Fifteen Sonnets of Petrarch PDF In English

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Fifteen Sonnets of Petrarch By Francesco Petrarca Book PDF Free Download



O joyous, blossoming, ever-blessed flowers!
’Mid which my pensive queen her footstep sets;
O plain, that hold’st her words for amulets
And keep’st her footsteps in thy leafy bowers!
O trees, with earliest green of springtime hours,
And all spring’s pale and tender violets!
O grove, so dark the proud sun only lets
His blithe rays gild the outskirts of thy towers!
O pleasant country-side! O limpid stream,
That mirrorest her sweet face, her eyes so clear,
And of their living light canst catch the beam!
I envy thee her presence pure and dear.
There is no rock so senseless but I deem
It burns with passion that to mine is near.
Quando Amor i begli occhi a terra inchina
E i vaghi spirti in un sospiro accoglie
Con le sue mani, e poi in voce gli scioglie
Chiara, soave, angelica, divina;
Sento far del mio cor dolce rapina,
E sì dentro cangiar pensieri e voglie,
Ch’i’ dico: or fien di me l’ultime spoglie,
Se ’l Ciel sì onesta morte mi destina.
Ma ’l suon, che di dolcezza i sensi lega,
Col gran desir d’udendo esser beata,
L’anima, al dipartir presta, raffrena.
Così mi vivo, e così avvolge e spiega
Lo stame della vita che m’è data,
Questa sola fra noi del ciel sirena.


When Love doth those sweet eyes to earth incline,
And weaves those wandering notes into a sigh
With his own touch, and leads a minstrelsy
Clear-voiced and pure, angelic and divine,—
He makes sweet havoc in this heart of mine,
And to my thoughts brings transformation high,
So that I say, “My time has come to die,
If fate so blest a death for me design.”
But to my soul, thus steeped in joy, the sound
Brings such a wish to keep that present heaven,
It holds my spirit back to earth as well.
And thus I live: and thus is loosed and wound
The thread of life which unto me was given
By this sole Siren who with us doth dwell.


Aura che quelle chiome bionde e crespe
Circondi e movi, e se’ mossa da loro
Soavemente, e spargi quel dolce oro,
E poi ’l raccogli e ’n bei nodi ’l rincrespe;
Tu stai negli occhi ond’amorose vespe
Mi pungon sì, che ’nfin qua il sento e ploro;
E vacillando cerco il mio tesoro,
Com’animal che spesso adombre e ’ncespe:
Ch’or mel par ritrovar, ed or m’accorgo
Ch’i’ ne son lunge; or mi sollevo, or caggio:
Ch’or quel ch’i’ bramo, or quel ch’è vero, scorgo.
Aer felice, col bel vivo raggio
Rimanti. E tu, corrente e chiaro gorgo,
Ché non poss’io cangiar teco viaggio?
Sweet air, that circlest round those radiant tresses,
And floatest, mingled with them, fold on fold,
Deliciously, and scatterest that fine gold,
Then twinest it again, my heart’s dear jesses;
Thou lingerest on those eyes, whose beauty presses
Stings in my heart that all its life exhaust,
Till I go wandering round my treasure lost,
Like some scared creature whom the night distresses.
I seem to find her now, and now perceive
How far away she is; now rise, now fall;
Now what I wish, now what is true, believe.
O happy air! since joys enrich thee all,
Rest thee; and thou, O stream too bright to grieve!
Why can I not float with thee at thy call?


Qual donna attende a gloriosa fama
Di senno, di valor, di cortesia,
Miri fiso negli occhi a quella mia
Nemica, che mia donna il mondo chiama.
Come s’acquista onor, come Dio s’ama,
Com’è giunta onestà con leggiadria,
Ivi s’impara, e qual è dritta via
Di gir al Ciel, che lei aspetta e brama.
Ivi ’l parlar che nullo stile agguaglia,
E ’l bel tacere, e quei santi costumi
Ch’ingegno uman non può spiegar in carte.
L’infinita bellezza, ch’altrui abbaglia,
Non vi s’impara; ché quei dolci lumi
S’acquistan per ventura e non per arte.
AuthorFrancesco Petrarca
Language English
No. of Pages62
PDF Size2.8 MB

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