Solid Mensuration With Proofs PDF

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Solid Mensuration With Proofs Book PDF Free Download

Solid Mensuration With Proofs


When solving a problem in Solid Mensuration, draw an appropri ate figure on which all dimer are shown. Write down all formulns by means of which the unknown quantities are to be found.

Be sure that your work is arranged so that it can be followed at any time by yourself or another person. A study of the examples solved in the text will aid the student in making adequate arrangements for himself.

In many problems it is helpful to em ploy literal quantities to denote numerical values in carrying on the work. However, in completing a problem.

It is necessary finally to replace these literal quantities by the numbers they represent. Logarithms. A four-place table of logarithms is given on p. 156.

This table is unique in that it includes special tables of proportional parts together with tabular differences. The simplicity of opera tion resulting from these features permits both greater speed and greater accuracy.

Slide Rule. The use of a slide rule in connection with a course in Solid Mensuration, besides showing the power and limitations of the instrument, enlivens the course considerably.

It interests the student to find, after spending considerable time in the computa tion of a problem, that he can use his slide rule to obtain a result usually accurate to three figures in a fraction of the time.

There are many types of slice rules available. The “LL Trig Duplex Slide Rule” and the “Polyphase Trig Duplex Slide Rule” are two of the best and are especially.

Suited for use when performing computations in connection with the solution of engi neering problems. A manual of explanation accompanies each of these slide rules.

This manaal has been written for study without the aid of a teacher. The subject matter is so presented that the beginner uses two general principles while he is learning to read the scales and perform the simpler operations.

AuthorWillis F Kern
PDF Size13.0 MB


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