes a long and healthy life, and but few diseases; if slender, short or cut, or with little obscure lines running through, it denotes feebleness of body, sickness, short life, except line be strong.
Name-Line of Saturn.
Location-A line extending from the wrist lines
up to the middle finger. Interpretation-If it extend to the middle finger it indicates profound meditations, and if fortunate, events in counsels and actions; if short (without other testimony) misfortunes; if bent towards the mount of the Moon, in the hollow of the hand, im- prisonment.
No. 12.
Name-Line of the Head and Brain, called by some the line of Health. Location-A line running from the wrist, or lineof Saturn, and extending up to the mount of Mer-cury.
Interpretation-If this line be uniform and not intersected, it forms with the line of Life and Liverline (sometimes called the Head line) a tri- angle on the plane of Mars, if of good colour, it denotes rudence, manly wit and fair fortune; the more perfect this triangle, the better will be the person’s wit and courage; if obtuse it shows an evil nature and a rude man; no triangle shows a fool or a knave.
Author | MRS. J. B. DALE |
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 76 |
PDF Size | 4 MB |
Category | Astrology |
Source/Credits | rarebooksocietyofindia.org |
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