Anand Lab Tests Price List 2024 PDF

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Anand Lab Tests Price List

Anand Diagnostic Laboratory strives for excellence in patient care with its highly efficient and accuracy-oriented processes. Lab advanced state-of-the-art technology helps the patients in achieving a detailed and progressive inference.

Anand Laboratory Tests Rate List 2024

Diagnostic Test NamePrice (₹)
ACTH (Adreno Corticotropic Hormone) TestRs. 1200
AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) TestRs. 220
AFB (Acid Fast Bacilli) Culture TestRs. 240
AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) TestRs. 840
Alberts StainRs. 200
Albumin TestRs. 180 (Serum)
Aldolase TestRs. 690
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) TestRs. 180
Ammonia TestRs. 900 (Plasma)
Amylase TestRs. 530
Amylase TestRs. 960 (with lipase)
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) TestRs. 4620 (Blot)
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) TestRs. 960
ANA (Antinuclear Antibody) TestRs. 800 (IgG)
ANC ProfileRs. 1800
ANCA ProfileRs. 1250
Ante-Natal CheckupRs. 2610
Anti-CCP (ACCP) TestRs. 2400
Antithyroid Microsomal Antibody (AMA) TestRs. 1800
APTT (Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time) TestRs. 590
Arthritis CheckupRs. 4840
Ascitic Fluid TestRs. 400 (ADA)
ASO TestRs. 590
Basic Health Check UpRs. 1200 (Basic
Basic Health Check-UpRs. 2700 (General Health Checkup
Beta HCG TestRs. 930
Beta HCG TestRs. 1100 (Free)
Beta Thalassemia TestRs. 1200
Bicarbonate TestRs. 330
Bilirubin TestRs. 110 (T+D)
Bilirubin TestRs. 140
Bleeding / Clotting Time TestRs. 200
Blood Culture TestRs. 880 (Aerobic)
Blood Culture TestRs. 1060
Blood Group TestRs. 220 (Rh Typing)
Blood Sugar TestRs. 120
Blood Urea Nitrogen TestRs. 130
Bone Density Test / Dexa ScanRs. 4200 (Whole Abdomen)
CA 19.9 TestRs. 1620
CA-125 (Tumor Marker) TestRs. 1200
Calcium TestRs. 110 (Total Blood / Urine)
Calcium TestRs. 110 (Ionized)
Calcium TestRs. 220 (Total + Ionized)
CBC / Hemogram TestRs. 440 (Smear + ESR)
CD4 TestRs. 660
CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen) TestRs. 1140
Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) TestRs. 580
Child Health CheckupRs. 850 (Paediatric Health Check
Chlamydia TestRs. 800
Chloride TestRs. 170
Cholesterol TestRs. 180 (Total)
CK-MB TestRs. 450
Color DopplerRs. 2500 (Lower Limbs)
Complement C3Rs. 780
Complement C4Rs. 780
Coombs TestRs. 530 (Direct / Indirect)
Cortisol TestRs. 880 (Moring / Evening / Random)
CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) TestRs. 450
Creatinine Clearance TestRs. 400 (24 Hrs Urine)
Creatinine TestRs. 140 (Serum)
Creatinine TestRs. 240 (Urine 12 Hrs)
CRP (C-Reactive Protein) TestRs. 390
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) TestRs. 600 (IgG / IgM)
D Dimer TestRs. 1440
Dengue IgG TestRs. 750 (with IgM)
Dengue IgM TestRs. 440
DHEA TestRs. 900 (Sulphate)
DHEA TestRs. 1080
Diabetes CheckupRs. 2650 (Complete Diabetic Profile
Double Marker TestRs. 2800
ECGRs. 240
Electrolytes TestRs. 430 (Serum)
Electrolytes TestRs. 350 (Total)
ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) TestRs. 130
Estradiol (E2) TestRs. 600
Executive Health CheckupRs. 4800 ((Male)
Ferritin TestRs. 880
FNAC TestRs. 1020
Folic Acid TestRs. 1000 (Serum)
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) TestRs. 540
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) TestRs. 1000 (with LH & Prolactin)
