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سورة الجمعة – Surah Al Juma Book PDF Free Download

Surah Al Juma Arabic With English Explanation
In this pdf, you get all ayah of Quran in the Arabic language with translation and explained in the English language.
Greetings to all, today we are to upload the Surah Juma in Urdu to assist you all. Sūrat al-Jumu`ah (Surah Juma) is the 62nd chapter of the Quran with 11 verses. The lesson is named al-Jumu’ah because it is the day of the assembly when the community abandons trade, transactions, and other diversions.
Definition of Surah Juma is – This stretch of light can be loosely viewed as the light of blessings and mercy of Allah. Therefore reciting the Surah Juma on Friday night one can get generous mercy and blessings. Accordingly, on Friday night, a Muslim must find time to sit down and read Surah al Kahf and become one of the blessed ones.
Surah Al-Juma’ah summarises the struggles of the Prophet in a very comprehensive way. Surah Al-Saff صلى الله عليه و سلم deals with the mission that ALLAH sent the Prophet with and what the end goal was. ALLAH will عليه و سلم complete HIS Light and this will be achieved through the
Deen HE sends with HIS final Messenger. How he will accomplish that goal is articulated in this Surah.
The name of this Surah comes from the final passage, the only passage in the Quran which refers to the Friday prayer and the ethics of the Friday prayer.
The central Ayah of this surah is the second Ayah. Everything in this surah revolves around the second ayah of this Surah.
This extra emphasis on Juma’ah at the end tells us in what the Messenger had to do and the mission he had to صلى الله عليه و سلم accomplish. Juma ah had very strategic importance.
The congregation itself plays a big role in aiding the accomplishment of the Prophet’s mission. ر This Surah is also known as one of the Musabihat.
Ayah 1
يسبح لله مافي السموات وما في الأرض الملك القدوس العزيز الحكيم
Muhsin Khan: Whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is on the earth glorifies Allah, the King (of everything), the Holy, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.
Nouman Ali Khan: Whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the Earth continues to declare the perfection of ALLAH, The Sovereign, The Inherently Pure, The Possessor of Respect and Authority [and] the Permanent Ruler, The All-Wise.
The use of the word in these particular Ayat is for the purpose of referring to that which is unknown. There are so many things in the skies and on Earth that we are aware of.
However, there are also many things that exist in these realms that we do not know about. When la is used it is talking about that which is not known.
If these things were known the word I would have been used. Lis used to suggest that there are so many things that we do not know about in the skies and on Earth. All of it, that which we are aware of and those things which are unknown to us, all are continuously declaring ALLAH’s perfection.
Ayah 2
هو الذي بعث في الأمين رسولا منهم يتلوا عليهم ءاينيه ويزكيهم ويعلمهم الكتب والحكمة وإن كانوا من قبل لفی ضللمبين )
Author | Nouman Ali khan |
Language | Arabic, English |
No. of Pages | 57 |
PDF Size | 1.2 MB |
Category | Religious |
سورة الجمعة – Surah Al Juma Book PDF Free Download