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UPSC EPFO Syllabus
A detailed EPFO Exam Syllabus has been given in this section. Aspirants are advised to check
the detailed UPSC EPFO Syllabus thoroughly to get an idea about the demands of the UPSC
EPFO Exam.
UPSC EPFO Syllabus for General English
- Phrase replacement
- Reading Comprehension
- Sentence completion/ para completion
- Cloze Test, Error Spotting
- Fill in the Blanks
- Para Jumbles
- Phrases/ Idioms
- Spellings
- Synonyms/Antonyms
UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Indian Freedom Struggle - Consolidation of British Empire: The Carnatic Wars, invasion of Bengal. Mysore and
its confrontation with British expansion: The three Anglo-Maratha Wars. Regulating and
Pitt’s India Acts. Early composition of the British Raj. - Indian Resistance to the British Rule: Early Uprisings, The 1857 Revolt-reasons,
character, course, and result, Indian Freedom struggle the first stage: Growth of national
consciousness; creation of Associations; Establishment of the Indian National Congress
and its Moderate stage; Swadeshi Movement; Economic Nationalism; The development
of Extremism and the split in Congress; The policy of Divide and Rule; Congress-League
Pact of 1916. - The era of Gandhiji: Civil Disobedience, the Khilafat movement, Non-Cooperation
Movement, and Quit India Movement; another strand in the National Movement Revolutionaries, Subhash Chandra Bose, and the Indian National Army.
UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Current Events & Developmental Issues - Latest Government Schemes
- Current events related to International Relations
- The latest development in Indian Polity
- Major Judgements
- Latest events related to national and international importance UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Indian Polity & Economy
Indian Polity: Indian Constitution, historical underpinnings, evolution, features, amendments,
Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, Parliament, and State Legislatures –
structure, functioning, the conduct of business, powers & privileges, and issues arising out of
these, Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the
performance of these schemes, Important aspects of governance, transparency and
accountability, e-governance- applications, models, successes, limitations, and potential; citizens
charters, transparency & accountability and institutional and other measures. Panchayati Raj,
Public Policy, Rights Issues/
Indian Economy: Economic growth and development – basic concept and definition of
economy and economics, use and transfer of resources, distributive effects, macro and
microeconomic policy, micro-macro balance, the distributive impact of economic policies, Inclusion
– definition, relevance, types, financial inclusion, and recent initiatives. Fiscal policy – definition,
component, receipts, revenue and capital account, tax revenue, expenditure, and budget.
UPSC EPFO Syllabus for General Accounting Principles Principles of Accounting, Analyzing & Recording Transactions, Adjustments & Financial Statements, Completion of the accounting cycles, Subsidiary Ledgers and Special Journals
UPSC EPFO General Accounting Principles Syllabus
Check the UPSC EPFO Syllabus for General Accounting Principles shared below:
- Accounting Concepts
- Separate Entity Concept
- Going Concern Concept
- Dual Aspect Concern
- Money Measurement Concept
- Accounting Conventions-Conservatism
- Consistency
- Realization Concept
- Cost Concept
- Matching Concept
- Accounting Period Concept
- Full Disclosure
- Materiality
UPSC EPFO General Mental Ability Syllabus
Check the UPSC EPFO Syllabus for General Mental Ability shared below:
- A sequence of figures
- Series
- Data sufficient
- Syllogism
- Seating Arrangement
- Blood Relations
- Directions
- Puzzle Test
- Statement and Conclusion
- Statement and Inferences
UPSC EPFO Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus
Check the UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Quantitative Aptitude shared below:
- Algebra
- Mixtures and Alligation
- Ratio and Proportion
- HCF and LCM
- Average
- Percentage
- Partnership
- Simple Interest & Compound Interest
UPSC EPFO General Science Syllabus
UPSC EPFO syllabus for General Science consists of basic science questions of class 10th level. Check the UPSC EPFO Syllabus for General Science shared below:
- Physics: S.I. units, Light, Wave, Motion, Sound, Electricity, Energy
- Chemistry: Chemical Properties of Substance, uses, Name of Chemical of Important substances
- Biology: Human body parts, Nutrition in Animals and Plants, Diseases, etc
UPSC EPFO Computer Syllabus
Check the UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Computer shared below:
- Development of computers
- MS Office
- Input and Output Devices
- Internet
- Memory
UPSC EPFO Indian Freedom Struggle Syllabus
Check the UPSC EPFO Syllabus for Indian Freedom Struggle shared below:
- Causes of the Rise of the Indian National Movement
- Indian National Movement-Extremist Period
- Revolutionaries in the Indian Freedom Movement
- Important Indian Freedom Fighter
- Indian Nationalism
- The Moderate Phase
- Morley-Minto Reforms
- The Rise of Gandhi in the Indian Freedom Struggle
- Non-Cooperation Movement
- Indian Independence Act 1947 Home Rule Movement
- Salt Satyagraha
- Swaraj Party
- Gandhi-Irwin Pact
- Moplah Rebellion of 1921
- Simon Commission
- First Round Table Conference 1930
- Cripps Mission
- Revolt of 1857-First War of Independence Against British
- The Lucknow Pact, 1916
- The Rowlatt Act and the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
- Partition of Bengal 1905
- Quit India Movement
- Indian National Congress Sessions
Language | English |
No. of Pages | 3 |
PDF Size | 0.06 MB |
Category | Syllabus |
Source/Credits | – |
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