G6PD TestRs. 900 (Quantitative)
G6PD TestRs. 1080
Gamma GT (GGTP) TestRs. 240
Globulin TestRs. 120
Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)Rs. 400
HbA1C TestRs. 720
HBsAg TestRs. 470
HCV Antibody TestRs. 1080
HDL CholesterolRs. 220 (Direct / Estimated)
Heart CheckupRs. 4200 (Complete Cardiac Profile
Helicobacter Pylori TestRs. 970 (IgG / IgA)
Hemoglobin (Hb) TestRs. 150
Hemoglobin ElectrophoresisRs. 1200
HGH TestRs. 780
HIV TestRs. 825 (Antibody Screening)
HIV TestRs. 2750 (Antibodies Western Blot)
HIV TestRs. 3500 (Viral Load)
HIV TestRs. 990
Homocysteine TestRs. 1450
Insulin TestRs. 900 (F / PP)
Iron TestRs. 400 (TIBC)
Iron TestRs. 1200
Kidney / Renal Function TestRs. 840
Kidney ProfileRs. 1400
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase) TestRs. 420
LDL CholesterolRs. 220 (Estimated)
LH (Luteinizing Hormone) TestRs. 590
Lipase TestRs. 590
Lipid ProfileRs. 900
Lipoprotein A / LP(a) TestRs. 400 (Cholesterol)
Lithium TestRs. 390
Liver Function Test (LFT)Rs. 900
Lupus Anticoagulant (LAC) TestRs. 3960
Magnesium TestRs. 420
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) TestRs. 220 (QBC Method)
Malaria (Malarial Parasite) TestRs. 170 (Smear Method )
MammographyRs. 1000
Microalbumin TestRs. 540
NT ScanRs. 1900
PAP SmearRs. 1080
PCV (Packed Cell Volume) TestRs. 150
Phosphorus TestRs. 240
Phosphorus TestRs. 150 (Serum)
Platelet CountRs. 160
Pleural Fluid AnalysisRs. 330
Potassium TestRs. 170
Pregnancy TestRs. 120
Pregnancy TestRs. 270 (Urine)
Progesterone TestRs. 1240 (17-Hydroxy Progesterone)
Progesterone TestRs. 930 (Serum)
Prolactin TestRs. 540
Protein TestRs. 240 (12 Hrs Urine)
Protein/Creatinine RatioRs. 450 (Urine)
PT (Prothrombin Time) TestRs. 470
Renal ProfileRs. 840
Reticulocyte Count TestRs. 540
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor TestRs. 540
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor TestRs. 620 (Serum)
Rubella TestRs. 580 (Avidity, IgG)
Semen Analysis TestRs. 400
Senior Citizen Health CheckupRs. 4500
Sex Hormone TestRs. 540 (BG)
SGOT TestRs. 110 (AST)
SGPT TestRs. 110 (ALT)
Sickling TestRs. 260
Sodium TestRs. 170
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG)Rs. 1600 (Whole abdomen)
Sonography (Ultrasound / USG)Rs. 1900 (Pregnancy Anamoly)
Sputum CultureRs. 850
Sputum Routine TestRs. 220
Stool CultureRs. 1060
Stool RoutineRs. 150
Synovial Fluid AnalysisRs. 400
T3 (Triiodothyronine) TestRs. 360
T3 (Triiodothyronine) TestRs. 400 (Free)
T4 (Thyroxine) TestRs. 360
T4 (Thyroxine) TestRs. 400 (Free)
Testosterone TestRs. 1550 (Total and Free)
Thyroglobulin TestRs. 1200 (Levels)
Thyroglobulin TestRs. 900 (Antibody)
Thyroid TestRs. 500
TORCH TestRs. 2880 (IgG)
TORCH TestRs. 3600 (IgM)
Total Protein TestRs. 420 (24 Hrs Urine)
Toxoplasma TestRs. 1700 (Antibody Panel IgG and IgM)
Triglycerides TestRs. 180
Troponin-I TestRs. 1300
TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) TestRs. 300
Urea TestRs. 200
Uric Acid TestRs. 230 (Serum)
Uric Acid TestRs. 180 (Blood / Urine)
Urine CultureRs. 880
Urine RoutineRs. 120
VDRL TestRs. 720
VDRL TestRs. 360 (Serum)
Vitamin B12 TestRs. 1390
Vitamin D TestRs. 1800
VLDL TestRs. 150
Wellness PackageRs. 1850 (Well Women Health Checkup)
Widal TestRs. 610
X-RayRs. 340 (Chest)
AuthorAnand Lab
Language English
No. of Pages24
PDF Size96.2 MB
CategoryProduct Price List

Anand Lab Tests Price List PDF Free Download

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