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Ananga Ranga: Stage of The Bodiless
The name of the woman is Nári, which, being interpreted, means “No A’ri,” or foe; and such is Moksha, or absorption because all love it and it loves all mankind.
Padmini then means Sáyujyatá, also called Khadgini Moksha (Sword-release) the absorption of man into the Náráyan (godhead).
Who lives in the Khshirábdi, or Milksea, one of the Seven Oceans, and from whose navel sprang the Padma, or Lotus-flower.
Chiarini is Sámipyati Mokshn, like those who, having been incarnated as gods, perform manifold and wonderful works.
Shanghai is Sarúpatá-Moksha, even as the man who takes the form of Vishnu, bears upon his body the Shankha (conch-shell), the Chakra or discus, and other emblems of that god.
The Hasting is Salokatá-Moksha, for she is what residence in Vishnu’s heaven is to those of the fourth class who have attributes and properties, shape and form, hands and feet.
Her eyes are bright and. beautiful as the orbs of the fawn, well-cut, and with reddish corners.
Her bosom is hard, full, and high; her neck is goodly shaped as the conch-shell, so delicate that the saliva can be seen through it.
Her nose is straight and lovely, and three folds or wrinkles cross her middle, about the umbilical region.
Her Yoni resembles the opening lotus bud, and her Love-seed (Káma-saliva, the water of life) is perfumed like the lily which has newly burst.
She walks with a swan-like gait, and her voice is low and musical as the note of the Kokila-bird”; she delights in white raiment, in fine jewels, and in rich dresses.
She cats little, sleeps lightly, and, being respectable and religious as she is clever and courteous.
She is ever anxious to worship the gods and to enjoy the conversation of Brahmans. Such, then, is the Padmini, er Lotus-woman.
Author | Kalayana Malla |
Language | English |
Pages | 229 |
PDF Size | 18.5 MB |
Category | Literature |
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